Hm...Well, what I allways say to customers is, "If you are happy with <type>, stick with <type>"
Personaly, I found that the listed glitches occuring with ATI (radeon) cards were usualy more than with the Nvidia (in the sims2 read me's)
I have mostly stuck to Nvidia myself, and find that most of those gamer types (the hardcore FPS crowd) tend to get the most their overworked creditcards can pay for *chuckles*
My Sims3 PC is my old World of Warcraft PC, moved downstairs so it is offline. It has a 512 meg Nvidia 7300 in it, and up until I did a DumbThing it ran on high graphics and had little lag.Now, it wont play on my clean installed simsHDD (has sims1 through 3, wil play sims1 happily but just will NOT let me play sims2 at all and now crashes sims3 after installing sims3pack stuff.) And my patched Sims3 that worked fine, has the blue lots of death..i fear i am going to have to uninstall both versions....
However, this is not the Vidcard's fault. it is mine. Human Error strikes again...Well..Sort of...
These days, my boss sells whatever card the customer is willing to pay for, which is usually, as cheap as can possably be bought. Becasue the average customer is too busy on Facebook (use your 360
) or making copies of movies to need a good card.
Gamers, on the other hand, are very willing to spend, provided they are getting a decent card. We just dont get enough *serious* gamers now...*sigh*
So..My advice is general....Get a 512meg or above card...If possable, get a 1gig memory card, to give you some breathing space for expansions. If you are comfortable with ATI, buy one of their cards. above is a link to the one my boss sells (i will remove link if this is unacceptable to site)
You can probably get it cheaper from an online store, but it will at least, let you see what the card looks like.
(You did say you are in the UK, Sivany. This one is in pounds not dollars, so should give you a rough estimate as to the price in your area)