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Author Topic: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread  (Read 1641719 times)
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #325 on: 2011 December 09, 00:50:39 »

There's no reason why that trait is special, so it probably has some kind of weird name that doesn't match its displayed name. Try pulling up a "traitinfo" dump on it and see what it says, and try the labels there.

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Asinine Airhead

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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #326 on: 2011 December 09, 12:40:19 »

I'm working on making over a world I downloaded so I'm changing some sims' traits. I've been using addtrait and droptrait to change them, but I've noticed one trait that this doesn't work on, which is Star Quality. It acts like there's no trait by that name so I can't remove it from sims that have it or add it to anyone.

The trait in question is Xfactor. I had the same problem when trying to add or remove the said trait.

From the traits.xml in gameplaydata.package,


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Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #327 on: 2011 December 09, 15:24:25 »

This is the first time I have ever gotten an error, I used the "fixall" command and got this:

  <Error>System.NullReferenceException: A null value was found where an object instance was required.
#0: 0x0005d callvirt   in Awesome.Awesome.BatBox:FixWants (bool) ([1] )
#1: 0x00026 call       in Awesome.Console.Awesome.Console.Debug:OnFixAll (object[]) ([21FEA860] )
#2: 0x00000            in Sims3.SimIFace.Sims3.SimIFace.CommandHandler:Invoke (object[]) (22EC0A50 [21FEA860] )

Blathering Buffoon
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #328 on: 2011 December 09, 15:57:32 »

This is the first time I have ever gotten an error, I used the "fixall" command and got this:

  <Error>System.NullReferenceException: A null value was found where an object instance was required.
#0: 0x0005d callvirt   in Awesome.Awesome.BatBox:FixWants (bool) ([1] )
#1: 0x00026 call       in Awesome.Console.Awesome.Console.Debug:OnFixAll (object[]) ([21FEA860] )
#2: 0x00000            in Sims3.SimIFace.Sims3.SimIFace.CommandHandler:Invoke (object[]) (22EC0A50 [21FEA860] )

I received a similar error, though with different values.

System.NullReferenceException: A null value was found where an object instance was required.
#0: 0x0005d callvirt   in Awesome.Awesome.BatBox:FixWants (bool) ([1] )
#1: 0x00026 call       in Awesome.Console.Awesome.Console.Debug:OnFixAll (object[]) ([0510FD20] )
#2: 0x00000            in Sims3.SimIFace.Sims3.SimIFace.CommandHandler:Invoke (object[]) (2F662BE0 [0510FD20] )

It doesn't come up in a brand new save whether or not I have all my custom crap installed.  Presumably I broke something within an hour of playing a new game, but I'm not sure what I did that would cause it.
J. M. Pescado
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #329 on: 2011 December 09, 16:05:43 »

Should be fixed now.

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Asinine Airhead

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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #330 on: 2011 December 10, 18:59:47 »

The final decision to use a car or not as part of routing is still determined by some EAxian code. Does this failure to use a car and instead run across the entire neighborhood occur when the sims doing so are the active household, or only when they are not? Does everyone have their own car? If sims are sharing a car, it is possible that one sim hogs the car and forgets to return it, thus resulting in sims being deprived of the car.
I choose not to use driveways in my homes because the sims will park their cars and leave them there when they go to work or whatever, so the ones who have cars have them in their inventory.  The sims I was referring to are all in the active family, though I have seen inactive sims make the '8 hour trek' you spoke of in your other post.  I do not blame SC or anything Awesome and was quite sure it was either something I did wrong or something EAxis thought a feature.  I was just wondering, mostly, if it was an isolated issue, a problem specific to Appaloosa Plains, or something that might have 'broke' when the RHoG was having problems.  I do not mind watching my Vampires take off running, it still makes me happy, even if I have to babysit my pregos a little more.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #331 on: 2011 December 12, 16:58:03 »

I had a strange problem.  I don't know if it was caused by Awesome mod or a combination of Awesome mod and something else.  That something else most likely would be one of Twallan's mods, since I have them all installed.

My family consists of a second generation sim and her Invisible Friend who was turned into a visible friend using a potion.  They have two cats.  They also have twin daughters.  The daughters aged up from toddlers to children.  However, the next day, the kids were not going off to school.  I clicked on the button to send them to school and got a message there were no schools in town.  I was using a pretty straight Apaloosa Springs.  The only changes to the town were my McDonald's restaurant (a rabbithole), and a house I built for another family.

When I removed Awesomemod, the problem went away, and the kids went to school.  Since it solved the problem, I did not experiment further.
J. M. Pescado
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #332 on: 2011 December 13, 03:41:31 »

If No Automatic Enrollment is enabled, then kids will not be automatically entered into a school and you must do so manually. However, this is not turned on by default. Did you turn this option on? If you turned the option on, then it's doing what it was supposed to. You must manually enroll your kids in a school by clicking on a school.

If you didn't turn this option on (check it in showconfig), then something has malfunctioned or your neighborhood has devolved into some kind of odd corner case, as leaving this option off results in EAxis default behavior (kids automatically get drafted into a school), except that the game will strongly favor choosing "like" schools rather than simply "closest rabbithole". This feature allows you to create gender-specific schools, as well as separate 6 and 12schools.

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The Biter
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #333 on: 2011 December 13, 11:31:28 »

Is the inability to cancel school from a sim's queue a feature because it's only come up for me since I installed the new awesome?

I'd really like to be able to fulfill a sim's want to skip school without having to reset them in order to do it.

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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #334 on: 2011 December 13, 20:10:25 »

Is the inability to cancel school from a sim's queue a feature because it's only come up for me since I installed the new awesome?

I'd really like to be able to fulfill a sim's want to skip school without having to reset them in order to do it.

I first noticed this upon installation of the Pets EP, so assumed since it was stupid, it was caused by EA coding.  Have also had repeated instances where I have sent teens to school early (at 7 a.m.) via their own vehicle only to have them run (as in on foot) all the way back home and get on the bus.  Also am unable to send children of any age to school via teleporter. The only method of getting to school, seems to be via the bus and it seems to be 'set in concrete'.

Edited to fix typo.

Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #335 on: 2011 December 14, 03:30:17 »

There are many mods that allow you to cancel the schoolbus and any other carpool.

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The Biter
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #336 on: 2011 December 14, 07:51:38 »

AFAIK, there are many mods that stop the carpool & buses from coming in the first place, none that alter the non-clickability of the queued 'get on bus' that can only be unqueued by resetting the sim in question.

Which begs the question - why the hell have that freaking want if you can't fulfil it unless you go into cheat mode to do so?

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Pinheaded Pissant
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #337 on: 2011 December 14, 08:02:06 »

I have had sims skip school, can't remember for sure what I did, but it was by accident.  if I remember, I had them doing something like painting, writing, etc. that doesn't cancel when the school bus arrives, Either the go to school option dropped when the bus left or when I cancelled the action they were doing, can't remember which as it has been a while and I never paid that much attention.  Of course the sim then got grounded for skipping school.

Something to experiment with, might not be an ideal option, but worth a try,

I am not a complete idiot, some of the parts are missing.
J. M. Pescado
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #338 on: 2011 December 14, 12:11:34 »

There has been no change that would suddenly make the school bus uncancellable, since it is indistinguishable from any other work-carpool-vehicle. I am not sure why you are unable to cancel it.

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Blathering Buffoon
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #339 on: 2011 December 14, 15:01:35 »

The game closes several seconds after a save loads. I removed all my other mods except AM and it still crashes (using the most recent version of course). Removing AM fixes the problem. My game was saved at 3:30 AM so I'm not sure if it's another of those time-set crashes...
J. M. Pescado
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #340 on: 2011 December 14, 23:10:22 »

Define "closes several seconds after the game loads". As in, it just crashes while sitting there paused? I have noticed that for no particularly explicable or reproducible reason, sometimes the game will become unhappy if you leave it paused too long after loading, immediately crashing when you unpause, but this is not apparently specifically AwesomeMod-related, nor does it persist if you retry. It is also possible that the game was saved in a manner which will fatally die, and the process of removing AwesomeMod triggers a reset that prevents in, in which case typing "resetworld" into the game before unpausing will also prevent the mysterious crash. Saving can sometimes destabilize a game if you save at precisely the wrong moment.

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Tasty Tourist

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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #341 on: 2011 December 14, 23:25:56 »

One of my famblies just returned from China. Now whenever I try switching back to them I get a FSE. I can still play as them, but the bottom screen consoles remain stuck on the last sim I played before switching. After updating awesomemod just to be safe, I tried backing up from the previous save (in China) and coming home again... same problem occurs. Is there any hope, or am I going to have to put these characters out of their misery?

I have some custom content, but other than AM the only mod I have installed is nointro.package (which is obviously innocuous).
J. M. Pescado
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #342 on: 2011 December 14, 23:46:15 »

It looks like the affected sims have broken quests. Before sending them home, try doing "resetquests" for each of the selectable sims.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #343 on: 2011 December 15, 00:52:19 »

I tried resetworlds, but it didn't solve the crash. Whether I speed the game up or let it flow naturally, the crash still happens within 3:00 and 5:00 AM. I guess the autosave saved my game while it was unpaused.

EDIT: Before I saved the game, my child Sim's Cosmo doll came to life and walked annoyingly around the house, eventually forming back into its doll form. At 4:02 AM the save crashes. I wonder if deleting the doll will stop the crashing...

Here's my save data if you need it for analyzing:
« Last Edit: 2011 December 15, 02:43:40 by PrinJess » Logged
Bran Muffin
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #344 on: 2011 December 15, 03:49:23 »

To the 3 o'clock crashers: Are you using Awesomemod's story driver?

This may no longer be the case, but I remember that when I was using Awesomemod with the story driver disabled I would eventually run into a 3 o'clock crash. It had something to do with EAxis's story driver firing. When I enabled Awesomemod's story driver it fixed the problem.

EDIT: I could have sworn someone else posted about a 3 o'clock crash error, but it seems that post has vanished. 3 posts and I'm already losing my mind.
« Last Edit: 2011 December 15, 04:13:13 by Bran Muffin » Logged
Madame Mim
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #345 on: 2011 December 15, 08:15:02 »

OK, I have a wierd one to report. I patched. I updated my Awesome Mod and the game is now asking me if I really want to play with a 3rd party mod installed. If I 'continue' the game crashes (ie doesn't progress past the next black screen and W7 gives me a 'searching for solution' message)

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Blathering Buffoon
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #346 on: 2011 December 15, 10:45:00 »

I only have AM's story driver disabled because I'm using Twallan's StoryProgression. I don't know how a recent mod update would break this, as it worked perfectly fine before.
J. M. Pescado
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #347 on: 2011 December 15, 10:48:39 »

OK, I have a wierd one to report. I patched. I updated my Awesome Mod and the game is now asking me if I really want to play with a 3rd party mod installed. If I 'continue' the game crashes (ie doesn't progress past the next black screen and W7 gives me a 'searching for solution' message)
Check to make sure you don't have a duplicate or cached version.

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Madame Mim
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #348 on: 2011 December 15, 11:40:49 »

Check to make sure you don't have a duplicate or cached version.
Definately no duplicate. I thought I'd got all the caches, but I'll try that again.

It's not the Awesome. It's something 3rd party logged in my caches. Removing all CC other than Awesome and clearing anything resembling a cache worked 2nd try - first time I got the crashing again. I'll figure out what it is exactly this weekend.
« Last Edit: 2011 December 15, 12:06:32 by Madame Mim » Logged

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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
« Reply #349 on: 2011 December 15, 11:46:24 »

I use the automatic AM updater, so far it has worked perfectly. I am also getting that error message now.

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