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Topic: Choosing Sex of Babies (Read 149631 times)
Feckless Fool
Posts: 282
Re: No two children are not boys?
Reply #100 on:
2009 June 16, 20:27:02 »
Quote from: jolrei on 2009 June 16, 20:14:18
This thread needs to be appended to the "Choose Sex of BAbbies" thread.
I am going to burninate all the apple trees in my 'hood. The key problem with the "just boys" issue is that the bloody apple trees are obsequious, and one of the first bloody things your sim can grow. Consequently, everyone has one. I have yet to even SEE a watermelon in my game.
As much as I love the mental image of obsequious apple trees, I think you mean ubiquitous.
Grammar Police
Posts: 6512
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Re: No two children are not boys?
Reply #101 on:
2009 June 16, 20:28:40 »
Quote from: jolrei on 2009 June 16, 20:14:18
The key problem with the "just boys" issue is that the bloody apple trees are obsequious, and one of the first bloody things your sim can grow. Consequently, everyone has one. I have yet to even SEE a watermelon in my game.
I believe I bitched about this issue in the original thread. It should have at least been limes or lettuce, which are available from level 0. Though, in RV, I have not found many harvestables outside of the community garden area.
The "ubiquitous / obsequious" thing has been noted.
I knew that you meant, though.
An obsequious apple tree is probably related to Shel Silverstein's Giving Tree. (I didn't own or read the book as a 0 or 6, so I'm just guessing the author name; my memory is not that great today. I blame the bug bombs.)
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Son of Perdition
Re: No two children are not boys?
Reply #102 on:
2009 June 16, 20:30:54 »
Quote from: caterpillar on 2009 June 16, 20:27:02
Quote from: jolrei on 2009 June 16, 20:14:18
This thread needs to be appended to the "Choose Sex of BAbbies" thread.
I am going to burninate all the apple trees in my 'hood. The key problem with the "just boys" issue is that the bloody apple trees are obsequious, and one of the first bloody things your sim can grow. Consequently, everyone has one. I have yet to even SEE a watermelon in my game.
As much as I love the mental image of obsequious apple trees, I think you mean ubiquitous.
Quite so. Thank you. I have tried to correct my earlier phrase in a manner that preserves the image you mention.
Tribulatio proxima est
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 46
Re: No two children are not boys?
Reply #103 on:
2009 June 16, 20:36:39 »
Is there something to the way the sims choose which fruit to use in cooking that compounds the obsequious-ness of apples in food? Do they always make apple pancakes because apple starts with a and eating the things out of your fridge alphabetically somehow makes evil-random sense?
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 43
Re: No two children are not boys?
Reply #104 on:
2009 June 16, 20:52:03 »
Quote from: jolrei on 2009 June 16, 20:14:18
I have yet to even SEE a watermelon in my game.
Not sure what map you're playing, but in SV there is a tiny beach cove area near a really nice white colored home that has some watermelon vines which occasionally come to harvest status. I frequent the area for bugs, fish, and gems. Not sure if you were deliberately looking for watermelons, but I'd figure I'd mention it.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 90
Re: No two children are not boys?
Reply #105 on:
2009 June 16, 23:52:04 »
Quote from: keirra on 2009 June 16, 20:09:04
Yes. Search the forum. Search is your friend.
I looked at all the thread titles and didn't see one that looked like it addressed gender of babby. My apologies.
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 201
Lazy Lurker
Re: No two children are not boys?
Reply #106 on:
2009 June 17, 00:02:31 »,15067.0.html
I'm an apathetic sociopath, I'd kill you if I cared.
Feckless Fool
Posts: 282
Re: No two children are not boys?
Reply #107 on:
2009 June 17, 00:19:48 »
Quote from: dramamine on 2009 June 16, 20:52:03
Quote from: jolrei on 2009 June 16, 20:14:18
I have yet to even SEE a watermelon in my game.
Not sure what map you're playing, but in SV there is a tiny beach cove area near a really nice white colored home that has some watermelon vines which occasionally come to harvest status. I frequent the area for bugs, fish, and gems. Not sure if you were deliberately looking for watermelons, but I'd figure I'd mention it.
There is also a watermelon vine behind the SV Science Facility, in the little garden in back.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
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Re: No two children are not boys?
Reply #108 on:
2009 June 17, 01:01:10 »
In Riverview, there are watermelons in the community garden, as well as in the farm houses on the edges of the neighborhood (playable households).
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My Urinal
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Son of Perdition
Re: Choosing Sex of Babies
Reply #109 on:
2009 June 17, 14:16:07 »
All this, naturally, depends on whether my sim ever gets past first base with any female sim, which seems an unlikely prospect in the near future, considering the way he lives his life. He has no social wants apart from being good friends with witch. On the other hand, I think witch is angling for Trepie, considering the way she alternately flirts with and insults him. Maybe they'll spawn and I'll switch playable status to them when my sim dies alone and childless.
Tribulatio proxima est
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1023
Re: No two children are not boys?
Reply #110 on:
2009 June 17, 16:09:39 »
Quote from: kemowery on 2009 June 16, 19:52:26
Since I didn't have the option to give my sims a double-Y chromosome, I have to assume it's something I can't see. Is this just a freak of sadorandomness?
Just for the record,
no one has
few people have double Y chromosomes. Typically, males have XY and females XX.
Edited for MOAR correctness.
Last Edit: 2009 June 17, 17:26:09 by Tsarina
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Choosing Sex of Babies
Reply #111 on:
2009 June 17, 16:21:25 »
Well, technically, there are freaks of nature that can end up with abnormal chromosome arrangements, but those people are basically fucked up by it.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1023
Re: Choosing Sex of Babies
Reply #112 on:
2009 June 17, 17:21:09 »
I just looked it up. Apparently, in the case of XYY, it's not a further upfuckation than increased chance of having a learning disability.
Last Edit: 2009 June 17, 17:26:50 by Tsarina
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 7
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Re: Choosing Sex of Babies
Reply #113 on:
2009 June 17, 17:35:48 »
Do they always make apple pancakes because apple starts with a and eating the things out of your fridge alphabetically somehow makes evil-random sense?
No they can make grape pancakes too. I just buy a bunch of the fruit of choice, put it in the pregnant Sims's inventory, and allow her to eat nothing else but that fruit from her inventory through her entire pregnancy. Except if I'm going for a boy, I will allow her apple pancakes - but that's about when she'll make GRAPE pancakes instead. I just do the watermelon or apples in the inventory method and it hasn't failed me yet.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Posts: 26292
Re: Choosing Sex of Babies
Reply #114 on:
2009 June 17, 17:46:15 »
Quote from: Tsarina on 2009 June 17, 17:21:09
I just looked it up. Apparently, in the case of XYY, it's not a further upfuckation than increased chance of having a learning disability.
Probably because the Y chromosome doesn't do a whole lot, being that it is small and shrivelled and contains very little information.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Terrible Twerp
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ISTP. Officially male since she plays MUDs
Re: Choosing Sex of Babies
Reply #115 on:
2009 June 17, 18:55:28 »
Yep; Y chromosome lacks of vital parts, thus needs to be backed up by at least 1 X chromosome. Embryos with YY or Y0 never go past the very first part of the pregnancy and are always miscarried.
I say that a wise, when he does not know what he is talking about, should know enough to keep his mouth shut. -- C. Collodi,
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Madame Mim
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Re: Choosing Sex of Babies
Reply #116 on:
2009 June 17, 23:54:14 »
OK, totally off topic, but how would you get an embryo without an X component anyway. I thought all fertile females were XX and therefor the eggs must be X and all embryo's have an X component?
Mia kusenveturilo estas angiloplena.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Posts: 26292
Re: Choosing Sex of Babies
Reply #117 on:
2009 June 18, 00:22:15 »
Genetic malfunctions, basically. It's not supposed to ever happen, but biological processes are complicated and prone to errors, and sometimes things just go horribly wrong.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 45
Re: Choosing Sex of Babies
Reply #118 on:
2009 June 18, 07:29:22 »
Quote from: Madame Mim on 2009 June 17, 23:54:14
OK, totally off topic, but how would you get an embryo without an X component anyway. I thought all fertile females were XX and therefor the eggs must be X and all embryo's have an X component?
Sometimes you make a bad egg with no x in it at all. Daddy's spermy may have a y in it, in which case the baby never makes it, ever. If daddy's spermy has an x, then you get Turner's syndrome with a baby who has a webbed neck and will be sterile.
Last Edit: 2009 June 18, 07:37:13 by SolaceDevotio
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 57
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Re: Choosing Sex of Babies
Reply #119 on:
2009 June 22, 22:09:56 »
Quote from: blackjackii on 2009 June 17, 17:35:48
Do they always make apple pancakes because apple starts with a and eating the things out of your fridge alphabetically somehow makes evil-random sense?
No they can make grape pancakes too. I just buy a bunch of the fruit of choice, put it in the pregnant Sims's inventory, and allow her to eat nothing else but that fruit from her inventory through her entire pregnancy. Except if I'm going for a boy, I will allow her apple pancakes - but that's about when she'll make GRAPE pancakes instead. I just do the watermelon or apples in the inventory method and it hasn't failed me yet.
That is because when cooking, Sims chose the ingredients in their inventory first,
fridge ingredients. So, say you had a bunch of apples & watermelon in your fridge. You want a girl, so you drag watermelon into her inventory. When she cooks, if applicable, she will use the watermelon. If she has apples in her inventory, drag them out.
Edited for typo.
Obtuse Oaf
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Re: Choosing Sex of Babies
Reply #120 on:
2009 June 25, 12:03:19 »
So if every sim and her dog can grow apples but watermelons have to be sought out, what does this do for the gender ratio in a neighbourhood where you make no attempt to control things? It seems to me, if you play without knowing this information, given the ubiquity of apples (as Jolrei pointed out, though not quite in those words), aren't we going to get a sort of China Syndrome where there are more male babies born than female? If you ask me, this is offensive to feminists. OTOH, I got bored with the game and am not playing, so apologies if my information is wrong because of my lack of experience.
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Gus Smedstad
Lipless Loser
Posts: 602
Re: Choosing Sex of Babies
Reply #121 on:
2009 June 25, 12:12:00 »
Quote from: maxon on 2009 June 25, 12:03:19
So if every sim and her dog can grow apples but watermelons have to be sought out, what does this do for the gender ratio in a neighbourhood where you make no attempt to control things?
I'm unclear why this particular bit has gone uncorrected for so long in this thread. You can buy watermelons in the store, they're not difficult to obtain. Sure, you get apple seeds for free when you reach Gardening 1, but buying or growing watermelons is hardly difficult.
A slightly more significant issue is that the best breakfast, French Toast, contains apples and doesn't advertise it. If you're the sort of player who finds eating lobster for breakfast inappropriate, it's not hard to end up with only male offspring if you're not paying attention.
- Gus
Fine, I can see why people hate the Sims 3 sigs.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2145
ISTP. Officially male since she plays MUDs
Re: Choosing Sex of Babies
Reply #122 on:
2009 June 25, 12:30:33 »
When I wanted a female sprog I made the pregnant sim eat nothing else but what she had in inventory, which incidentally was watermelons. It's not hard at all: keep feeding the preggo so she never happens to be that hungry she raids the fridge, and you're set.
I say that a wise, when he does not know what he is talking about, should know enough to keep his mouth shut. -- C. Collodi,
The one and only Rhayden's AIDE. Accept no substitutes.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 156
Re: Choosing Sex of Babies
Reply #123 on:
2009 June 25, 18:25:23 »
Quote from: Gus Smedstad on 2009 June 25, 12:12:00
Quote from: maxon on 2009 June 25, 12:03:19
So if every sim and her dog can grow apples but watermelons have to be sought out, what does this do for the gender ratio in a neighbourhood where you make no attempt to control things?
I'm unclear why this particular bit has gone uncorrected for so long in this thread. You can buy watermelons in the store, they're not difficult to obtain. Sure, you get apple seeds for free when you reach Gardening 1, but buying or growing watermelons is hardly difficult.
A slightly more significant issue is that the best breakfast, French Toast, contains apples and doesn't advertise it. If you're the sort of player who finds eating lobster for breakfast inappropriate, it's not hard to end up with only male offspring if you're not paying attention.
- Gus
Huh, did you have apples in your inventory when you made the waffles? I have been wondering about that but haven't gone back in to test that. Whenever I direct someone to make pancakes, they make apple pancakes and I *think* it uses an apple out of their inventory. I have been meaning to check and see if they don't have an apple in inventory or the fridge if they will just make pancakes.
Knowledge is often mistaken for intelligence. This is like mistaking a cup of milk for a cow. If you never fail, you're not trying hard enough.
Gus Smedstad
Lipless Loser
Posts: 602
Re: Choosing Sex of Babies
Reply #124 on:
2009 June 25, 19:47:45 »
Quote from: mandapotpie on 2009 June 25, 18:25:23
Quote from: Gus Smedstad on 2009 June 25, 12:12:00
A slightly more significant issue is that the best breakfast, French Toast, contains apples and doesn't advertise it.
Huh, did you have apples in your inventory when you made the waffles?
How did "French Toast" become "Waffles?" French toast, unlike pancakes and cobbler, won't take just any fruit. It requires 2 apples and 1 egg. The "use ingredients from inventory first" rule is irrelevant, French Toast always contains apples.
- Gus
Fine, I can see why people hate the Sims 3 sigs.
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