Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 152
Alright, so... here's the deal. Seeing as I just got my TSR subscription, I want to weed out most files, 'cept for the TSR ones, and a few Peggy Sims. Is there a way to do this all at once (by somehow finding where I downloaded them from), or... would a TOTAL reinstall just be best?
Advice would come as MUCH appreciated! x.x
Well, most of the files should be recognizeable in name (I know the Peggy ones are fairly recognizeable). I might just start over with the Downloads folder, though, that may be easier in the long run.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 152
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking... the clean installer helps SOME, really, but... eh. Thinking an Install might do my PC some good. ^^
You don't have to reinstall the whole game....just the Downloads folder.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 152
I know, but my Extreme Legacy Family has custom content-- custom hair, custom eyes, custom clothing... so yeah. xD I kinda do want to do a total reinstall. ^^
OK then, it's not like I don't do a complete clean reinstall on practically a monthly basis anyway. 
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 152
I wouldn't have the patience for that... not at all. xD;
I know, I need help. Anyone know a good twelve-step program?
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 152
-Sighs- No, but I need to find one... and this new subscription to TSR isn't helping either... -Starry eyed- They have sooooooo much pretty stuff!
I know, I need help. Anyone know a good twelve-step program?
nope but there should be .Im a download aholic my self .
I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring after awhile.
Goopy Lover
Dead Member

Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
I am going download-crazy at the moment (I just moved my 'My Documents' to my D: drive-loads of space! woohoo!) but I am being very selective about what I am downloading. I have put all my stuff into folders as to what site I have got them from.  It makes it easier to delete stuff-especially hair meshes that the hair to has turned out to be slightly crappy 
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 167
Yeah, i've just done the same with my game, but i've now told myself im not allowed to download anything else until i get nightlife- i download mostly genetics and clothing, so its all just sitting in my downloads and saved sims folders taking up space.
I accidentally deleted my Downloads folder, as well as my SavedSims folder. I was able to restore some things, and some must-have furniture and clothes, but for the most part, I am going it custom content-free. Most likely, it won't last. 
You don't need to reinstall your game or your whole computer to start fresh. You just need to rename your The Sims 2 folder in your document folder and the game will generate a fresh new game. This way you can always reference back to it if you want.
I also keep starting fresh. But I like to keep my good looking sims, as I find that's hard to come by. To do so I load up SimsPE, use the Sims Surgery tool to export my favorite sims. Then I load up BodyShop and clone those characters and remove every single trace of custom content and then package them. They are ready to be imported into a fresh game. At this point, I can re-customize them in CAS with the newest, shinnest custom content available.