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Author Topic: Question  (Read 5259 times)
Asinine Airhead

Posts: 8

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« on: 2009 August 11, 17:12:31 »

I don't really know whether this is a kind of weird thing the mod cause or just another EA's stupidity. I evicted my active household from their house and had them purchase a new house. After they had live in the new house for about 6-7 hours, there was an announcement said that they hadn't paid the bills for a long time, and the repoman would come to take their stuffs. It's strange that they paid their bills the day before. And even if they had unpaid bills remained for a long time, there should be a reminder with the "Pay the bills" button before the repoman takes his action.
If this is EA fault, hope it will be fixed
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Question
« Reply #1 on: 2009 August 11, 17:14:11 »

Never seen that before. Did a previous owner leave unpaid bills on the lot or something?

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Question
« Reply #2 on: 2009 August 11, 17:54:42 »

I just don't know. I built that house on a smaller lot. Actually, I remember that there was a EA generated family lived there (they didn't exist in a fresh game). I deleted that family and demolished the house before building a new one. Can the mailbox still keep those unpaid bills of that family Huh After demolising the old house, I enter the lot and saw the mailbox and the ouside trashcan were moved to the sidewalk like TS2-style. Didn't it mean they were newly generated?
Asinine Airhead

Posts: 19

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Re: Question
« Reply #3 on: 2009 August 11, 18:00:40 »


I get and have gotten that prior to and post any mod I have installed.  When out and about I also get a message telling me my house is on fire and to close in using camera, when I do there is no fire at the house and the house is not even mine.  In fact most times it is an empty abode.

I only play one house so its nothing to do with swapping from house to house.

I think sometimes we just recieve random messages, voodoo I think its called when something has no explanation.

Heres two more weird things, I have several hoods running, on one and only one I get regular visitors to my house as if the game does not reconize it as the active house.  As stated I only ever play one house and so it is not an already on route visitor as it could have been if I had been controlling another house.  They are different visitors and as I said regular.

The other weirdy is that my house in a different hood recieves 28000 simoleons once a week.  Its a new hood so there was no prior author in this house.  It just pings in like a cash payment with no explanation.

I expect there are lots of weirdy things, perhaps pre-inserted bits and bobs that are not activated yet but ready for use in future ex packs.

kind regards
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