I thought I would upload the lots for Hatchet Falls separately for anyone who wants them but isn't interested in the entire neighborhood. A number of these lots have been tweaked and updated with fixes and changes, so if you have Hatchet Falls I would recommend you download these as well. My apologies for the large image size; my game runs in a large resolution and I can't be bothered to futz around with the pictures for an hour after spending so much time on the actual neighborhood.
THESE LOTS NEED RIVERVIEW TO WORK -- Please see the hatchet falls thread for download requirements
The Church of the Golden Gnome:
Updated to function as a library so that there's a point to the lot. If you don't want your sims learning things in a church or going there to study, just delete the bookcases. The lot also has a picnic/buffet and a fishing spot with angelfish and deathfish.

http://ellatorture.moreawesomethanyou.com:8080/other/HatchetFalls/Church%20of%20the%20Golden%20Gnome.rarWhalemart:Contains the grocery store, the bookstore, and the spa all in one monster lot to rule them all. Updated to include the spa for the job opportunities and because the sims still roll wants for it. Minor tweaks made to the parking lot; if you don't already have the version with the spa you should download this one. I will update it in its own already existing thread.
Hatchet Bay Beach:My take on the local beach. Less California, more East Coast, more pampas grass. Includes a telescope added to the playground, multiple chess sets, coffee/juice bar, and an easel for your artistic sims so that there is something to actually do at the beach other than plan a wedding. Various objects have been "upgraded" by the local mad scientist; I don't know if this will be included in the package, but in my game there is a bonus mood effect from using some of the grills, chairs and benches.
http://ellatorture.moreawesomethanyou.com:8080/other/HatchetFalls/Hatchet%20Bay%20Beach.rarScience Center: this will be updated in its own thread, but I made some minor tweaks to fix a weird bug with the false garden above ground.
Central Park: This park has been rebuilt to look wilder and more rural; I've updated it so the game will recognize it as a large park lot type rather than a small park and draw more sims.
http://ellatorture.moreawesomethanyou.com:8080/other/HatchetFalls/Hatchet%20Falls%20Central%20Park.rarMotel Sleezopolis: For your romantic one night stand. Includes super classy wedding suite! In the game this lot counts as a community pool. Note the single tasteful room for those who can't stand the eye bleed.
