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Church, Inn, Market - all medieval style + replacement careers
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Topic: Church, Inn, Market - all medieval style + replacement careers (Read 15729 times)
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 324
Church, Inn, Market - all medieval style + replacement careers
2009 October 12, 09:59:35 »
I posted a couple of community lots:
Windle Church
Download here, and see more pics:
(There is also a small replacement file you can use to make the Gallery a Church, if you want to. Simple text mod, no code changes. Download link in same post.)
Windle Inn and Market
Download here, and see more pics:
I also made some career replacements - medieval versions of the Culinary Career, and the Grocery Store Part Time Job as well as the Mausoleum Job.
Download here:
These files only changes the text, not the coding in any way.
Last Edit: 2009 October 12, 10:04:42 by ingeli
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 392
Re: Church, Inn, Market - all medieval style + replacement careers
Reply #1 on:
2009 October 12, 17:18:21 »
Any plans to share your whole hood?
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 731
Re: Church, Inn, Market - all medieval style + replacement careers
Reply #2 on:
2009 October 13, 03:41:34 »
Ingeli, these look fabulous!
I love them with my road replacements!
I just uploaded dirt road replacements today.
BogSims Institute
Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: Church, Inn, Market - all medieval style + replacement careers
Reply #3 on:
2009 October 13, 04:14:35 »
Are you remaking your Sims2 'hood, Ingeli? I got so frustrated with not being able to do things my Sims2 way that I retorrented and installed Sims2, spending three days on it and getting my cc back. Still have Sims3 in wait for a 'hood editor. I figure the ability to have polygamous families and smite people will come first.
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Re: Church, Inn, Market - all medieval style + replacement careers
Reply #4 on:
2009 October 13, 04:19:21 »
There's already a polygamy mod somewhere, and smiting is easy with Dexter the teddy bear, so your prediction is already true Zaz.
"Of two evils, choose the prettier."
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 324
Re: Church, Inn, Market - all medieval style + replacement careers
Reply #5 on:
2009 October 13, 07:45:10 »
Well, I am maybe not exactly recreating the Sims2-hood (Windlebridge) as much as doing a new version with the Sims3 possibilities (and limitations). I can see great new things in Sims3, for example the Create-A-Style makes it possible to make almost anything looking oldish. That is a good thing. It is also surprisingly easy to make text mods, and I am working on a complete set of career replacements. In Sims2, I didn't let my medieval sims work at all. In Sims3 they will be able to, and it doesn't look too hard to make new additional careers either. (Like a dead end peasant career. I never liked "medieval" careers starting with serf-ending with king..)
About making the whole hood available for download - hmm, it's a work in progress. I add stuff all the time, rebuild, ect. So I don't think so, but I will post the houses I feel is worth it.
And Regina, the new road replacement looks fabulous!
Last Edit: 2009 October 13, 08:10:45 by ingeli
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 154
Re: Church, Inn, Market - all medieval style + replacement careers
Reply #6 on:
2009 October 13, 22:13:39 »
ingeli, I really like your medieval neighborhood idea. It's the first I've seen of people altering the original game to make their own style of gameplay. I'm extremely interested in seeing where you go with this, because it's definitely gotten me interested in TS3 again.
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 731
Re: Church, Inn, Market - all medieval style + replacement careers
Reply #7 on:
2009 October 14, 03:56:26 »
Thanks, Ingeli! I bookmarked your site today because I have an idea I'll be using some of your buildings when I get a bit farther into this one town.
This one is going to be older than the hills eventually. Ironically, it's starting out young and will end up old. My other town is also based on historical settings, but not nearly that far back, so the stone roads are best for it.
Budgie, you should just hang around more. Quite a number of people are trying to do their level best to make those town maps their own. Check out Ellatrue's Hatchet Falls, for example. It definitely adds to the fun of playing.
BogSims Institute
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