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Author Topic: Tuning XML Data - (Traits, Rewards, Plants, etc.)  (Read 34456 times)
Asinine Airhead

Posts: 46


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Tuning XML Data - (Traits, Rewards, Plants, etc.)
« on: 2009 June 13, 12:24:04 »

Game Defaults Information for Base Game
Perhaps people who've gone through xml files can share any interesting data here?
Wow, this thread is getting tl;dr. GTFO my head, Tealdeer!

Going through the xml tuning files in The Sims 3\Game\Bin\Gameplay\GameplayData.package yields some interesting data.

For instance, in S3_0333406C_00000000_2F781FBC26BB4D8A_SimDescription, a line exists:
    <kNumUserDirectedSameSexGenderPreferencesBeforeSameSexAllowedAutonomously value="6" />
I'm not exactly sure how to read that, but it seems to me (I.E., I read it to mean) that after 6 Romance interactions between Sims of the same sex has been initiated by the player, SameSex relationships will be allowed autonomously. This seems to explain why some players report seeing gay and lesbian couples autonomously formed in their games while others have not.

Another few lines in S3_0333406C_00000000_BCCBC0480683938B_SimUtils state:
    <kPercentChanceOfSameSexHousehold value="1">
      <!--Chance of same sex household, in percent-->

Now for the bulk of this post. Note that these are EAxian defaults, and will not reflect any changes made by mods. They are also derived from as single XML file, and may not provide all the data for any given trait. According to data extracted from S3_0333406C_00000000_C4E3FD010A0B7DB0_TraitTuning:

AbsentMinded Sims:
  • Will pause and do a 'Think Hard' idle at random every 240 to 480 minutes
  • Have a 10% chance to pause and do a 'Think Hard' idle at random every 5 to 20 minutes while cooking
  • Have a 90% chance to pause and do a 'Think Hard' idle at random every 5 to 20 minutes while cleaning
  • Have a 50% chance to pause and do a 'Think Hard' idle at random every 5 to 20 minutes while eating

Ambitious Sims:
  • Get a bonus 2 performance per hour when working
  • Will get the Anxious To Advance debuff if they haven't gained any skill points or gotten a promotion for 4 days
  • Gain 15% more additional lifetime happiness when fulfilling promised dreams

Angler Sims:
  • Are not mentioned in S3_0333406C_00000000_C4E3FD010A0B7DB0_TraitTuning_0xc4e3fd010a0b7db0%%+UNKN

AntiTV or Technophobe Sims:
  • Have a 90% chance of successfully sabotaging the TV and breaking it

Artistic Sims:
  • Learn the Painting skill at a 25% faster rate
  • Learn the Guitar and Writing skills at a 10% faster rate
  • Learn the Xylophone hiddenskill at a 10% faster rate

Athletic Sims:
  • Learn the Athletic skill at 20% faster rate
  • Gain "fatigue points" from working out at a 20% slower rate

BookWorm Sims:
  • Complete their homework 27.8% faster
  • Have a 50% bonus chance of writing a hit or a best-seller book

Brave Sims:
  • Get a bonus 3 performance per hour in the Military and Law Enforcement careers
  • Need 50% less time to put out fires
  • Will put out fires for 20 minutes before running to put self out

Burglar Sims:
  • Are not mentioned in S3_0333406C_00000000_C4E3FD010A0B7DB0_TraitTuning_0xc4e3fd010a0b7db0%%+UNKN

CanApprehendBurglar Sims:
  • Are not mentioned in S3_0333406C_00000000_C4E3FD010A0B7DB0_TraitTuning_0xc4e3fd010a0b7db0%%+UNKN

CanSalute Sims:
  • Are not mentioned in S3_0333406C_00000000_C4E3FD010A0B7DB0_TraitTuning_0xc4e3fd010a0b7db0%%+UNKN

CantStandArt Sims:
  • Are not mentioned in S3_0333406C_00000000_C4E3FD010A0B7DB0_TraitTuning_0xc4e3fd010a0b7db0%%+UNKN

Charismatic Sims:
  • Learn the Charisma skill at 25% faster rate
  • Gain 25% more LTR from conversation, either as a target or an initiating Sim
  • Lose LTR 25% slower

Childish Sims:
  • Are mentioned in S3_0333406C_00000000_C4E3FD010A0B7DB0_TraitTuning_0xc4e3fd010a0b7db0%%+UNKN

Clumsy Sims:
  • Gets a bonus 25% of burning themselves on the fireplace when doing 'Play With Fire'
  • Have a 4% chance to trip at the end of a route

CommitmentIssues Sims:
  • Require 90 LTR with a partner to Propose Marriage
  • Require 80 LTR with a partner to Get Married

ComputerWhiz Sims:
  • Gain 50% more fun from Playing Computer Games
  • Learn the Logic skill when Playing Chess on the computer at a 10% faster rate
  • Take 60% less time to repair computers
  • Take 25% less time to upgrade computers
  • Have a 2% chance to get caught every 30 minutes while hacking

CouchPotato Sims:
  • Gain twice as much mood value for the Comfy buff
  • Will not work out below 0 mood
  • Will prefer to sit on a couch up to 10 tiles away from a TV
  • Will attempt to sleep in for 2 hours after Well-Rested buff is acquired

Coward Sims:
  • Get the Scared of the Dark debuff when outside between 21:00 and 05:00
  • Have a 100% chance of fainting when seeing a Ghost
  • Have a 100% chance of fainting when seeing a Burglar
  • Have a 20% chance of fainting when seeing a fire
  • Have a 100% chance of running away when seeing a Repo(wo)man

Daredevil Sims:
  • Need 34% less time to put out fires
  • Receive a +50 mood value when getting the On Fire buff
  • May have fire death immunity:
    <kDaredevilOnFireTimeout value="180">
      <!--Range: +floats  Description:  Sim minutes OnFireBuff should last for a daredevil sim. They never die from timeout, the buff just goes away.-->

    DislikesChildren Sims:
    • Will display child-hating idles if a child is up to 7 tiles away on the world lot
    • Will autonomously shoo a child at a maximum of 7 tiles away

    EasilyImpressed Sims:
    • Are not mentioned in S3_0333406C_00000000_C4E3FD010A0B7DB0_TraitTuning_0xc4e3fd010a0b7db0%%+UNKN

    Evil Sims:
    • React to bad events and gain the Fiendishly Delighted buff at a distance of up to 10 tiles
    • Get a bonus 3 performance per hour in the Criminal career
    • Get a 50 point fun gain when watching non-family/loved-one Sims die

    Excitable Sims:
    • Have a 25% chance of gaining the Excited buff when routing towards another Sim in the Romantic of Friendly LTR state

    FamilyOriented Sims:
    • Teach toddlers to Use The Potty, Talk, and Walk 50% faster

    Flirty Sims:
    • Have a 50% increased chance to meet someone when getting drinks alone

    Friendly Sims:
    • Have a 50% increased chance to meet someone when getting drinks alone

    Frugal Sims:
    • Will disapprove of a newly bought object worth more than 250

    Genius Sims:
    • Autonomously contemplate objects at a range of up to 3 tiles around them for 8 minutes to get the Fascinated buff
    • Learn the Logic skill, Chess hiddenskill, Hacking hiddenskill, and Mooch hiddenskill at a 30% faster rate
    • Have a 60% chance of solving an unsolved problem

    Good Sims:
    • Are not mentioned in S3_0333406C_00000000_C4E3FD010A0B7DB0_TraitTuning_0xc4e3fd010a0b7db0%%+UNKN

    GoodSenseOfHumor Sims:
    • Gain 50% more LTR when telling or being told a joke

    GreatKisser Sims:
    • Are not mentioned in S3_0333406C_00000000_C4E3FD010A0B7DB0_TraitTuning_0xc4e3fd010a0b7db0%%+UNKN

    GreenThumb Sims:
    • Learn the Gardening skill at a 25% faster rate

    Grumpy Sims:
    • Are not mentioned in S3_0333406C_00000000_C4E3FD010A0B7DB0_TraitTuning_0xc4e3fd010a0b7db0%%+UNKN

    Handy Sims:
    • Learn the Handiness skill at a 25% faster rate

    HatesOutdoors or HatesTheOutdoors Sims:
    • Will autonomously use items placed Outside 10% less

    HeavySleeper Sims:
    • Snore randomly between every 2 to 4 minutes as opposed to a normal Sim's 3 to 6 minutes

    HopelessRomantic Sims:
    • Are not mentioned in S3_0333406C_00000000_C4E3FD010A0B7DB0_TraitTuning_0xc4e3fd010a0b7db0%%+UNKN

    HotHeaded Sims:
    • Have a 10% chance of reacting after route failure
    • Are affected by Angry debuffs 50% more

    Hydrophobic Sims:
    • Are not mentioned in S3_0333406C_00000000_C4E3FD010A0B7DB0_TraitTuning_0xc4e3fd010a0b7db0%%+UNKN

    Inappropriate Sims:
    • Will have a host react to an inappropriate action for up to 7 tiles away

    ImmuneToFire Sims:
    • Need 90% less time to put out fires
    • Have a 50% chance of passing on the Pyromaniac trait instead of ImmuneToFire

    Insane Sims:
    • Will randomly consider and test tree 5 interactions before going to a fallback plan of choosing a random commodity to find the best action of

    Kleptomaniac Sims:
    • Have a 20% chance of stealing a random object from work
    • Can steal an object with a maximum value of (CareerLevel * 350)
    • Can steal an object with a maximum value of 500 from school
    • Can steal objects in between 19:00 and 06:00
    • Will consider swiping any object up to 6 tiles away
    • Have a 20% chance of stealing a bowl or plate from the Restaurant rabbit hole
    • Can steal 3 objects per day
    • Lose 30 LTR if caught stealing
    Items that Kleptomaniac Sims swipe:
    • On a community or NPC lot will get reset at 04:00
    • Will attempt to be replaced by the object refresh alarm for 14 days

    LightSleeper Sims:
    • May have been called the Insomniac trait at one point
    • Can only sleep a maximum of 24 hours at a time
    • Snore randomly between every 15 to 30 minutes as opposed to a normal Sim's 3 to 6 minutes

    Loner Sims:
    • Are 20% more likely to use objects in the same room as their bed, if they own one
    • Are 5% less likely, per Sim in the same room, to use any object, at a maximum of 20% penalty

    Loser Sims:
    • Have a 10% chance of reacting after route failure
    • Have a 50% chance of getting a career event which just displays a TNS that mocks the sim instead of a proper event

    LovesTheOutdoors Sims:
    • Will use objects that are outside 20% more

    Lucky Sims:
    • That have the Feeling Lucky buff has a 0% chance of:
      • Having a burglar come to their house
      • Suffering a random failure while cooking and burning food
      • Having an appliance catch on fire when they've burned food
      • Having a birthday cake catch on fire when blowing the candles out
      • Spreading the fire when the Sim has caught on fire
      • Catching on fire when standing on a fire tile
      • Failing an upgrade
      • Having a bad failure (being shocked) when failing an upgrade
      • Breaking an object while using it
      • Getting electrocuted while repairing an object
    • That have the Feeling Lucky buff have a tenfold chance to 'win' a career event or opportunity that has a 'win' and 'lose' condition
    • That have the Feeling Lucky buff has twice the chance of getting a raise at work

    MakesNoMesses Sims:
    • Are not mentioned in S3_0333406C_00000000_C4E3FD010A0B7DB0_TraitTuning_0xc4e3fd010a0b7db0%%+UNKN

    MeanSpirited Sims:
    • Gain 5 mood per enemy
    • Gain a mood bonus of 10 when they have the Enemy Buff

    Mooch Sims:
    • Have an 80% chance of successfully mooching a small amount of money and gaining 45 Mooch hiddenskill points
    • Have an 50% chance of successfully mooching a small amount of money and gaining 90 Mooch hiddenskill points
    • Have a 25% chance of doubling the amount of a successful mooch
    • Have a 10% chance of quadrupling the amount of a successful mooch (takes precedence over doubling)
    • As Children can only gain up to 4 Mooch hiddenskill
    • As Teens can only gain up to 6 Mooch hiddenskill

    NaturalCook Sims:
    • Learn the Cooking skill at a 30% faster rate
    • Learns a recipe after eating it, assuming 100% chance at a level 0 recipe and subtracting 50% for each level thereafter
    • Can 'Kick Up a Notch' on food at Cooking skill 4
    • Has a 20% chance of automagically playing the 'Kick Up a Notch' animation after automatically preparing food
    • Give a 15 point bonus food points to foods if they have used the 'Kick Up a Notch' interaction on it
    • Have an 8% chance of learning a recipe after eating at a restaurant

    Neat Sims:
    • Have a Fun motive delta of 30 when cleaning

    Neurotic Sims:
    • Have a 10% chance of reacting after route failure
    • Have a 10% chance of playing a spaz reaction after a variety of situations (burn food, get debuff, route blocked)
    • Play the Freak Out reaction for 7 minutes
    • Have a 10% chance of getting an Anxiety buff an hour after using a fireplace, sink, or stove

    NeverNude Sims:
    • Are not mentioned in S3_0333406C_00000000_C4E3FD010A0B7DB0_TraitTuning_0xc4e3fd010a0b7db0%%+UNKN

    NoSenseOfHumor Sims:
    • Are 50% less effective at trying to increase 'impressive' social context

    OverEmotional Sims:
    • Are affected by mood buffs/debuffs 25% more

    PartyAnimal Sims:
    • Have a 25% bonus chance that guests attending a party thrown by them will bring food
    • Will gain the Life of the Party buff after successfully 'Woo!'ing 3 unique party guests at the same party

    Perfectionist Sims:
    • Give foods they cook 15 bonus food points
    • Have a 15% bonus chance of writing a hit or a best-seller book
    • Complete their homework 15% slower
    • Take longer to prepare food and use an additional loop of chopping animation on the cutting board
    • Have a 20% bonus chance of painting a brilliant painting
    • Have a 15% bonus chance of painting a masterpiece
    • Paint for 15 minutes longer for each stage of a painting
    • Get a 20% decrease in pages per minute when writing

    PizzaAppreciator Sims:
    • Are not mentioned in S3_0333406C_00000000_C4E3FD010A0B7DB0_TraitTuning_0xc4e3fd010a0b7db0%%+UNKN

    Pyromaniac Sims:
    • Gain 50 energy from eating a flame fruit
    • Gain 50 fun from eating a flame fruit
    • Have a 50% chance of transmogrifying a fruit into a flame fruit
    • Consider burning objects up to 10 tiles away
    • Gain twice as much mood for the Cozy Fire buff

    Rocker Sims:
    • Are not mentioned in S3_0333406C_00000000_C4E3FD010A0B7DB0_TraitTuning_0xc4e3fd010a0b7db0%%+UNKN

    Schmoozer Sims:
    • Gain 50% more LTR when engaging in a positive social with a Co-worker or Boss
    • Gain 150% more LTR when engaging in social career tones (Suck Up to Boss, Hang With Co-Workers)
    • Gain 2 performance per hour while at school

    Slob Sims:
    • Have a 75% chance to add a puddle after bathing or showering
    • Have a 10% chance of throwing up after licking spoiled food from a container

    Snob Sims:
    • Will play a snobby reaction to an object worth less than 800
    • Are affected by environment scores (both positive and negative) at 200%
    • Are affected by the New Stuff buff at a mood value of 30
    • Are affected by the environment score of mirrors 10 points more

    Unflirty Sims:
    • Are not mentioned in S3_0333406C_00000000_C4E3FD010A0B7DB0_TraitTuning_0xc4e3fd010a0b7db0%%+UNKN

    Unlucky Sims:
    • That have the 'Feeling Unlucky' buff are:
      • Twice as likely to have a burglar come to their house
      • Twice as likely to suffer a random failure while cooking and burn food
      • Twice as likely to have an appliance catch on fire when they burn food
      • Thrice as likely to have their birthday cake catch on fire
      • Twice as likely to spread the fire when they have caught on fire
      • 1.4 times as likely to fail an upgrade
      • Twice as likely to be shocked when failing an upgrade
      • Twice as likely to break an object while using it
      • Twice as likely to get electrocuted while repairing an object
      • 80% less likely to 'win' a career event or opportunity that has a 'win' and 'lose' condition
      • Half as likely to get a raise at work
      • Only given 20 mintes on the On Fire debuff before burning to death

    Vegetarian Sims:
    • Have a 100% chance of receiving the Nauseous debuff after eating meat

    Virtuoso Sims:
    • Learn the Guitar skill at a 25% faster rate
    • Earn 35% more cash and money when playing the Guitar
    • Learn the Xylophone hiddenskill at a 25% faster rate

    Workaholic Sims:
    • Gain 20 fun per hour for working / copying / helping / being helped on homework
    • Complete homework 27.8% faster
    • Cause 6s/12s to complete homework 27.8% faster when tutoring them

    (Note: LTR refers to the relationship value between two Sims, and (de)buffs refer to moodlets)
    « Last Edit: 2009 June 28, 21:14:24 by Zucabr » Logged
    Asinine Airhead

    Posts: 46


    View Profile
    TraitTuning xml Data for Rewards
    « Reply #1 on: 2009 June 13, 12:25:09 »

    SteelBladder Sims:
    • Are not mentioned in S3_0333406C_00000000_C4E3FD010A0B7DB0_TraitTuning_0xc4e3fd010a0b7db0%%+UNKN

    PermaClean Sims:
    • Have a 75% slower hygiene decay

    HardlyHungry Sims:
    • Have a 75% slower hunger decay

    ProfessionalSlacker Sims:
    • Are not mentioned in S3_0333406C_00000000_C4E3FD010A0B7DB0_TraitTuning_0xc4e3fd010a0b7db0%%+UNKN

    SpeedyCleaner Sims:
    • Clean at a 300% rate

    FastMetabolism Sims:
    • Change body shape 25% faster

    MultiTasker Sims:
    • Complete their homework 50% faster
    • Get a bonus 3 performance per hour when working

    ExtraCreative Sims:
    • Have a 25% bonus chance of painting a brilliant painting
    • Have a 15% bonus chance of painting a brilliant painting
    • Have a 50% increase in overall value of a painting

    HighRoller or Acclaimed Author Sims:
    • Have a 33.333% increase in royalty check amounts

    SuperGreenThumb Sims:
    • Get a 15% increase in plant quality value

    NeverDull Sims:
    • Are not mentioned in S3_0333406C_00000000_C4E3FD010A0B7DB0_TraitTuning_0xc4e3fd010a0b7db0%%+UNKN

    DiscountDiner Sims:
    • Are not mentioned in S3_0333406C_00000000_C4E3FD010A0B7DB0_TraitTuning_0xc4e3fd010a0b7db0%%+UNKN

    ComplimentaryEntertainment Sims:
    • Are not mentioned in S3_0333406C_00000000_C4E3FD010A0B7DB0_TraitTuning_0xc4e3fd010a0b7db0%%+UNKN

    BookshopBargainer Sims:
    • Gain an added 25 sale percentage on books

    OfficeHero Sims:
    • Gain twice as much LTR in the Hang With Coworkers tone

    Vacationer Sims:
    • Accrue 80% less negative performance per hour when 'Missing Work!'

    LegendaryHost Sims:
    • Have a minimum amount of 15 liking update guests will get at a party thrown by them

    Haggler Sims:
    • Gain an added 15 sale percentage for all store items

    LongDistanceFriend Sims:
    • Are not mentioned in S3_0333406C_00000000_C4E3FD010A0B7DB0_TraitTuning_0xc4e3fd010a0b7db0%%+UNKN

    FastLearner Sims:
    • Learn All skills 15% faster

    Attractive Sims:
    • Gain a bonus 20 relationship for Sims with the proper gender preference

    Observant Sims:
    • Learn 3 traits for free

    Opportunistic Sims:
    • Gain 100% in opportunity rewards

    FertilityTreatment Sims:
    • Add 25% chance of conceiving (if both sims have it, it's a 50% addition)
    • Have chance of multiple babies post max cap multiplied by 20 per parent with the FertilityTreatment
    « Last Edit: 2009 June 13, 13:22:57 by Zucabr » Logged
    Asinine Airhead

    Posts: 46


    View Profile
    « Reply #2 on: 2009 June 13, 12:25:51 »

    I don't really know how to read some of this data, so don't ask me. Tongue

    Plant Name: Tomato Plant
    Rarity: Common
    Skill Points Gained When Planted: 175
    Skill Points Gained When Harvested: 125
    Performance Threshold Between Average and Good: 95
    Performance Threshold Between Good and Great: 105
    Performance Change in Dry Soil: -40
    Performance Change in Neutral Soil: 40
    Performance Change in Wet Soil: 90
    Water Decay: 3
    Weed Chance: 0.2
    Harvest State Duration Minimum: 2
    Harvest State Duration Maximum: 4
    Number of Harvestables in Lifetime: 20
    Minimum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 2
    Maximum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 4
    Plant Model Type: GardenPlantBush

    Plant Name: Apple Tree
    Rarity: Common
    Skill Points Gained When Planted: 175
    Skill Points Gained When Harvested: 125
    Performance Threshold Between Average and Good: 95
    Performance Threshold Between Good and Great: 105
    Performance Change in Dry Soil: -30
    Performance Change in Neutral Soil: 45
    Performance Change in Wet Soil: 90
    Water Decay: 2
    Weed Chance: 0.1
    Harvest State Duration Minimum: 3
    Harvest State Duration Maximum: 8
    Number of Harvestables in Lifetime: 40
    Minimum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 3
    Maximum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 5
    Plant Model Type: PlantLargeTree

    Plant Name: Grape Vine
    Rarity: Common
    Skill Points Gained When Planted: 175
    Skill Points Gained When Harvested: 125
    Performance Threshold Between Average and Good: 85
    Performance Threshold Between Good and Great: 95
    Performance Change in Dry Soil: -50
    Performance Change in Neutral Soil: -5
    Performance Change in Wet Soil: 80
    Water Decay: 3
    Weed Chance: 0.2
    Harvest State Duration Minimum: 2
    Harvest State Duration Maximum: 4
    Number of Harvestables in Lifetime: 15
    Minimum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 2
    Maximum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 4
    Plant Model Type: PlantSmallVine

    Plant Name: Lettuce Plant
    Rarity: Common
    Skill Points Gained When Planted: 175
    Skill Points Gained When Harvested: 125
    Performance Threshold Between Average and Good: 95
    Performance Threshold Between Good and Great: 105
    Performance Change in Dry Soil: -50
    Performance Change in Neutral Soil: 30
    Performance Change in Wet Soil: 90
    Water Decay: 3
    Weed Chance: 0.2
    Harvest State Duration Minimum: 2
    Harvest State Duration Maximum: 4
    Number of Harvestables in Lifetime: 15
    Minimum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 1
    Maximum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 3
    Plant Model Type: PlantSmallVine

    Plant Name: Onion Plant
    Rarity: Uncommon
    Skill Points Gained When Planted: 225
    Skill Points Gained When Harvested: 175
    Performance Threshold Between Average and Good: 60
    Performance Threshold Between Good and Great: 65
    Performance Change in Dry Soil: -25
    Performance Change in Neutral Soil: 15
    Performance Change in Wet Soil: 40
    Water Decay: 1.2
    Weed Chance: 0.05
    Harvest State Duration Minimum: 4
    Harvest State Duration Maximum: 6
    Number of Harvestables in Lifetime: 25
    Minimum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 1
    Maximum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 3
    Plant Model Type: GardenPlantBush

    Plant Name: Potato Vine
    Rarity: Uncommon
    Skill Points Gained When Planted: 225
    Skill Points Gained When Harvested: 175
    Performance Threshold Between Average and Good: 60
    Performance Threshold Between Good and Great: 65
    Performance Change in Dry Soil: -25
    Performance Change in Neutral Soil: 15
    Performance Change in Wet Soil: 40
    Water Decay: 1.2
    Weed Chance: 0.05
    Harvest State Duration Minimum: 4
    Harvest State Duration Maximum: 6
    Number of Harvestables in Lifetime: 15
    Minimum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 1
    Maximum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 3
    Plant Model Type: PlantSmallVine

    Plant Name: Watermelon Vine
    Rarity: Uncommon
    Skill Points Gained When Planted: 225
    Skill Points Gained When Harvested: 175
    Performance Threshold Between Average and Good: 65
    Performance Threshold Between Good and Great: 70
    Performance Change in Dry Soil: -70
    Performance Change in Neutral Soil: -20
    Performance Change in Wet Soil: 40
    Water Decay: 3
    Weed Chance: 0.25
    Harvest State Duration Minimum: 2
    Harvest State Duration Maximum: 4
    Number of Harvestables in Lifetime: 10
    Minimum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 1
    Maximum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 2
    Plant Model Type: PlantSmallVine

    Plant Name: Lime Tree
    Rarity: Uncommon
    Skill Points Gained When Planted: 225
    Skill Points Gained When Harvested: 175
    Performance Threshold Between Average and Good: 65
    Performance Threshold Between Good and Great: 70
    Performance Change in Dry Soil: -40
    Performance Change in Neutral Soil: -5
    Performance Change in Wet Soil: 40
    Water Decay: 3
    Weed Chance: 0.25
    Harvest State Duration Minimum: 3
    Harvest State Duration Maximum: 8
    Number of Harvestables in Lifetime: 40
    Minimum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 3
    Maximum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 5
    Plant Model Type: PlantLargeTree

    Plant Name: Bell Pepper Plant
    Rarity: Rare
    Skill Points Gained When Planted: 325
    Skill Points Gained When Harvested: 250
    Performance Threshold Between Average and Good: 60
    Performance Threshold Between Good and Great: 70
    Performance Change in Dry Soil: -70
    Performance Change in Neutral Soil: -25
    Performance Change in Wet Soil: 30
    Water Decay: 3
    Weed Chance: 0.2
    Harvest State Duration Minimum: 2
    Harvest State Duration Maximum: 4
    Number of Harvestables in Lifetime: 15
    Minimum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 2
    Maximum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 4
    Plant Model Type: GardenPlantBush

    Plant Name: Garlic Plant
    Rarity: Rare
    Skill Points Gained When Planted: 325
    Skill Points Gained When Harvested: 250
    Performance Threshold Between Average and Good: 60
    Performance Threshold Between Good and Great: 70
    Performance Change in Dry Soil: -35
    Performance Change in Neutral Soil: -5
    Performance Change in Wet Soil: 30
    Water Decay: 1.2
    Weed Chance: 0.1
    Harvest State Duration Minimum: 4
    Harvest State Duration Maximum: 4
    Number of Harvestables in Lifetime: 30
    Minimum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 3
    Maximum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 5
    Plant Model Type: PlantSmallVine

    Plant Name: Death Flower Bush
    Rarity: Special
    Skill Points Gained When Planted: 375
    Skill Points Gained When Harvested: 300
    Performance Threshold Between Average and Good: 60
    Performance Threshold Between Good and Great: 65
    Performance Change in Dry Soil: -30
    Performance Change in Neutral Soil: -5
    Performance Change in Wet Soil: 25
    Water Decay: 1.2
    Weed Chance: 0.025
    Harvest State Duration Minimum: 5
    Harvest State Duration Maximum: 12
    Number of Harvestables in Lifetime: 2
    Minimum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 1
    Maximum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 1
    Plant Model Type: DeathFlowerBush

    Plant Name: Money Tree
    Rarity: Special
    Skill Points Gained When Planted: 375
    Skill Points Gained When Harvested: 300
    Performance Threshold Between Average and Good: 65
    Performance Threshold Between Good and Great: 75
    Performance Change in Dry Soil: -60
    Performance Change in Neutral Soil: -30
    Performance Change in Wet Soil: 30
    Water Decay: 2
    Weed Chance: 0.25
    Harvest State Duration Minimum: 5
    Harvest State Duration Maximum: 10
    Number of Harvestables in Lifetime: 10000
    Minimum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 2
    Maximum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 5
    Plant Model Type: MoneyTree

    Plant Name: Life Plant
    Rarity: Special
    Skill Points Gained When Planted: 375
    Skill Points Gained When Harvested: 300
    Performance Threshold Between Average and Good: 65
    Performance Threshold Between Good and Great: 75
    Performance Change in Dry Soil: -60
    Performance Change in Neutral Soil: -25
    Performance Change in Wet Soil: 30
    Water Decay: 3
    Weed Chance: 0.25
    Harvest State Duration Minimum: 2
    Harvest State Duration Maximum: 4
    Number of Harvestables in Lifetime: 12
    Minimum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 1
    Maximum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 3
    Plant Model Type: GardenPlantBush

    Plant Name: Flame Plant
    Rarity: Special
    Skill Points Gained When Planted: 375
    Skill Points Gained When Harvested: 300
    Performance Threshold Between Average and Good: 60
    Performance Threshold Between Good and Great: 70
    Performance Change in Dry Soil: -10
    Performance Change in Neutral Soil: 35
    Performance Change in Wet Soil: 30
    Water Decay: 1
    Weed Chance: 0.05
    Harvest State Duration Minimum: 2
    Harvest State Duration Maximum: 4
    Number of Harvestables in Lifetime: 20
    Minimum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 1
    Maximum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 3
    Plant Model Type: PlantSmallVine

    Plant Name: Omni Plant
    Rarity: Special
    Skill Points Gained When Planted: 400
    Skill Points Gained When Harvested: 300
    Performance Threshold Between Average and Good: 60
    Performance Threshold Between Good and Great: 70
    Performance Change in Dry Soil: -40
    Performance Change in Neutral Soil: 15
    Performance Change in Wet Soil: 40
    Water Decay: 2
    Weed Chance: 0.15
    Harvest State Duration Minimum: 2
    Harvest State Duration Maximum: 4
    Number of Harvestables in Lifetime: 25
    Minimum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 2
    Maximum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 5
    Plant Model Type: OmniPlant

    Plant Name: Egg Plant
    Rarity: Special
    Skill Points Gained When Planted: 150
    Skill Points Gained When Harvested: 100
    Performance Threshold Between Average and Good: 65
    Performance Threshold Between Good and Great: 85
    Performance Change in Dry Soil: -30
    Performance Change in Neutral Soil: 20
    Performance Change in Wet Soil: 65
    Water Decay: 3
    Weed Chance: 0.25
    Harvest State Duration Minimum: 2
    Harvest State Duration Maximum: 2
    Number of Harvestables in Lifetime: 15
    Minimum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 2
    Maximum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 5
    Plant Model Type: GardenPlantBush

    Plant Name: Cheese Plant
    Rarity: Special
    Skill Points Gained When Planted: 150
    Skill Points Gained When Harvested: 100
    Performance Threshold Between Average and Good: 65
    Performance Threshold Between Good and Great: 85
    Performance Change in Dry Soil: -30
    Performance Change in Neutral Soil: 20
    Performance Change in Wet Soil: 65
    Water Decay: 3
    Weed Chance: 0.25
    Harvest State Duration Minimum: 2
    Harvest State Duration Maximum: 2
    Number of Harvestables in Lifetime: 15
    Minimum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 2
    Maximum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 5
    Plant Model Type: GardenPlantBush

    Plant Name: Burger Plant
    Rarity: Special
    Skill Points Gained When Planted: 150
    Skill Points Gained When Harvested: 100
    Performance Threshold Between Average and Good: 65
    Performance Threshold Between Good and Great: 85
    Performance Change in Dry Soil: -30
    Performance Change in Neutral Soil: 20
    Performance Change in Wet Soil: 65
    Water Decay: 3
    Weed Chance: 0.25
    Harvest State Duration Minimum: 2
    Harvest State Duration Maximum: 2
    Number of Harvestables in Lifetime: 15
    Minimum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 2
    Maximum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 5
    Plant Model Type: GardenPlantBush

    Plant Name: Steak Plant
    Rarity: Special
    Skill Points Gained When Planted: 150
    Skill Points Gained When Harvested: 100
    Performance Threshold Between Average and Good: 65
    Performance Threshold Between Good and Great: 85
    Performance Change in Dry Soil: -30
    Performance Change in Neutral Soil: 20
    Performance Change in Wet Soil: 65
    Water Decay: 3
    Weed Chance: 0.25
    Harvest State Duration Minimum: 2
    Harvest State Duration Maximum: 2
    Number of Harvestables in Lifetime: 15
    Minimum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 2
    Maximum Harvestables Per Harvest Cycle: 5
    Plant Model Type: GardenPlantBush
    « Last Edit: 2009 June 13, 14:03:34 by Zucabr » Logged
    Asinine Airhead

    Posts: 46


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    Seed Spawners
    « Reply #3 on: 2009 June 13, 12:26:25 »

    Notes: It says nothing about whether or not Unknown seeds have predetermined plant types, or just randomly grow into a plant of that rarity upon planting in a dirt pile. Locations of spawners also undocumented.

    A: Spawner Name
    B: <MaxSpawnCapacity>Max number of untaken objects that this Spawner can have in-world.
    C: <SpawnFrequency>The bounds of the 'spawn timer' frequency in sim hours. Values: (1) Min, (2) Max.  A different random number within this range is chosen as the 'spawn timer' duration each loop.
    D: <SpawnChance>Each time the 'spawn timer' goes off (and we're under this Spawner's max capacity) this chance determines whether or not we spawn something.  Range: 0.0 to 1.0.  Zeroing this number will disable the spawner.
    E: <DeleteUntakenObjectFrequency>Number of sim hours in between this spawner reaching max capacity and automatically deleting the oldest untaken spawned object.
    F: <SeedRarityChances>When we know we're going to spawn a Seed these are the percent chances the Seed will be of a given rarity.  Format: (1) Common, (2) Uncommon, (3) Rare, (4) Special. The code will normalize probability values that sum to greater than 1.0f.  Zeroing all probabilities will disable the spawner.
    G: <QualityCommonMin>-<QualityCommonMax>When the Spawner is about to spawn a seed, the seed's Quality is randomly chosen using a bell curve with this value as the minimum and maximum bounds of the bell curve.
    H: <QualityUncommonMin>-<QualityUncommonMax>
    I: <QualityRareMin>-<QualityRareMax>
    J: <QualitySpecialMin>-<QualitySpecialMax>

    A: Spawner Name: SeedSpawnerRare1
    B: <MaxSpawnCapacity>3
    C: <SpawnFrequency>10,20
    D: <SpawnChance>0.65
    E: <DeleteUntakenObjectFrequency>12
    F: <SeedRarityChances>0.2,0.4,0.4,0
    G: <QualityCommonMin>-<QualityCommonMax>Nice-Excellent
    H: <QualityUncommonMin>-<QualityUncommonMax>Neutral-Great
    I: <QualityRareMin>-<QualityRareMax>Nice-Excellent
    J: <QualitySpecialMin>-<QualitySpecialMax>Neutral-Neutral

    A: Spawner Name: SeedSpawnerRare2
    B: <MaxSpawnCapacity>3
    C: <SpawnFrequency>10,20
    D: <SpawnChance>0.65
    E: <DeleteUntakenObjectFrequency>12
    F: <SeedRarityChances>0,0.5,0.5,0
    G: <QualityCommonMin>-<QualityCommonMax>Nice-Excellent
    H: <QualityUncommonMin>-<QualityUncommonMax>Neutral-Great
    I: <QualityRareMin>-<QualityRareMax>Nice-Excellent
    J: <QualitySpecialMin>-<QualitySpecialMax>Neutral-Neutral

    A: Spawner Name: SeedSpawnerRare3
    B: <MaxSpawnCapacity>3
    C: <SpawnFrequency>12,32
    D: <SpawnChance>0.65
    E: <DeleteUntakenObjectFrequency>12
    F: <SeedRarityChances>0,0.2,0.8,0
    G: <QualityCommonMin>-<QualityCommonMax>Great-Outstanding
    H: <QualityUncommonMin>-<QualityUncommonMax>VeryNice-Outstanding
    I: <QualityRareMin>-<QualityRareMax>Nice-Outstanding
    J: <QualitySpecialMin>-<QualitySpecialMax>Neutral-Neutral

    A: Spawner Name: SeedSpawnerSpecial3
    B: <MaxSpawnCapacity>3
    C: <SpawnFrequency>12,32
    D: <SpawnChance>0.65
    E: <DeleteUntakenObjectFrequency>13
    F: <SeedRarityChances>0,0,0.25,0.75
    G: <QualityCommonMin>-<QualityCommonMax>Nice-Perfect
    H: <QualityUncommonMin>-<QualityUncommonMax>Nice-Perfect
    I: <QualityRareMin>-<QualityRareMax>Nice-Perfect
    J: <QualitySpecialMin>-<QualitySpecialMax>Great-Outstanding

    A: Spawner Name: SeedSpawnerSpecial2
    B: <MaxSpawnCapacity>3
    C: <SpawnFrequency>10,20
    D: <SpawnChance>0.65
    E: <DeleteUntakenObjectFrequency>13
    F: <SeedRarityChances>0,0.25,0.25,0.5
    G: <QualityCommonMin>-<QualityCommonMax>Nice-Perfect
    H: <QualityUncommonMin>-<QualityUncommonMax>Nice-Perfect
    I: <QualityRareMin>-<QualityRareMax>Nice-Perfect
    J: <QualitySpecialMin>-<QualitySpecialMax>Neutral-Great

    A: Spawner Name: SeedSpawnerSpecial1
    B: <MaxSpawnCapacity>3
    C: <SpawnFrequency>10,20
    D: <SpawnChance>0.65
    E: <DeleteUntakenObjectFrequency>13
    F: <SeedRarityChances>0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25
    G: <QualityCommonMin>-<QualityCommonMax>Nice-Great
    H: <QualityUncommonMin>-<QualityUncommonMax>Nice-Great
    I: <QualityRareMin>-<QualityRareMax>Nice-Great
    J: <QualitySpecialMin>-<QualitySpecialMax>Neutral-VeryNice

    A: Spawner Name: SeedSpawnerCommon4
    B: <MaxSpawnCapacity>2
    C: <SpawnFrequency>12,32
    D: <SpawnChance>0.7
    E: <DeleteUntakenObjectFrequency>10
    F: <SeedRarityChances>0.6,0.3,0.1,0
    G: <QualityCommonMin>-<QualityCommonMax>VeryNice-Outstanding
    H: <QualityUncommonMin>-<QualityUncommonMax>VeryNice-Excellent
    I: <QualityRareMin>-<QualityRareMax>Nice-Excellent
    J: <QualitySpecialMin>-<QualitySpecialMax>Neutral-Neutral

    A: Spawner Name: SeedSpawnerCommon1
    B: <MaxSpawnCapacity>2
    C: <SpawnFrequency>4,10
    D: <SpawnChance>0.7
    E: <DeleteUntakenObjectFrequency>6
    F: <SeedRarityChances>0.75,0.25,0,0
    G: <QualityCommonMin>-<QualityCommonMax>Bad-Nice
    H: <QualityUncommonMin>-<QualityUncommonMax>Bad-Nice
    I: <QualityRareMin>-<QualityRareMax>Neutral-Neutral
    J: <QualitySpecialMin>-<QualitySpecialMax>Neutral-Neutral

    A: Spawner Name: SeedSpawnerCommon3
    B: <MaxSpawnCapacity>2
    C: <SpawnFrequency>10,20
    D: <SpawnChance>0.7
    E: <DeleteUntakenObjectFrequency>10
    F: <SeedRarityChances>0.6,0.3,0.1,0
    G: <QualityCommonMin>-<QualityCommonMax>Neutral-Great
    H: <QualityUncommonMin>-<QualityUncommonMax>Neutral-Great
    I: <QualityRareMin>-<QualityRareMax>Bad-VeryNice
    J: <QualitySpecialMin>-<QualitySpecialMax>Neutral-Neutral

    A: Spawner Name: SeedSpawnerCommon2
    B: <MaxSpawnCapacity>2
    C: <SpawnFrequency>4,10
    D: <SpawnChance>0.7
    E: <DeleteUntakenObjectFrequency>6
    F: <SeedRarityChances>0.6,0.4,0,0
    G: <QualityCommonMin>-<QualityCommonMax>Bad-VeryNice
    H: <QualityUncommonMin>-<QualityUncommonMax>Bad-VeryNice
    I: <QualityRareMin>-<QualityRareMax>Neutral-Neutral
    J: <QualitySpecialMin>-<QualitySpecialMax>Neutral-Neutral

    A: Spawner Name: SeedSpawnerUncommon2
    B: <MaxSpawnCapacity>2
    C: <SpawnFrequency>10,20
    D: <SpawnChance>0.7
    E: <DeleteUntakenObjectFrequency>10
    F: <SeedRarityChances>0.25,0.75,0,0
    G: <QualityCommonMin>-<QualityCommonMax>Neutral-VeryNice
    H: <QualityUncommonMin>-<QualityUncommonMax>Neutral-VeryNice
    I: <QualityRareMin>-<QualityRareMax>Neutral-Neutral
    J: <QualitySpecialMin>-<QualitySpecialMax>Neutral-Neutral

    A: Spawner Name: SeedSpawnerUncommon3
    B: <MaxSpawnCapacity>2
    C: <SpawnFrequency>12,32
    D: <SpawnChance>0.7
    E: <DeleteUntakenObjectFrequency>10
    F: <SeedRarityChances>0,0.75,0.25,0
    G: <QualityCommonMin>-<QualityCommonMax>VeryNice-Outstanding
    H: <QualityUncommonMin>-<QualityUncommonMax>VeryNice-Outstanding
    I: <QualityRareMin>-<QualityRareMax>Nice-Excellent
    J: <QualitySpecialMin>-<QualitySpecialMax>Neutral-Neutral

    A: Spawner Name: SeedSpawnerUncommon1
    B: <MaxSpawnCapacity>2
    C: <SpawnFrequency>4,10
    D: <SpawnChance>0.7
    E: <DeleteUntakenObjectFrequency>6
    F: <SeedRarityChances>0.5,0.5,0,0
    G: <QualityCommonMin>-<QualityCommonMax>Bad-Nice
    H: <QualityUncommonMin>-<QualityUncommonMax>Bad-Nice
    I: <QualityRareMin>-<QualityRareMax>Neutral-Neutral
    J: <QualitySpecialMin>-<QualitySpecialMax>Neutral-Neutral
    « Last Edit: 2009 June 28, 20:46:24 by Zucabr » Logged
    Asinine Airhead

    Posts: 46


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    RockGemMetal Spawners
    « Reply #4 on: 2009 June 13, 14:04:27 »

    Spawner Name: RockGemMetalSpawner1
    Spawn List: Iron, Silver, Gold
    List Probability: 25,3,1
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 2
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 14
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 50
    Spawn Chance: 0.5
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 25

    Spawner Name: RockGemMetalSpawner2
    Spawn List: Iron, Silver, Gold
    List Probability: 1,25,2
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 2
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 14
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 50
    Spawn Chance: 0.5
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 30

    Spawner Name: RockGemMetalSpawner3
    Spawn List: Iron, Silver, Gold
    List Probability: 1,1,20
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 1
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 14
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 50
    Spawn Chance: 0.5
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 22

    Spawner Name: RockGemMetalSpawner4
    Spawn List: Iron, Silver, Gold
    List Probability: 9,3,1
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 3
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 14
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 50
    Spawn Chance: 0.5
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 25

    Spawner Name: RockGemMetalSpawner5
    Spawn List: Iron, Silver, Gold, Palladium
    List Probability: 1,3,4,1
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 3
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 14
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 50
    Spawn Chance: 0.5
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 26

    Spawner Name: RockGemMetalSpawner6
    Spawn List: Silver, Gold, Palladium, Plutonium
    List Probability: 1,1,7,1
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 1
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 14
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 50
    Spawn Chance: 0.5
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 28

    Spawner Name: RockGemMetalSpawner7
    Spawn List: Tiny Space Rock
    List Probability: 1
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 3
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 14
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 50
    Spawn Chance: 0.5
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 31

    Spawner Name: RockGemMetalSpawner8
    Spawn List: Large Space Rock
    List Probability: 1
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 1
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 14
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 50
    Spawn Chance: 0.5
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 33

    Spawner Name: RockGemMetalSpawner9
    Spawn List: Tiny Space Rock, Large Space Rock
    List Probability: 5,1
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 2
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 14
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 50
    Spawn Chance: 0.5
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 20

    Spawner Name: RockGemMetalSpawner10
    Spawn List: Tiny Space Rock, Large Space Rock, Zucabr Space Rock
    List Probability: 10,90,1
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 1
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 14
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 50
    Spawn Chance: 0.5
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 50

    Spawner Name: RockGemMetalSpawner11
    Spawn List: Aqua
    List Probability: 1
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 2
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 40
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 80
    Spawn Chance: 0.5
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 25

    Spawner Name: RockGemMetalSpawner12
    Spawn List: Aqua, Emerald, Yellow, Diamond
    List Probability: 7,5,2,1
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 3
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 14
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 35
    Spawn Chance: 0.5
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 25

    Spawner Name: RockGemMetalSpawner13
    Spawn List: Smoky Quartz, Ruby, Yellow, Tanzanite
    List Probability: 7,5,2,1
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 3
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 14
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 35
    Spawn Chance: 0.5
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 40

    Spawner Name: RockGemMetalSpawner14
    Spawn List: Aqua, Smoky Quartz, Diamond,Luminorous
    List Probability: 4,3,3,2
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 2
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 14
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 35
    Spawn Chance: 0.5
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 30

    Spawner Name: RockGemMetalSpawner15
    Spawn List: Emerald, Ruby, Yellow, Tanzanite,Luminorous
    List Probability: 1,2,4,2,2
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 2
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 14
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 35
    Spawn Chance: 0.5
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 28

    Spawner Name: RockGemMetalSpawner16
    Spawn List: Yellow, Tanzanite, Diamond, Rainbow
    List Probability: 1,2,2,1
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 1
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 14
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 35
    Spawn Chance: 0.5
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 30

    Spawner Name: RockGemMetalSpawner17
    Spawn List: Ruby, Tanzanite, Diamond,Pink
    List Probability: 1,2,3,1
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 1
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 14
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 35
    Spawn Chance: 0.25
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 30
    « Last Edit: 2009 June 28, 20:56:17 by Zucabr » Logged
    Dimwitted Dunce
    Posts: 158

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    Re: Tuning XML Data - (Traits, Rewards, Plants, etc.)
    « Reply #5 on: 2009 June 13, 16:11:35 »

    I put the data on the traits and rewards into a Word 2007 document (the top choice). I used Calibri 12 font and a few hanging indents and single line spacing to get the data unto six pages. I also put the rewards in alphabetically order. I thought others might like the list on their computers, so I saved in different formats.

    It is good to know the hard numbers. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.
    Blathering Buffoon
    Posts: 68

    in my mouf...

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    Re: Tuning XML Data - (Traits, Rewards, Plants, etc.)
    « Reply #6 on: 2009 June 14, 05:32:46 »

    Wonderful, thank you for the data.  I can confirm effectively what the bits about skill points are saying with the plants, I'd copied a neighbourhood with a previous fambly that had a life fruit orchard and, by chance, parked the second iteration of mine and my partner's selfsims next to it.  I realised quickly that gardening levels hilariously fast with an eternal and massive source of life fruit.

    How difficult is it to extract and mod these?  I've tooled around a bit with GCFScape and some Valve games, but I'd like to change that 1% chance for same sex households for certain neighbourhoods, if possible and without breaking compatibility with Awesomeware.
    Asinine Airhead

    Posts: 46


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    Re: Tuning XML Data - (Traits, Rewards, Plants, etc.)
    « Reply #7 on: 2009 June 14, 06:41:39 »

    How difficult is it to extract and mod these?  I've tooled around a bit with GCFScape and some Valve games, but I'd like to change that 1% chance for same sex households for certain neighbourhoods, if possible and without breaking compatibility with Awesomeware.

    It's pretty easy to mod the Tuning XMLs. I have no previous experience in modding, but I already have maybe 2 dozen personal hacks (okay fine, they're CHEATS Tongue) that I learned to make simply from reading two paragraphs.



    Which can be found at Inge's Sims 3 Tools site here

    you need the s3pi library installed
    then install the s3pi program (again)

    Well frankly for me, it is quite easy to use. All you do is open a package like gameplaydata.package and it will bring up a bunch of numbers, you click the display resources name checkbox and that helps you out some.

    What I did was I just opened gameplaydata.package, selected all of them using the shift key, and went to file, export, and made a new folder called gameplaydata. I then sift through the data to see if I can find anything that is moddable. Then I copy that file to another folder and I open it in word pad. When I am done editing it I open S3PIDemoPe and I hit file, new, file, import, which will import the bnry file that i edited. Then you go to file, save, and type in the name.
    Tasty Tourist

    Posts: 1

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    Flame Fruit
    « Reply #8 on: 2009 June 25, 22:42:43 »

    I was looking through the XML files and found that based on quality, the Flame Fruit had a limited lifespan.

    Horrifying/putrid - 1 sim hour
    Foul - 2 hours
    Bad - 4 hours
    Neutral - 8 hours
    Nice - 16 hours
    Very Nice - 24 hours
    Great - 32 hours
    Excellent - 40 hours
    Outstanding - 54 hours

    Perfect flame fruits do not lose their benefits.
    Exasperating Eyesore
    Posts: 237

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    Re: Tuning XML Data - (Traits, Rewards, Plants, etc.)
    « Reply #9 on: 2009 June 26, 09:09:02 »


    I found this in S3_0333406C_00000000_8332D3EDECE83E1E_Urnstone_0x8332d3edece83e1e%%+_XML.xml:

        <kLifetimeHappinessWealthyTombstone value="150000">
          <!--If the Sim's lifetime happiness at death is >= this they will have a 'wealthy' tombstone.-->
        <kLifetimeHappinessPoorTombstone value="75000">
          <!--If the Sim's lifetime happiness at death is >= this they will have a 'poor' tombstone.-->

    Though I don't know if it counts all lifetime happiness points, or just those you have at the moment. Personally I think it counts all points you earned through your life, cause I remember using all sim’s points before her death and she got medium 'poor' tombstone, and not the simplest one.

    And this:

        <kGhostBurialGroundDurationHours value="24">
          <!--The number of hours ghosts created for the burial ground scenario will hang around.-->
        <kGhostMaxGhostsInWorld value="15">
          <!--The max number of ghosts allowed in the world at once.-->
        <kPickUpMinLTR value="50">
          <!--The minimum LTR 'Liking' value to be allowed to pick up an urnstone if it isn't already player moveable.-->

    I find the last one interesting for moding. Setting this to zero might allow moving those tombstone at graveyard by any sim.

    Mail and Bills

    This is from S3_0333406C_00000000_894944A6DAD4A2CF_Mailbox_0x894944a6dad4a2cf%%+_XML.xml:

    <kPercentageOfWealthBilled value=".013">
          <!--Percentage of the total assets - used for billing the Sim's household. To be used when mailman would bring the regular weekly bills.-->

    This one I think allows modding of bills. I wonder how assets are calculated.

    <kBillingDaysOfWeek value="Monday, Thursday">
          <!--Days of week to bill the active household.-->
        <kBookClubDay value="Wednesday">
          <!--Day of week that the book club book arrives.-->

    This can also be modded, to get bills every day maybe.

    <kChanceOfGettignJunkMail value="0">
          <!--Chance of getting junk mail. Positive float. Range [0, 1]. Initial GPE default 0.1f-->

    And this is strange. Maybe it got obselete?
    Asinine Airhead

    Posts: 46


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    Re: Tuning XML Data - (Traits, Rewards, Plants, etc.)
    « Reply #10 on: 2009 June 27, 15:11:04 »


    I found this in S3_0333406C_00000000_8332D3EDECE83E1E_Urnstone_0x8332d3edece83e1e%%+_XML.xml:

        <kLifetimeHappinessWealthyTombstone value="150000">
          <!--If the Sim's lifetime happiness at death is >= this they will have a 'wealthy' tombstone.-->
        <kLifetimeHappinessPoorTombstone value="75000">
          <!--If the Sim's lifetime happiness at death is >= this they will have a 'poor' tombstone.-->

    Though I don't know if it counts all lifetime happiness points, or just those you have at the moment. Personally I think it counts all points you earned through your life, cause I remember using all sim's points before her death and she got medium 'poor' tombstone, and not the simplest one.

    If you mouseover the treasurebox in the Lifetime Happiness tab of the UI, the total amount of points earned throughout the Sim's life is recorded there -- the game tracks total points separate from current points. It stands to reason that the tombstone calculator would use the total points.
    Asinine Airhead

    Posts: 46


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    Insect Spawners
    « Reply #11 on: 2009 June 28, 21:10:55 »

    Wow, is this getting tl;dr. Lorelei? Are you dead? Am I channeling you? Please stop infecting me with Tealdeeredness!

    Spawner Name: InsectSpawner1
    Spawn List: ButterflyMoth
    List Probability: 1
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 3
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 14
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 30
    Spawn Chance: 0.5
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 120
    Spawner Name: InsectSpawner2
    Spawn List: ButterflyMonarch
    List Probability: 1
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 2
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 14
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 30
    Spawn Chance: 0.5
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 120
    Spawner Name: InsectSpawner3
    Spawn List: ButterflyMonarch, ButterflyRed, ButterflyBlue
    List Probability: 2,2,1
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 2
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 14
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 30
    Spawn Chance: 0.5
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 120
    Spawner Name: InsectSpawner4
    Spawn List: ButterflyMonarch, ButterflyGold, ButterflyGreen
    List Probability: 2,2,1
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 2
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 14
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 30
    Spawn Chance: 0.5
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 120
    Spawner Name: InsectSpawner5
    Spawn List: ButterflyGold, ButterflyRed, ButterflyGreen, ButterflyPurple
    List Probability: 1,6,3,2
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 1
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 14
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 30
    Spawn Chance: 0.5
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 120
    Spawner Name: InsectSpawner6
    Spawn List: ButterflyGold, ButterflyBlue, ButterflySilver
    List Probability: 5,3,1
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 1
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 14
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 30
    Spawn Chance: 0.5
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 120
    Spawner Name: InsectSpawner7
    Spawn List: ButterflyRed, ButterflyBlue, ButterflyGreen, ButterflyPurple, ButterflySilver, ButterflyZebra
    List Probability: 1,2,2,2,1,1
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 1
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 14
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 30
    Spawn Chance: 0.5
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 120
    Spawner Name: InsectSpawner8
    Spawn List: ButterflyGold, ButterflyRed, ButterflyPurple, ButterflySilver, ButterflyZebra, ButterflyKite
    List Probability: 1,2,3,3,2,1
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 1
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 14
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 30
    Spawn Chance: 0.5
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 120
    Spawner Name: InsectSpawner9
    Spawn List: ButterflyMoth, ButterflyMonarch, ButterflyGold, ButterflyRed, ButterflyBlue, ButterflyGreen, ButterflyPurple, ButterflySilver, ButterflyZebra, ButterflyKite
    List Probability: 4,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 2
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 14
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 30
    Spawn Chance: 0.5
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 120
    Spawner Name: InsectSpawner10
    Spawn List: ButterflySilver
    List Probability: 1
    Spawn Time Start Hour: 8
    Spawn Time Stop Hour: 16
    Spawn on Days of the Week: R,F
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 1
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 14
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 30
    Spawn Chance: 0.5
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 8
    Spawner Name: InsectSpawner11
    Spawn List: ButterflyZebra
    List Probability: 1
    Spawn Time Start Hour: 12
    Spawn Time Stop Hour: 23
    Spawn on Days of the Week: T,W
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 1
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 14
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 30
    Spawn Chance: 0.5
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 8

    Spawner Name: InsectSpawner12
    Spawn List: ButterflyKite
    List Probability: 1
    Spawn Time Start Hour: 0
    Spawn Time Stop Hour: 7
    Spawn on Days of the Week: S
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 1
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 14
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 30
    Spawn Chance: 0.5
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 8

    Spawner Name: InsectSpawner13
    Spawn List: BeetleCockroach
    List Probability: 1
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 3
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 6
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 11
    Spawn Chance: 0.8
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 18

    Spawner Name: InsectSpawner14
    Spawn List: BeetleLady
    List Probability: 1
    Spawn Time Start Hour: 9
    Spawn Time Stop Hour: 20
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 2
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 6
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 11
    Spawn Chance: 0.8
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 9
    Spawner Name: InsectSpawner15
    Spawn List: BeetleJapanese
    List Probability: 1
    Spawn Time Start Hour: 12
    Spawn Time Stop Hour: 20
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 1
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 6
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 11
    Spawn Chance: 0.8
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 8
    Spawner Name: InsectSpawner16
    Spawn List: BeetleWater
    List Probability: 1
    Spawn Time Start Hour: 0
    Spawn Time Stop Hour: 6
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 2
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 6
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 11
    Spawn Chance: 0.8
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 14
    Spawner Name: InsectSpawner17
    Spawn List: BeetleLight
    List Probability: 1
    Spawn Time Start Hour: 18
    Spawn Time Stop Hour: 2
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 2
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 6
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 11
    Spawn Chance: 0.8
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 11
    Spawner Name: InsectSpawner18
    Spawn List: BeetleRhino
    List Probability: 1
    Spawn on Days of the Week: F,S,U
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 1
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 6
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 11
    Spawn Chance: 0.8
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 30
    Spawner Name: InsectSpawner19
    Spawn List: BeetleJapanese, BeetleStag
    List Probability: 1,1
    Spawn on Days of the Week: T,W,R
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 2
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 6
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 11
    Spawn Chance: 0.8
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 30
    Spawner Name: InsectSpawner20
    Spawn List: BeetleLady, BeetleSpotted
    List Probability: 1,1
    Spawn on Days of the Week: R,F
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 2
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 6
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 11
    Spawn Chance: 0.8
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 30
    Spawner Name: InsectSpawner21
    Spawn List: BeetleWater, BeetleTrilobite
    List Probability: 4,1
    Spawn on Days of the Week: M,T
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 1
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 6
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 11
    Spawn Chance: 0.8
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 30
    Spawner Name: InsectSpawner22
    Spawn List: BeetleLight, BeetleRainbow
    List Probability: 5,1
    Spawn on Days of the Week: S
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 1
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 6
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 11
    Spawn Chance: 0.8
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 30
    Spawner Name: InsectSpawner23
    Spawn List: BeetleLady, BeetleCockroach, BeetleJapanese, BeetleWater, BeetleLight, BeetleRhino, BeetleStag, BeetleSpotted, BeetleTrilobite, BeetleRainbow
    List Probability: 10,10,8,8,6,6,4,4,1,1
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 2
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 6
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 11
    Spawn Chance: 0.8
    Exasperating Eyesore
    Posts: 237

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    Re: Tuning XML Data - (Traits, Rewards, Plants, etc.)
    « Reply #12 on: 2009 June 29, 09:51:03 »

    From :S3_0333406C_00000000_77DD4301B72C350A_Metal_0x77dd4301b72c350a%%+_XML.xml

     <kSmeltMultiplier value="1.75" />

    From: S3_0333406C_00000000_0BC598D3D67B7E74_RockGemMetal%%+_XML.xml


    It means that if I have silver that costs 40$, then after smelting I'll get 40*1.75 = 70$. Not worth it. Basicly Iron and Silver are never worth it.

    With this information one can decide if it is worth to cut or smelt something or not.

    « Last Edit: 2009 June 29, 09:57:22 by blackcat » Logged
    Horrible Halfwit
    Posts: 368

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    Re: Tuning XML Data - (Traits, Rewards, Plants, etc.)
    « Reply #13 on: 2009 June 29, 22:48:35 »

    It means that if I have silver that costs 40$, then after smelting I'll get 40*1.75 = 70$. Not worth it. Basicly Iron and Silver are never worth it.

    With this information one can decide if it is worth to cut or smelt something or not.

    Finding all the types of ore will result in getting more ingots back from smelting than you send. I've made more off of smelting silver and getting extra ingots than the cost of the smelting, but not much more. I just sell silver and iron, smelt gold, palladium and plutonium. Extra plutonium ingots is a nice perk.
    Blathering Buffoon
    Posts: 68

    in my mouf...

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    Re: Tuning XML Data - (Traits, Rewards, Plants, etc.)
    « Reply #14 on: 2009 June 30, 01:32:20 »

    <kChanceOfGettignJunkMail value="0">
          <!--Chance of getting junk mail. Positive float. Range [0, 1]. Initial GPE default 0.1f-->

    And this is strange. Maybe it got obselete?

    As far as I can tell, it's obsolete or completely boring.  In one week of game time, nothing happened when I changed the value.

    Hm, I'd no idea there were so many gem cuts.  How atrocious some of those values are, I'm totally going to "de-skill" that.  You should only have to cut gems multiple times to get more cut varieties if you are A) in a mummorpuger, or B) cutting the gems yourself.  Since you're mailing them off to get cut I find the latter rather doubtful, but given the development team's history, point A seems a bit likely.
    Exasperating Eyesore
    Posts: 237

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    Re: Tuning XML Data - (Traits, Rewards, Plants, etc.)
    « Reply #15 on: 2009 June 30, 08:23:57 »

    <kChanceOfGettignJunkMail value="0">
          <!--Chance of getting junk mail. Positive float. Range [0, 1]. Initial GPE default 0.1f-->

    And this is strange. Maybe it got obselete?

    As far as I can tell, it's obsolete or completely boring.  In one week of game time, nothing happened when I changed the value.

    I tested this by changing the chance to 1(100%), I got junk mail with bills. It looked the same and the only option, surprisingly Tongue, was to throw it away. Boring.
    Asinine Airhead

    Posts: 32

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    Re: RockGemMetal Spawners
    « Reply #16 on: 2009 June 30, 13:40:38 »

    Spawner Name: RockGemMetalSpawner10
    Spawn List: Tiny Space Rock, Large Space Rock, Zucabr Space Rock
    List Probability: 10,90,1
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 1
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 14
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 50
    Spawn Chance: 0.5
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 50

    Exasperating Eyesore
    Posts: 237

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    Re: Tuning XML Data - (Traits, Rewards, Plants, etc.)
    « Reply #17 on: 2009 June 30, 14:31:25 »

    I can't find it in my game, only this from S3_0333406C_00000000_0BC598D3D67B7E74_RockGemMetal%%+_XML.xml:
      <Spawns>SpaceRockSmall, SpaceRockMedium, SpaceRockLarge</Spawns>

    EDIT: Oopsie, didn't see, that it was a quote, thought it was a found code.
    « Last Edit: 2009 June 30, 14:42:25 by blackcat » Logged
    Feckless Fool
    Posts: 268

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    Re: Tuning XML Data - (Traits, Rewards, Plants, etc.)
    « Reply #18 on: 2009 June 30, 14:35:29 »

    The Large Space Rock has been dubbed the Zucabr rock by some, due to some amusing pictures Zucabr posted of one.

    Set the controls for the heart of the sun.
    Blathering Buffoon
    Posts: 68

    in my mouf...

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    Re: Tuning XML Data - (Traits, Rewards, Plants, etc.)
    « Reply #19 on: 2009 June 30, 17:37:32 »

    I tested this by changing the chance to 1(100%), I got junk mail with bills. It looked the same and the only option, surprisingly Tongue, was to throw it away. Boring.

    Weird, I'd never received any junk mail with the bills the fambly got when I was testing it with it on (I'd had it on 1, of course).
    Exasperating Eyesore
    Posts: 237

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    Re: Tuning XML Data - (Traits, Rewards, Plants, etc.)
    « Reply #20 on: 2009 June 30, 17:54:01 »

    I got it on monday will bills, it looked exactly like bills, was in the inventory with bills only it was SPAM  Grin
    « Last Edit: 2009 July 02, 08:05:09 by blackcat » Logged
    Asinine Airhead

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    Re: RockGemMetal Spawners
    « Reply #21 on: 2009 July 02, 06:54:31 »

    Spawner Name: RockGemMetalSpawner10
    Spawn List: Tiny Space Rock, Large Space Rock, Zucabr Space Rock
    List Probability: 10,90,1
    Maximum Spawn Capacity: 1
    Minimum Time Between Spawns: 14
    Maximum Time Between Spawns: 50
    Spawn Chance: 0.5
    Time Before Deleting Untaken: 50
    This is a Zucabr space rock:

    Asinine Airhead

    Posts: 46


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    « Reply #22 on: 2009 July 04, 17:40:27 »

    From S3_0333406C_00000000_05B0C7B83279EDE5_TrashCanOutside_0x05b0c7b83279ede5%%+UNKN:
        <kRummageMaxItems value="7">
          <!--Max number of items to be found while rummaging.-->
        <kNetWorthMedium value="30000">
          <!--A household with a networth of X will be considered to have a 'medium' net worth.-->
        <kNetWorthHigh value="95000">
          <!--A household with a networth of X will be considered to have a 'high' net worth.-->
        <kNetWorthMedChanceForMedList value="20">
          <!--The chance to pull a medium valued item from a medium networth household.-->
        <kNetWorthHighChanceForMedList value="30">
          <!--The chance to pull a medium valued item from a high networth household.-->
        <kNetWorthHighChanceForHighList value="3">
          <!--The chance to pull a high valued item from a high networth household.-->
        <kChanceNonListItem value="15">
          <!--The chance, regardless of household networth, the item will be a flop quailty book, an insect, a rock/gem/metal or a plant-->
    Asinine Airhead

    Posts: 46


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    « Reply #23 on: 2009 July 07, 02:10:17 »

    On mailing a Rock/Gem/Metal to be Analyzed/Cut/Smelted, if the Sim reaches the minimum Collecting hidden "skill" level then there is a chance that it will turn out to be a Mysterious Magical Gnome. (I forget what they're actually called.)
    Magic Gnome Chance: 0.05 or 5% or 1:20
    Magic Gnome Minimum Level: 7

    Cost To Smelt Metals: 40
    Chance of Getting An Extra Ingot: 0.2 or 20% or 1:5
    Chance of Getting An Extra Ingot As A Metal Collector: 0.5 or 50% or 1:2
       If this succeeeds this chance is used again for more until...
    Max Number of Ingots Per Ore: 5
    There doesn't seem to be a tuning value for how much more a smelted ingot costs than an unsmelted ore, so this chance of extra ingots may be all there is to gain from smelting.


    Maximum Price Smelted is derived from how much you could theoretically get, if you are able to roll successfully for the maximum 5 ingots per ore on a rock that has Maximum Price. So, in theory, your possible selling value may range from 7 to 100 on Iron, barring the chance to turn out to be a Magic Gnome.

    Ore/Metal Type: Iron
    Minimum Weight: 1
    Maximum Weight: 52
    Minimum Price: 7
    Maximum Price: 20
    Maximum Price Smelted: 100

    Ore/Metal Type: Silver
    Minimum Weight: 1
    Maximum Weight: 52
    Minimum Price: 25
    Maximum Price: 35
    Maximum Price Smelted: 175

    Ore/Metal Type: Gold
    Minimum Weight: 1
    Maximum Weight: 52
    Minimum Price: 40
    Maximum Price: 120
    Maximum Price Smelted: 600

    Ore/Metal Type: Palladium
    Minimum Weight: 80
    Maximum Weight: 300
    Minimum Price: 300
    Maximum Price: 500
    Maximum Price Smelted: 2500

    Ore/Metal Type: Plutonium
    Minimum Weight: 0.1
    Maximum Weight: 5
    Minimum Price: 1000
    Maximum Price: 1800
    Maximum Price Smelted: 9000

    __ Cut Profit is extrapolated data. 'Nuff said.

    Gem Type: Aqua
    Minimum Weight: 1
    Maximum Weight: 105
    Minimum Price: 9
    Maximum Price: 21

    Gem Type: Smoky (Quartz)
    Minimum Weight: 1
    Maximum Weight: 105
    Minimum Price: 15
    Maximum Price: 25

    Gem Type: Emerald
    Minimum Weight: 1
    Maximum Weight: 105
    Minimum Price: 20
    Maximum Price: 30

    Gem Type: Ruby
    Minimum Weight: 1
    Maximum Weight: 105
    Minimum Price: 25
    Maximum Price: 35

    Gem Type: Yellow
    Minimum Weight: 1
    Maximum Weight: 105
    Minimum Price: 35
    Maximum Price: 60

    Gem Type: Tanzanite
    Minimum Weight: 1
    Maximum Weight: 105
    Minimum Price: 65
    Maximum Price: 95

    Gem Type: Diamond
    Minimum Weight: 1
    Maximum Weight: 105
    Minimum Price: 100
    Maximum Price: 200

    Gem Type: Rainbow
    Minimum Weight: 1
    Maximum Weight: 105
    Minimum Price: 450
    Maximum Price: 700

    Gem Type: Crazy (Luminorous)
    Minimum Weight: 1
    Maximum Weight: 105
    Minimum Price: 150
    Maximum Price: 350

    Gem Type: Pink
    Minimum Weight: 1
    Maximum Weight: 105
    Minimum Price: 1200
    Maximum Price: 1650

    Gem Cuts:
    Cuts to Gain means how many previous gems (of any type of gem) must have been cut (with any type of cut) to gain this particular Cut Type.

    Cut Type: Emerald
    Multiplier on Gem Price: 1.25
    Cuts To Gain: 0
    Cut Cost: 10
    Cut Type: Oval
    Multiplier on Gem Price: 1.5
    Cuts To Gain: 4
    Cut Cost: 20
    Cut Type: Pear
    Multiplier on Gem Price: 1.75
    Cuts To Gain: 8
    Cut Cost: 35
    Cut Type: Plumbbob
    Multiplier on Gem Price: 2
    Cuts To Gain: 16
    Cut Cost: 50
    Cut Type: Marquis
    Multiplier on Gem Price: 2.3
    Cuts To Gain: 30
    Cut Cost: 75
    Cut Type: Crystalball
    Multiplier on Gem Price: 2.6
    Cuts To Gain: 45
    Cut Cost: 100
    Cut Type: Brilliant
    Multiplier on Gem Price: 3.5
    Cuts To Gain: 60
    Cut Cost: 250
    Cut Type: Heart
    Multiplier on Gem Price: 5
    Cuts To Gain: 1000
    Cut Cost: 1000

    Space Rocks:

    Rock Type: Tiny Space Rock
    Minimum Weight: 1
    Maximum Weight: 65
    Minimum Price: 10
    Maximum Price: 30

    Rock Type: Large Space Rock
    Minimum Weight: 100
    Maximum Weight: 1050
    Minimum Price: 50
    Maximum Price: 200

    Rock Type: Zucabr Rock (Gigantic Space Rock)
    Minimum Weight: 50000
    Maximum Weight: 1001000
    Minimum Price: 2000
    Maximum Price: 4500

    Rock Type: SpecialMazzadrayte
    Value Multiplier: 2.1

    Rock Type: SpecialRodiekceous
    Value Multiplier: 2

    Rock Type: SpecialDukeadite
    Value Multiplier: 2.2

    Rock Type: SpecialHolmberic
    Value Multiplier: 1.8

    Rock Type: SpecialCusterousGossticite
    Value Multiplier: 1.9

    Rock Type: SpecialBellacite
    Value Multiplier: 1.6

    Rock Type: SpecialPearsonite
    Value Multiplier: 2.1

    Rock Type: SpecialLlamatite
    Value Multiplier: 2

    Rock Type: SpecialSporecite
    Value Multiplier: 1.7

    Rock Type: Howardite
    Value Multiplier: 0.7

    Rock Type: Eucrite
    Value Multiplier: 0.8

    Rock Type: Diogenite
    Value Multiplier: 0.9

    Rock Type: Shergottite
    Value Multiplier: 1

    Rock Type: Nakhlite
    Value Multiplier: 1.1

    Rock Type: Chassignite
    Value Multiplier: 1.2

    Rock Type: Lunar
    Value Multiplier: 1.3

    Rock Type: Aubrite
    Value Multiplier: 1.4

    Rock Type: Acapulcoite
    Value Multiplier: 0.7

    Rock Type: Lodranite
    Value Multiplier: 0.8

    Rock Type: Ureilite
    Value Multiplier: 0.9

    Rock Type: Angrite
    Value Multiplier: 1

    Rock Type: Brachinite
    Value Multiplier: 1.2

    Rock Type: Winonaite
    Value Multiplier: 1.3

    Rock Type: Hexahedrite
    Value Multiplier: 1.6

    Rock Type: Octahedrite
    Value Multiplier: 1.8

    Rock Type: Ataxite
    Value Multiplier: 1.5

    Rock Type: Pallasite
    Value Multiplier: 4

    Rock Type: Mesosiderite
    Value Multiplier: 10

    Rock Type: Rumurutite
    Value Multiplier: 3

    Rock Type: CarbonaceousChondrite
    Value Multiplier: 5

    Rock Type: OrdinaryChondrite
    Value Multiplier: 0.5

    Rock Type: EnstatiteChondrite
    Value Multiplier: 6

    Rock Type: Kamasite
    Value Multiplier: 1.75
    « Last Edit: 2009 July 07, 02:46:33 by Zucabr » Logged
    Asinine Airhead

    Posts: 31


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    Re: Tuning XML Data - (Traits, Rewards, Plants, etc.)
    « Reply #24 on: 2009 July 11, 00:17:24 »

    I noticed these lines in S3_0333406C_00000000_BCCBC0480683938B%%+_XML.xml:

    <kNumberFamilyNames value="3127">
          <!--Number of family names-->
        <kNumberMaleGivenNames value="1037">
          <!--Number of male given names-->
        <kNumberFemaleGivenNames value="1010">
          <!--Number of female given names-->

    Is there a known way to edit the name lists in Sims 3, and what are the effects of changing the values in the XML tuning file, if any?

    Traits: Unflirty, Loner, Frugal, Neurotic, No Sense of Humor, Good, Perfectionist.
    Loves: spaghetti, indie, and lilac.
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