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Absimiliard's Realistic Aging Mod (updated Oct 4)
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Topic: Absimiliard's Realistic Aging Mod (updated Oct 4) (Read 45087 times)
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 22
Absimiliard's Realistic Aging Mod (updated Oct 4)
2009 September 09, 02:52:40 »
There are already a ton of age tuning mods out there. But I'm gonna add mine to the heap because none of the others did what I wanted.
ETA: I've now added a few flavors against my initial reluctance to provide some variety.
These packages change the age stage lengths in the Sims 3 to be more in line with the human life span while keeping (loosely) along the same time brackets for Short, Medium, etc. I started with the assumption that a person becomes an elder at age 65 and the average lifespan in the first world is 80.
As mentioned in this thread and elsewhere, the way the Sims 3 deals with the Elder life stage has a duration that is actually the MINIMUM length a sim will live as an elder. After that there is a percentage chance that the sim will die daily (that chance depends on the lifespan you choose (Short, Medium, etc.)
I'll explain why I made the changes and some justifications after I show you a comparison.
The reason I made the changes is for realism. I play with real world people simified and introduced at their appropriate ages. The unrealistic aging model introduced had children graduating in what would have to be their late 20s, babies who didn't leave the crib until almost their third birthday etc.
The game gives some simple indicators of when these life stages occur. Children must go to elementary school. Teens go to high school, and cannot move out until they are Young Adults. These ages are pretty standard in the US (and many other countries). With a little wikipedia back-up (I was surprised that young adulthood is considered ended when you're 40). I made the mod the way it is.
Since elder don't actually die at the end of the time period selected, I've made two separate flavors AbsimiliardsKindaRealisticAgingMod (AbsKRAM) and AbsimiliardsRealisticAgingMod (AbsRAM).
AbsKRAM keeps in line with the EA-long-lived elder model, this was the original version I put out. The minimum elder life stage ends at 80 and it looks like the average age is around 85
AbsRAM is a newer version that ends the elder life stage at 70 with a reduced daily chance of death. This sets the average life span at 77.7 years (2006 US average), a more realistic number and that's what this mod was for.
Original EA Settings
Young Adult
1 day
2 days
2 days
4 days
6 days
6 days
4 days
25 days
2 days
4 days
4 days
8 days
12 days
12 days
8 days
50 days
3 days
7 days
7 days
14 days
21 days
21 days
17 days
90 days
6 days
15 days
15 days
30 days
45 days
45 days
34 days
190 days
30 days
75 days
75 days
150 days
225 days
225 days
180 days
960 days
AbsimiliardsKindaRealisticAgingMod (AbsKRAM)
Young Adult
1 day
1 days
2 days
2 days
7 days
8 days
5 days
26 days
1 days
2 days
3 days
3 days
11 days
12 days
7 days
40 days
1 days
4 days
7 days
6 days
22 days
25 days
15 days
80 days
3 days
12 days
21 days
18 days
66 days
75 days
45 days
240 days
12 days
48 days
84 days
72 days
264 days
300 days
180 days
960 days
AbsimiliardsRealisticAgingMod (AbsRAM)
Young Adult
1 day
1 days
2 days
2 days
7 days
8 days
1 day
22 days
1 days
2 days
3 days
3 days
11 days
12 days
2 days
34 days
1 days
4 days
7 days
6 days
22 days
25 days
5 days
70 days
3 days
12 days
21 days
18 days
66 days
75 days
15 days
210 days
12 days
48 days
84 days
72 days
264 days
300 days
60 days
840 days
Lifespan Settings
As there has been some interest in removing the shorter gameplay and offering more option for longer games, each of the two mods also has a long play (LP) version that will extend te lifespans should you choose.
Regular Versions
(close to EA defaults)
The new life stage durations are mapped out to correlate somewhat with real time segments.
At Short setting, 1 day of game time = 3 years Real World Time
At Medium setting, 1 day of game time = 2 years Real World Time
At Normal setting, 1 day of game time = 1 year Real World Time
At Long setting, 1 day of game time = 1/3 year Real World Time
At Epic setting, 1 day of game time = 1 month Real World Time
Long Play (LP) Versions
At Short setting, 1 day of game time = 1 year Real World Time
At Medium setting, 1 day of game time = 6 months Real World Time
At Normal setting, 1 day of game time = 1/4 year (3 months) Real World Time (this also makes pregnancies the correct duration)
At Long setting, 1 week of game time = 1 year Real World Time
At Epic setting, 1 day of game time = 1 month Real World Time
Potential Issues
This is a purely XML mod. It should not conflict with any other non-age tuning mod you have. I've used it for months quite happily.
It is that when you apply this mod there will be some sims in your neighborhood who have spent longer in their current life stage than the modded version allows. They will age up on the day the mod is applied.
This can leave precious little time for skilling toddlers and such. I play on epic and rarely notice an issue but I appreciate it could be a crunch for those who don't.
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Last Edit: 2009 October 05, 05:50:24 by Absimiliard
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 505
Re: Absimiliard's Realistic Aging Mod
Reply #1 on:
2009 September 09, 03:52:10 »
Looks good.
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J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Absimiliard's Realistic Aging Mod
Reply #2 on:
2009 September 09, 06:36:03 »
I have one of these that works quite simply by setting things to the Rule of 6, where each "1" represents 6. Thus, Baby+Toddler = 1, Child =1, Teen = 1, YA =2, (18-30), Adult = 3 (36-54), Elder = 2 (60-72). Note that elders don't actually *DIE* immediately at the end of their stage, that is actually the "minimum", so if you set it to higher values, they will hang around for the equivalent of 900 years.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 60
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Re: Absimiliard's Realistic Aging Mod
Reply #3 on:
2009 September 09, 09:22:40 »
I've been using this for a few hours in my game, and it works just fine. Initially I did have a bunch of elders bite the bullet all at once, but now it seems they are dying anywhere from 80-90 days. I personally enjoy playing the YA and Adult lifespan more, so this works great for me, thanks.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 368
Re: Absimiliard's Realistic Aging Mod
Reply #4 on:
2009 September 09, 09:24:09 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2009 September 09, 06:36:03
I have one of these that works quite simply by setting things to the Rule of 6, where each "1" represents 6. Thus, Baby+Toddler = 1, Child =1, Teen = 1, YA =2, (18-30), Adult = 3 (36-54), Elder = 2 (60-72). Note that elders don't actually *DIE* immediately at the end of their stage, that is actually the "minimum", so if you set it to higher values, they will hang around for the equivalent of 900 years.
Um, Pes, what happens at 30-36 and 54-60? Maybe make YA = 3 and A = 4? If I followed your plan, I would probably make elders = 3 (60-78) so they make sure the kids they spawn on day 59 aren't left alone in early teenhood.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Absimiliard's Realistic Aging Mod
Reply #5 on:
2009 September 09, 09:47:17 »
Quote from: LVRugger on 2009 September 09, 09:24:09
Um, Pes, what happens at 30-36 and 54-60?
Nothing? They are YAs at 18, 24, 30, Adults at 36, 42, 48, 54, Elders at 60+.
Quote from: LVRugger on 2009 September 09, 09:24:09
Maybe make YA = 3 and A = 4?
Yeah, I quoted the numbers wrong, that's what I have in the data file.
Quote from: LVRugger on 2009 September 09, 09:24:09
If I followed your plan, I would probably make elders = 3 (60-78) so they make sure the kids they spawn on day 59 aren't left alone in early teenhood.
Shit happens. Especially when you wait until you're 54 to try to spawn, and you're lucky if you can manage that. The odds of them croaking it immediately on the dot are pretty slim anyway, since that's only when they *START* to risk dying, and if they do? SHIT HAPPENS.
In TS2, there was a "Sterile Adult" phase that happened shortly before the transition to elder to prevent that, but TS3 doesn't appear to have implemented it.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 392
Re: Absimiliard's Realistic Aging Mod
Reply #6 on:
2009 September 10, 01:25:44 »
Definitely a much better time line. Throwing it in my game immediately.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 34
Re: Absimiliard's Realistic Aging Mod
Reply #7 on:
2009 September 10, 02:48:18 »
Good idea, but I think EA distributed the ages the way they did because of the playability. In my opinion, child is the most boring life stage and teenager is the most interesting life stage (especially with the NRaas part time careers and a teen romance mod of some kind). Even though there's no way that they could look like a 17 year old for twice the length that they look like an 11 year old, the amount of interactions and skills available to children is just too small to hold most people's interest longer than the teenage life stage.
Edit: I think I'm gonna use your mod but just move a few days of life time from child into teen.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 22
Re: Absimiliard's Realistic Aging Mod
Reply #8 on:
2009 September 10, 03:46:45 »
Quote from: byronh on 2009 September 10, 02:48:18
Good idea, but I think EA distributed the ages the way they did because of the playability. In my opinion, child is the most boring life stage and teenager is the most interesting life stage (especially with the NRaas part time careers and a teen romance mod of some kind). Even though there's no way that they could look like a 17 year old for twice the length that they look like an 11 year old, the amount of interactions and skills available to children is just too small to hold most people's interest longer than the teenage life stage.
Edit: I think I'm gonna use your mod but just move a few days of life time from child into teen.
I agree that the teen years should be some of the most fun years to play (I know my teens were). But I wanted to be realistic and teen sims can't get into any of the shenannigans I did when I was young, so I kinda find teen fun potential reduced anyway.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2406
An ass with great insight
Re: Absimiliard's Realistic Aging Mod
Reply #9 on:
2009 September 10, 03:55:05 »
Quote from: byronh on 2009 September 10, 02:48:18
teenager is the most interesting life stage
I disagree, and am so glad this mod cuts the teen stage to about where it should be.
I always felt that they made the teen stage twice as long as it needed to be in TS2, and they've done the same in TS3. Personally I find the stage boring, especially in TS2 - by the time my sims turned teen they were one point away from maxing out all skills, so it was a case of picking knowledge & getting the Max Skills LTW completed, picking up the last couple of scholarships, using TJ's crystal ball to summon a compatible townie teen to macro/romanticate to get the first kiss out of the way, then on to uni ASAP. The only advantage TS3 teen stage has over TS2 teen stage is that I can grow my sims up as soon as they hit teen if I get too bored with the stage.
Quote from: SarahKOM on 2007 July 13, 12:38:27
<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
<br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 12
Re: Absimiliard's Realistic Aging Mod
Reply #10 on:
2009 September 10, 16:31:38 »
I'd like to see Elder reduced to 10 days since the average male lifespan in the US is 74. Reducing the Elder days to 10 would make sims 75 years before they even start having the option to die, meaning most would live beyond 75 anyway.
I think the days you have set for the other lifestages are perfect.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 22
Re: Absimiliard's Realistic Aging Mod
Reply #11 on:
2009 September 10, 20:15:09 »
You may be right. I was looking at some data that indicated that 80 was the average in the first world, the UN has a chart that indicates that many do (
. I'm in Canada so 80 is correct for me.
One of the fears I have with making it shorter is people croaking when I don't really want them to. Most sims in my game are representations of real people, I actually have a bundle of sims that are in their 90s because the real people are in their 90s. I don't think I'll be changing it as I can always kill an elder by forcing an age up but I can't bring one back as easily.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 187
Re: Absimiliard's Realistic Aging Mod
Reply #12 on:
2009 September 11, 06:09:22 »
FYI: The expected value for the number of days an Elder lives beyond his minimum life span is pretty easy to calculate, too. (POV)
n_Days = (-1) / ( ln(1 - p_Death/100) )
p_Death - Chance of Dying in percent
ln - Logarithmus Naturalis
n_Days - Number of Days (or MTBF...)
If you want to tweak it to a certain number:
p_Death/100 = 1 - e^(-1/n_Days)
e - Euler's number
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 518
Re: Absimiliard's Realistic Aging Mod
Reply #13 on:
2009 September 11, 06:23:53 »
Oh, well that was simple.
<per another thread, yes, we need a Sarcasm font>
[11:18] Pescado: GJS manages to appear smart and knowledgeable, even though he wasn't really..
Myers-Briggs: - ISFP Awesome NS2 - DOOOO EEEET!
[23:56] Pescado: ATTACK, MY DUCKY MINIONS!
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Posts: 26292
Re: Absimiliard's Realistic Aging Mod
Reply #14 on:
2009 September 11, 08:20:01 »
Quote from: byronh on 2009 September 10, 02:48:18
Good idea, but I think EA distributed the ages the way they did because of the playability. In my opinion, child is the most boring life stage and teenager is the most interesting life stage (especially with the NRaas part time careers and a teen romance mod of some kind).
That was the goal, but the thing is, 12s are just annoying, lesser versions of adults where none of the CC people makes actually fits. All the GOOD stuff is in the YA stage, really.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 187
Re: Absimiliard's Realistic Aging Mod
Reply #15 on:
2009 September 11, 08:54:27 »
Quote from: GayJohnScarritt on 2009 September 11, 06:23:53
Oh, well that was simple.
Oh, come on, this is highschool math!
For example: The default death chance for normal lifespan is 14%. So if you use an old-fashioned calculator or the Windows calculator in science mode, you simply enter 0.86 (1 - 14/100, who needs a calculator for that, and is older than 12, is too stupid to buy himself a bun and tell if he got the correct change, thus should have the propriety to just die to make the world a better place), hit "ln", hit "1/x", and hit "+/-". The outcome is ~6.63, which means Elders are expected to live ~7 days beyond their minimum life span. Really, what is not simple about that?
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Absimiliard's Realistic Aging Mod
Reply #16 on:
2009 September 11, 09:17:05 »
Yes, but remember, he's an F. Fs are a bit, you know, STUPID.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 31
Re: Absimiliard's Realistic Aging Mod
Reply #17 on:
2009 September 24, 05:51:57 »
I like the idea of this modI find the age ranges far more realistic than what is currently offered in the Sims 3. I see that I am not the only person who is bored with the exaggerated length of time for the teen years. But at least in the Sims 3 you can age them up early with the birthday cake whereas with the Sims 2 all you could do was send them to Uni which added a whole new dimension of boredom.
I think the reason Eaxis make the teen age span so long is they think that is the age of the people playing the sims because all they see on the BBS is 12s being well 12s, not realising that anyone older has fled the inanity of the BBS and found oases of sanity elsewhere.
The only thing I don't like about this mod is that the overall lifespan is reduced to 80 days I would rather it had been kept at 90 days. The thing about those life expectancy tables that someone linked is that they are lefe expectancy
at birth
and include the possibility that the person could die prematurely as an infant, child or adult. Which is why the figures for the third world countries suck so much because they have much higher infant mortality rates. Even in western countries such as Canada and New Zealand there is the change you could die young because of a motor vehicle accident or cancer. The actual life expectancy of someone who reaches the age of 70 in a western is higher than you would expect from those tables.
Maybe you could make three versions of this mod with the life expectancies for the medium life span set to 74, 80, or 90 days.
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 797
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Re: Absimiliard's Realistic Aging Mod
Reply #18 on:
2009 September 24, 22:10:53 »
Quote from: tickleonthetum on 2009 September 24, 21:52:50
As someone with Dyscalculia I can honestly say i didn't anderstand a word of that calculation!
Noone expected you too.
- INTJ -
Breakfast of Champions!
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Re: Absimiliard's Realistic Aging Mod
Reply #19 on:
2009 September 24, 23:04:55 »
Quote from: Tingeling on 2009 September 24, 22:10:53
Quote from: tickleonthetum on 2009 September 24, 21:52:50
As someone with Dyscalculia I can honestly say i didn't anderstand a word of that calculation!
Noone expected you too.
Dingaling, look, you've already been told about noone but for some reason you have an obsession about him. Someone, I think it was Liz, already informed you that the word is
. Please pay attention and stop trying to ape your betters in the sporking stakes. Quite frankly you are becoming more retarded by the hour.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 797
- Big Cat AIDE - and proud of it!
Re: Absimiliard's Realistic Aging Mod
Reply #20 on:
2009 September 25, 00:57:44 »
Quote from: witch on 2009 September 24, 23:04:55
Quote from: Tingeling on 2009 September 24, 22:10:53
Quote from: tickleonthetum on 2009 September 24, 21:52:50
As someone with Dyscalculia I can honestly say i didn't anderstand a word of that calculation!
expected you too.
Dingaling, look, you've already been told about noone but for some reason you have an obsession about him. Someone, I think it was Liz, already informed you that the word is
. Please pay attention and stop trying to ape your betters in the sporking stakes. Quite frankly you are becoming more retarded by the hour.
Edit: Corrected typo.
Ape my betters? That is an interesting turn of phrase. I was under the impression that sporking n00bs was an acceptable thing to do. Apparently I must have got it wrong. Or are your definition perhaps different than mine? Granted, my previous post has very little substance. I am not sure though where this retarded behavior you claim that I am exhibiting is observed, other than an occasional outburst of frustration about n00bs that can't use the proper grammar or who themselves exhibit retarded idéas. Do enlighten me of what behavior you are speaking of, and I will change whatever you seem to consider to not be up to MATY's standard.
- INTJ -
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Re: Absimiliard's Realistic Aging Mod
Reply #21 on:
2009 September 25, 05:05:38 »
Quote from: Tingeling on 2009 September 25, 00:57:44
Ape my betters? That is an interesting turn of phrase. I was under the impression that sporking n00bs was an acceptable thing to do. Apparently I must have got it wrong. Or are your definition perhaps different than mine? Granted, my previous post has very little substance. I am not sure though where this retarded behavior you claim that I am exhibiting is observed, other than an occasional outburst of frustration about n00bs that can't use the proper grammar or who themselves exhibit retarded idéas. Do enlighten me of what behavior you are speaking of, and I will change whatever you seem to consider to not be up to MATY's standard.
Half-cocked, loose cannon, those words mean anything to you?
Yes sporking is a MATY national sport, however experienced sporkers are also aware of their audience and don't inundate the place with continuous diarrhoeic verbiage, most of which is neither pointed nor funny. In simple terms, much of your sporking is at about the level of those you are supposedly sporking and personally, I'm sick of seeing you trying to be a 'cool kid' in nearly every damn thread I load. Just for an e.g.
Quote from: Tingeling on 2009 September 24, 22:10:53
Quote from: tickleonthetum on 2009 September 24, 21:52:50
As someone with Dyscalculia I can honestly say
nderstand a word of that calculation!
Noone expected you too.
expected you
Two mistakes in the one lame spork.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 12
Re: Absimiliard's Realistic Aging Mod
Reply #22 on:
2009 September 28, 18:57:53 »
I've been using the realistic aging mod for a while now and love it. Absimiliard, I hope you upload it to where it can get the exposure it deserves.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 22
Re: Absimiliard's Realistic Aging Mod
Reply #23 on:
2009 September 28, 20:57:25 »
Quote from: Anshin on 2009 September 28, 18:57:53
I've been using the realistic aging mod for a while now and love it. Absimiliard, I hope you upload it to where it can get the exposure it deserves.
I think most people poke arund a bit, it probably fine here. Additionally I found that my math was off in the mod. Long actually plays out at 1/3 of a year instead of 1/4. I wanted it to be a 1/4 (3months) so that pregnancies would last the appropriate time. If I change that value the Long lifespans now last 320 days, which is fine by me but I thought that it is substantially different from the EA 190 to be palatable.
As far as I'm concerned this change is a good one. Actually, If I do post a modified version, I think I'd like the lifetimes to be more like:
2 Years
1 Years
6 months
3 months
1 month
If anyone else agrees, let me know, and I'll post up that one as the revised.
Quote from: Treehugger on 2009 September 24, 05:51:57
Maybe you could make three versions of this mod with the life expectancies for the medium life span set to 74, 80, or 90 days.
I don't really want to submit multiple copies of what is at its core a very simple xml tuning. I've made changes to the mod that I use the 1/4 year, 320 day values but didn't submit them for the same reason.
Additionally, there is some contention on how Elder sim aging goes but the gist is 80 is not the maximum rather it's the minimum. After that point there is a chance they will die daily, but the law of averages say that you'll probably get a few more years yet. Actually it was stated earlier in this mod that 80 years is probably a bit too MUCH time to give them.
If you want to fiddle with these things yourself, XML modding is not mad science at all. It's really quite easy.
Step 1. Get a Sims 3 Package editor (I use s3pe
Step 2. Open the mod package.
Step 3. Edit the XML (In s3pe highlight the first (only) item in the list and then click the ‘Editor'] button below.
Step 4. Tweak as needed. (If you wanted the older folks to live to 90, change the kAgingStageLengthElderMinimum value from 1.875 to 3.125 (because 1.875*8(kDefaultSimDaysPerAgingYear) = 15 (elder duration), 3.125*8=25))
Step 5. Save your changes and commit them, then resave the package.
Done like dinner.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 529
Re: Absimiliard's Realistic Aging Mod
Reply #24 on:
2009 September 28, 22:00:46 »
I'm using your current one and loving it. Your new one sounds great too. Please post it.
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