Ok, someone on the board mentioned how you can download sims 3 exchange content by viewing the id of the content, and opening sims3://download/?assetId=[id] where [id] is the id of the content you just viewed. Well iI found this to be pretty slow, therefore, I created a little utility in C# (it isn't dotfuscated or otherwise obfuscated, so anyone who wants to question the safety of the program may open it in reflector

). What it does, is monitors your clipboard, and if it finds text similar to javascript:loginAndDownload('download','1298755','undefined') in your clipboard, it will attempt to take the id (1298755) out of it, and open up sims3://download/?assetId=1298755

, all without you logging in. It's very simple to use, say you want to download something:
1.) Right-Click on "Add To Game"
2.) Click "Copy Link Location", or "Copy Link Address", or something similar to that.
3.) The utility will automatically grab the link you just copied from the clipboard, and add the object/item/whatever to the sims 3 launcher for download/installation.
http://www.mediafire.com/?xkdmujrnytjPS: I am not responsible for what you do with this application, I am merely spreading information. YOU are liable for your actions, not me. If someone wants to write a better tutorial, and post it here for the not-so-tech-savvy users, then cool

. If this is in the wrong location, or not allowed, etc, take according action, I simply figured i'd help a few people out

Also, I think the appropriate location for this would be awesomeware, but I assume I don't have the ability to post in that section, so if one of the mods wants to move this there, or give me permission to do so, you're more than welcome to.