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Author Topic: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread  (Read 1641627 times)
Asinine Airhead

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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #1225 on: 2013 July 10, 00:15:03 »

Erm, you could try the updated test Awesomemod? 6 July mine is timestamped. I have been running with setConfig smarterVehicleChooser true and I have no sound issues, nor have I seen a boat on the road.

Awesome. This fixed all my issues as well.

Thanks Pescado for fixing this in such a timely manner, I couldn't play the game with that awful problem.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #1226 on: 2013 July 10, 08:04:18 »

Erm, you could try the updated test Awesomemod? 6 July mine is timestamped. I have been running with setConfig smarterVehicleChooser true and I have no sound issues, nor have I seen a boat on the road.

Awesome. This fixed all my issues as well.

Thanks Pescado for fixing this in such a timely manner, I couldn't play the game with that awful problem.

I second that!  I played for several hours, however, I did have to "reset town" three times during those hours.  I'm OK with that though, at least we can play now.  Thank you Pescado and Twallen!
Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #1227 on: 2013 July 11, 16:46:15 »

Re: mass deletion of homeless Sims in University world.
I think I have figured out what may be happening here: I always play with Story Progression off and all supernaturals, celebrities and whatnot disabled in the Advanced Demographics Options. When I had these enabled but Story Progression still off, meaning the boxes were ticked but greyed out, a large portion of the residents in the Uni world were already transformed into supernaturals when my Sim arrived. So, it is possible that AwesomeMod deletes those homeless Sims that the game tries to convert into supernaturals during transition. This would go well with my observation that no matter how often I tried to travel to the Uni world there was always one constant: regardless of how many homeless were left after the purge, the two PlantSims that are supposed to live in the homeless bin were always missing.
This is a bit stupid if it's true. Can this possibly be fixed such that it rather prevents conversion of humans into supernaturals according to the Advanced Demographics Options, leaves the pre-existing, i.e. PlantSim supernaturals intact and does not simply remove them all from the game?
Asinine Airhead

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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #1228 on: 2013 July 12, 00:29:14 »

Erm, you could try the updated test Awesomemod? 6 July mine is timestamped. I have been running with setConfig smarterVehicleChooser true and I have no sound issues, nor have I seen a boat on the road.

Awesome. This fixed all my issues as well.

Thanks Pescado for fixing this in such a timely manner, I couldn't play the game with that awful problem.

I second that!  I played for several hours, however, I did have to "reset town" three times during those hours.  I'm OK with that though, at least we can play now.  Thank you Pescado and Twallen!
And I can give it a third! After doing that though, my sims no longer use their preferred vehicles, but with the sound issue gone I can play the game again with at least a semblance of normalcy. Thanks all.
J. M. Pescado
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #1229 on: 2013 July 12, 01:12:46 »

This is a bit stupid if it's true. Can this possibly be fixed such that it rather prevents conversion of humans into supernaturals according to the Advanced Demographics Options, leaves the pre-existing, i.e. PlantSim supernaturals intact and does not simply remove them all from the game?
AwesomeMod does not attempt to delete any Supernaturals regardless of your settings. In fact, AwesomeMod does not interact with those settings at all and neither attempts to add nor remove any Supernaturals. The cause of the disappearing sims is under investigation.

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Blathering Buffoon
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #1230 on: 2013 July 14, 00:35:43 »

with awesomemod only in my game, all other mods removed, I am unable to build/buy on docks and houseboats. The option is greyed out.  I have awesomemod with the date stamp July 6.

ETA: I did disable the build/buy on any lot in config , as suggested in a previous post, and that did fix the problem.
« Last Edit: 2013 July 14, 01:11:35 by littleblackdog » Logged

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Lipless Loser
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #1231 on: 2013 July 18, 15:42:26 »

I haven't seen a report on this: "fixall" deletes the Skimtron speedboard (the one costing §22,000), no matter if it's in the inventory or on a boat trailer.

"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado

Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #1232 on: 2013 July 18, 17:58:38 »

SC doesn't care about mermaid hydration motive.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #1233 on: 2013 July 19, 15:25:12 »

SC doesn't care about mermaid hydration motive.
I haven't had the opportunity to examine this yet. What does it do?

I haven't seen a report on this: "fixall" deletes the Skimtron speedboard (the one costing §22,000), no matter if it's in the inventory or on a boat trailer.
Should be fixed now.

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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #1234 on: 2013 July 19, 15:30:16 »

SC doesn't care about mermaid hydration motive.
I haven't had the opportunity to examine this yet. What does it do?

It's essentially the hygiene motive. Merfolk must regularly be in water to fill it up, when it's fully depleted they die.

Cupcakes Taste Like Violence,KT_StoreFix

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Lipless Loser
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #1235 on: 2013 July 19, 18:00:14 »

I haven't seen a report on this: "fixall" deletes the Skimtron speedboard (the one costing §22,000), no matter if it's in the inventory or on a boat trailer.
Should be fixed now.

Yes, fixed.

"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado

Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #1236 on: 2013 July 19, 22:03:02 »

SC doesn't care about mermaid hydration motive.
I haven't had the opportunity to examine this yet. What does it do?

It's essentially the hygiene motive. Merfolk must regularly be in water to fill it up, when it's fully depleted they die.

I've also noticed that baths seem to fill it up faster than showers.  Also standing in the rain or swimming does it, too.  It's really more of an annoyance than a feature as it decays too fast.  The only way it wouldn't be a pain is if we could build houses underwater...or at least let them sleep in water...but I digress...

Oh, and the Dirt Defiant trait supposedly doesn't affect hydration, but mermaids can still take it...I haven't personally tested this, but I saw complaints elsewhere about it...I certainly wouldn't cry if you added it to the list of motiveperkrebalance changes.

Mermaids apparently still have a hygiene motive, it's just hidden and (mostly) static.

Mermaid's also have a slightly different hunger system.  Normal foods don't fill them up as much (although there's mods for that) and seafood and kelp is supposed to work normal for them.  Not really sure if SC needs to be adjusted for that or not.
« Last Edit: 2013 July 19, 22:09:08 by EsotericPolarBear » Logged
Retarded Reprobate
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #1237 on: 2013 July 21, 04:32:39 »

I would have thought that baths, showers, rain and swimming would constitute as "being in water."

Cupcakes Taste Like Violence,KT_StoreFix

It's like a bowl of oranges, only one orange, is an orange of DOOM!
Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #1238 on: 2013 July 22, 22:51:05 »

When brevity is the soul of wit, elaboration makes me a dullard...
Grammar Police
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #1239 on: 2013 July 23, 13:32:56 »

When brevity is the soul of wit, elaboration makes me a dullard...

That, and using full stops and ellipses interchangeably.

<soozelwoozel>  Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Feckless Fool
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #1240 on: 2013 July 24, 05:55:59 »

Tested this with AwesomeMod, without AwesomeMod, with ONLY AwesomeMod, but I am still experiencing a bug where my sim will reset whenever I go to Check Real estate using the phone or computer. Without AM installed it works perfectly fine, with AM installed my sim will reset, with NO MODS, except AM, it resets, with all my mods but no AM, it works fine. I have no idea why this is doing it.

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Lipless Loser
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Plumber Zombie

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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #1241 on: 2013 July 24, 15:39:07 »

Tested this with AwesomeMod, without AwesomeMod, with ONLY AwesomeMod, but I am still experiencing a bug where my sim will reset whenever I go to Check Real estate using the phone or computer. Without AM installed it works perfectly fine, with AM installed my sim will reset, with NO MODS, except AM, it resets, with all my mods but no AM, it works fine. I have no idea why this is doing it.
Are you sure you have the latest AM? I can check real estate on the phone and computer without problems. Selling and renaming lots works fine, too. 

"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado

Asinine Airhead

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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #1242 on: 2013 July 24, 20:04:28 »

When I use the "addtrait" cheat on my teenager sim, I get a message saying "Boo! [simname] already has 4 out of 4 traits allowed." and it fails to add a 5th trait. I thought it could be something wrong with my tunning so I decided to try on my cat, wrote down "addtrait Hunter" and the trait was successfully added. When I tried to add a trait to my sim again, it displayed the same message. Any idea why the <addtrait> suddenly decided to work on pets only?
Pinheaded Pissant
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #1243 on: 2013 July 24, 22:14:25 »

When I use the "addtrait" cheat on my teenager sim, I get a message saying "Boo! [simname] already has 4 out of 4 traits allowed." and it fails to add a 5th trait. I thought it could be something wrong with my tunning so I decided to try on my cat, wrote down "addtrait Hunter" and the trait was successfully added. When I tried to add a trait to my sim again, it displayed the same message. Any idea why the <addtrait> suddenly decided to work on pets only?

Did you by chance disable the trait cap before trying to add another trait?
« Last Edit: 2013 July 25, 01:28:09 by wizard_merlin » Logged

I am not a complete idiot, some of the parts are missing.
Feckless Fool
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #1244 on: 2013 July 24, 23:28:53 »

Tested this with AwesomeMod, without AwesomeMod, with ONLY AwesomeMod, but I am still experiencing a bug where my sim will reset whenever I go to Check Real estate using the phone or computer. Without AM installed it works perfectly fine, with AM installed my sim will reset, with NO MODS, except AM, it resets, with all my mods but no AM, it works fine. I have no idea why this is doing it.
Are you sure you have the latest AM? I can check real estate on the phone and computer without problems. Selling and renaming lots works fine, too. 

Yes I am 100% sure, I went and downloaded it yesterday again thinking maybe it's because I didn't update it, the one I have was updated last on the 19th (at least according to the file date change), and I got that via downloading it through the main page (I've forgotten the URL I used to use to download it straight from the ftp page). I have exhausted all options, as I said I removed EVERY addon except awesomemod, and with AM installed it resets the sim, but without it, I don't get a reset. This occurs in the IP neighbourhood, could it have something to do with that? I'll test it out in another neighbourhood an d see if it happens there.

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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #1245 on: 2013 July 25, 01:09:23 »

Rubyelf, did you try doing a general resetsim* with just AM installed, and then a check to see if the problem persisted? If memory serves, removing AM causes the 'hood to reset when you load it, so that could be what is fixing the problem when you remove AM.

When I use the "addtrait" cheat on my teenager sim, I get a message saying "Boo! [simname] already has 4 out of 4 traits allowed." and it fails to add a 5th trait. I thought it could be something wrong with my tunning so I decided to try on my cat, wrote down "addtrait Hunter" and the trait was successfully added. When I tried to add a trait to my sim again, it displayed the same message. Any idea why the <addtrait> suddenly decided to work on pets only?

I am going to assume that you have disabled the trait cap before posting, because I am hoping, since you posted in the right place, that you are not completely stupid. With that said, have you tested on an adult to verify that it does not work on any sims?
« Last Edit: 2013 July 25, 01:18:28 by Starler » Logged

Keeping this here for when Titlights forgets that it doesn't have anything better to do than hang out at MATY.
Feckless Fool
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #1246 on: 2013 July 25, 03:36:26 »

Rubyelf, did you try doing a general resetsim* with just AM installed, and then a check to see if the problem persisted? If memory serves, removing AM causes the 'hood to reset when you load it, so that could be what is fixing the problem when you remove AM.

Just tried it, didn't make a difference. It's only when I use the phone and laptop, I can buy real estate still, I just can't use check real estate.

High Distinctions for Forensic Analytical Science? CHECK! Honours? CHECK! Scholarship for PHD after completing my Majors? CHECK!
Asinine Airhead

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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #1247 on: 2013 July 25, 06:43:23 »

When I use the "addtrait" cheat on my teenager sim, I get a message saying "Boo! [simname] already has 4 out of 4 traits allowed." and it fails to add a 5th trait. I thought it could be something wrong with my tunning so I decided to try on my cat, wrote down "addtrait Hunter" and the trait was successfully added. When I tried to add a trait to my sim again, it displayed the same message. Any idea why the <addtrait> suddenly decided to work on pets only?

Did you by chance disable the trait cap before trying to add another trait?

Yes, I checked and the tunning is fine. Also, it works for pets, just not humans, that's what makes it weird.
Mushroom Girl
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #1248 on: 2013 July 25, 07:59:59 »

I've always had to wait until they hit YA to add the traits.  I can add to YA/A/E fine but not to children and teens.

Feckless Fool
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #1249 on: 2013 July 25, 17:01:46 »

When I use the "addtrait" cheat on my teenager sim, I get a message saying "Boo! [simname] already has 4 out of 4 traits allowed." and it fails to add a 5th trait. I thought it could be something wrong with my tunning so I decided to try on my cat, wrote down "addtrait Hunter" and the trait was successfully added. When I tried to add a trait to my sim again, it displayed the same message. Any idea why the <addtrait> suddenly decided to work on pets only?

Did you by chance disable the trait cap before trying to add another trait?

Yes, I checked and the tunning is fine. Also, it works for pets, just not humans, that's what makes it weird.

Did you try it on an adult sim rather than a teen?

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