<base> <Current_Tuning> <kTrickeryStartHour value="21"> <!--Earliest hour of the day that gnomes may enact their nightly trickery (probably late at night - must be after noon).--> </kTrickeryStartHour> <kTrickeryEndHour value="4"> <!--Latest hour of the day that gnomes may enact their nightly trickery (probably early in the morning - must be before noon).--> </kTrickeryEndHour> <kTrickeryRescheduleHours value="0.25"> <!--(Positive float) - Hours later to reschedule trickery, if first alarm occurs during interaction.--> </kTrickeryRescheduleHours> <kChanceDoNothing value="0"> <!--(ACTION weight - influences chances of all ACTIONs) Chance that a magic gnome will do nothing.--> </kChanceDoNothing> <kChanceChangePose value="0.1"> <!--(ACTION weight - influences chances of all ACTIONs) Chance that a magic gnome will just change pose.--> </kChanceChangePose> <kChanceMoveRandomly value="0.3"> <!--(ACTION weight - influences chances of all ACTIONs) Chance that a magic gnome will just move to a new location.--> </kChanceMoveRandomly> <kChanceVisitFavoriteObject value="0.2"> <!--(ACTION weight - influences chances of all ACTIONs) Chance that a magic gnome will visit its favorite object.--> </kChanceVisitFavoriteObject> <kChanceVisitSlot value="0.2"> <!--(ACTION weight - influences chances of all ACTIONs) Chance that a magic gnome will visit a slot.--> </kChanceVisitSlot> <kChanceCleanObject value="0.1"> <!--(ACTION weight - influences chances of all ACTIONs) Chance that a magic gnome will just clean an object.--> </kChanceCleanObject> <kChanceUseObject value="0.1"> <!--(ACTION weight - influences chances of all ACTIONs) Chance that a magic gnome will use an object.--> </kChanceUseObject> <kChanceChangePoseOnMove value="0.8"> <!--(0-1) Chance that, if doing a move action, a magic gnome will also change pose.--> </kChanceChangePoseOnMove> <kChanceUseTV value="0.6"> <!--(0-1) Chance that, if using an object, will choose to use TV rather than stereo.--> </kChanceUseTV> <kIdlePoses value="magicGnomeStanding,magicGnomeProud,magicGnomeHandstand,,magicGnomeDancing,magicGnomeDancing2"> <!--Idle poses - list of model names--> </kIdlePoses> <kSleepPoses value="magicGnomeSleeping"> <!--Sleep poses - list of model names--> </kSleepPoses> <kInterestedPoses value="magicGnomeScared,magicGnomePointing,magicGnomeExamining"> <!--Interested poses - list of model names--> </kInterestedPoses> <kRelaxingPoses value="magicGnomeLyingDown, magicGnomeSitting"> <!--Relaxing poses - list of model names--> </kRelaxingPoses> <kWeightOutside value="3"> <!--(Positive float) Weight to add if an object is outside.--> </kWeightOutside> <kWeightSubtractOtherGnome value="1"> <!--(Positive float) Weight to subtract for each other magic gnome this object is the favorite of.--> </kWeightSubtractOtherGnome> <kExhaustedPoses value="magicGnomeSleeping"> <!--Exhausted poses - list of model names--> </kExhaustedPoses> <kWeightPlant value="3"> <!--(Positive float) Weight to add if an object is a plant.--> </kWeightPlant> <kWeightExpensive value="2"> <!--(Positive float) Weight to add if an object is expensive.--> </kWeightExpensive> <kExpensiveThreshold value="1500"> <!--(Simoleons) Threshold above which a gnome thinks an object is expensive.--> </kExpensiveThreshold> </Current_Tuning></base>