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Author Topic: TS3 BastDawn  (Read 8712 times)
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1355

I'll stop by to read Awesomeland once in a while.

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TS3 BastDawn
« on: 2009 June 02, 19:45:09 »

So I got a modern video card, and now I can actually see what I'm doing.  The old BastDawn sim is surprisingly accurate; I've changed the face so little that the base game version is still okay, although I seem to have made the formal outfit out of old knitted sweaters or something.  (It looked like linen with my old card.)

But the base game version still sucks, because it doesn't have a pirate hat!  Get a pirate hat at MTS2 and you can have a much more awesome version of my sim to torture.  I took the screenshots below with the default texture replacers removed from my game, so the sim should look even better if you are using those.

sim without glasses  (Yes, I'm smarter than I look, and yes, that's not saying much.  Heh.)  
the crappy base game version (still attached to this post)

I used the Steampunk Savvy swashbuckler outfit from the EA store MiskyK's sharing files for the main outfit, and an outfit and a texture from WA for the workout clothes and swimsuit.  I also used jonha's CAS Sliders, but the sim will still work without them.

Get the WA BastDawn pirate sim here:

Green Thumb
No Sense of Humor

If you have the hacks to add in the hidden and extra traits, give me the Pizza Appreciator trait.  Absent minded is also okay if you can stand it.

The Lifetime Wish is Visionary, but Master of the Arts, Illustrious Author, Swimming in Cash, Living in the Lap of Luxury, or Renaissance Sim would all be equally plausible.

Indie music (really just a little of everything, so any category is fine)
Irish green

This sim is YA, but Adult is probably more accurate for my actual age.  (I look more like the YA version.)  Strip off the makeup if you want; I don't usually wear it, and I added lipstick only to get the lip color right.

* BastDawn-TS3.rar (318.16 KB - downloaded 515 times.)
« Last Edit: 2010 January 23, 17:44:45 by BastDawn » Logged

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