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Author Topic: No second pregnant bump?  (Read 11020 times)
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 532

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No second pregnant bump?
« on: 2005 November 13, 13:50:43 »

Is it just me, or is there no longer a second pregnancy bump?  I searched for this and looked through all the stuff on the official site relating to the uni and nl patches, but I didn't see any reference to taking away the "stand up and yell at me so I can see you're in your third trimester" notification.  And I'm having trouble with searches on the bbs for some reason, so I thought I'd ask here.

It's happening to all my pregnant sims, so it's not a lot thing.  Did I miss something somewhere?  Do we only get one "bump" now?  I've noticed this only since I installed the nl patch.

Pregnancies continue as they should.  However, I had two babies in different households who were Pisces and their characteristics are way off from a regular Pisces.  Like 10 points in neatness and active and no points for serious/playful.  I thought this might have been because I left the sims running for several hours, even though I wasn't always playing.

I just thought it was odd, and wondered if anyone else has noticed this?

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Re: No second pregnant bump?
« Reply #1 on: 2005 November 13, 13:52:46 »

I'm still getting the second one myself even with the patch. To be honest, I haven't paid attention to see if they actually do get bigger, but it does stop them from whatever they are doing and make them go "ooh".

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Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: No second pregnant bump?
« Reply #2 on: 2005 November 13, 13:55:23 »

Must be just my game then.  Oh, well, I didn't like them getting out of bed just to yell at me and show me the stomach getting bigger anyway.  I suppose my game is on its wat to being a BFBVFS.

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Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: No second pregnant bump?
« Reply #3 on: 2005 November 13, 15:29:03 »

I think I just figured out what was going on.  I just read a thread that related to a house/lot not being updated since NL/patch.  I realized that all my pregnant sims were living in pre-NL houses - it's one I made that is based on the house we lived in while my kids were growing up.  But when I placed the lot and before I had any sims move in, I always went in and changed things like wall colors, floor colors, etc., so according to that thread, the lot should have been updated.

Well, I went back to my lot construction n'hood and made sure the lots were updated, then deleted the old lots from the bin and replaced them with the updated ones.  Haven't placed any yet, but I realized that a family I had placed in an old house should have moved into the guy's parents' house so he could inherit the lot.  Just moved them in, and the pg wife popped out with her second bump as soon as I went into the parent's lot.

Will have to see if the updated house will solve that problem as well.

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Whiny Wussy
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Re: No second pregnant bump?
« Reply #4 on: 2005 November 13, 19:01:29 »

What would we do without all these problems to solve?

Zephyr Zodiac
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: No second pregnant bump?
« Reply #5 on: 2005 November 13, 19:20:04 »

Do you suppose that's our "adventure" for this game? LOL!

But I just realized that the lot thing can't be all of the problem.  Some of the houses were already in the hood long before I got NL.  They should have updated with the hood when I installed NL and the patch.  But this hood had some pretty strange things going on all along.  For instance, I had one sim marry Goopy GilsCarbo and all was fine, but some of my sims married townies that I grew up and sent to Uni (Marsha Breunig, for one) just so I could let them grow old and DIE!  Since they got back to the hood, the three who were previously teen and child townies all have the same glitch.  Whenever I save and leave their lots, no matter where they were or what they were doing, those three (each in their own house) all are standing by the mailbox.

Marsha married one of my sims, he is always where he was when I last saved, she is always by the mailbox when I go back to the house.  Same with the other two couples.  Have tried moving them out and back in, into another house, etc. all without any change to the standing by the mailbox thing.  This was pre-NL, haven't even played them yet since the patch.  I was getting frustrated with them!

I think I need to build a new house.  I just keep using variations of the same one for everyone in this hood.  Looks like a suburb!  All the same house but different colors and landscaping.

Werewolf?<br />There! There wolf!  There castle!
Asinine Airhead

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Re: No second pregnant bump?
« Reply #6 on: 2005 November 13, 22:24:25 »

I haven't played for a while but the last time I am sure no sims got a second bump either... I remember sending one to sleep and then watching some other sims doing something and expecting the camera to get jacked and pointed at nothing interesting because they would be on a different floor than I was looking at within a few minutes but it never happened, the next day they had their kid as usual though, so I didn't mind.

I built their house on a blank lot after installing Nightlife, so it is probably something else if you want to keep checking into this.
Feckless Fool
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Re: No second pregnant bump?
« Reply #7 on: 2005 November 13, 22:50:52 »

I had a weird thing happen on the weekend related to pregnancy.

I did the thing that JMP forbids and packed up a house in my custom neighbourhood and moved it to Pleasantview. My risk and I was willing to take it.

Anyways, I had 5 people living in the house after the kids moved back from Uni. I had just recently installed the Risky woohoo mod from MTS2 and had no pregnancies even though I had the kids bonking feverishly with their respective partners.

I then decided that one pair needed their own place. My lot was getting slow to play and so I decided to move some people out.

When I moved this couple into their new house, I got that gay movie sequence as they arrive, and low and behold, my female sim was already pregnant and in maternity clothes.


Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 532

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Re: No second pregnant bump?
« Reply #8 on: 2005 November 14, 02:52:44 »

Well, at least it's not another bug exclusive to my computer!  It seems I have a lot of those.

gillies, do you have any hacks or mods?  I only use the InSimenator, the buyable rewards, the lot debugger and another one of JM's that I can't think of right now, I think.  Will have to check and see if I have any others.  But I've been using these without a problem for awhile.  And I have the NL compatible versions.  I kept checking on the various sites to make sure they were ok before I started using them.

And I don't download clothes or lots or anything like that, so it shouldn't be anything I downloaded unless it came with one of the hacks, which is unlikely.

Edit:  the scanner gun hack is the one I couldn't think of (and couldn't play without!)

Werewolf?<br />There! There wolf!  There castle!
Whiny Wussy
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Re: No second pregnant bump?
« Reply #9 on: 2005 November 14, 03:21:47 »

Well, I have a list of hacks as long as my arm, but not the Insiminator or Macrotastics or Bathroom Uses you or anything like that.  And when Darleen Dreamer got pregnant (she's the only sim in my game to give birth since NL) she got the second bump with no problems.  But I did have Aging on while she was pregnant and while the baby (and did I have problems there!)was growing up to a child.

Zephyr Zodiac
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Re: No second pregnant bump?
« Reply #10 on: 2005 November 14, 03:23:53 »

I had 7 Sims pregnant since I install the patch and all of them did had the 2nd bump appearing.

At that time I did not added any mods/hacks in my game.  Since then I did so I will check if it will change or not.
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: No second pregnant bump?
« Reply #11 on: 2005 November 14, 03:43:18 »

Yeah, I always play with aging on.  While I hate to see my sims die, it's part of life, so I expect my elders will die eventually.

To my best reckoning, I've had at least 16 pregnancies without the second bump.  I'm trying to decide if it's something on the lot rather than the lot itself, since some of these lots were in the hood pre-NL and some were placed after NL and the patch.  And all of them were redecorated prior to moving any sims in.  I can't think of anything I have on all those lots except the InSimenator.  I use it to check on the pregnancy status of my pg moms.  And I know this version is NL compatible.

Pretty sure I removed all previous versions, too, but will check on that.

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Lipless Loser
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Re: No second pregnant bump?
« Reply #12 on: 2005 November 14, 04:45:29 »

My sims are all getting their second bump.  I've had quite a few births in the game since installing NL and never encountered this issue at all. 

I did have one 'stuck' pregnancy after NL.  One of my sims was showing up on every community and downtown lot with her huge belly bump.  For some reason the game had not realize she was still pregnant after NL installation.  I even moved her to another lot b/c that usually works when a pregnancy become stuck but that didn't work either.  I finally forced her to give birth using an option on the Insiminator.

But yeah..I am playing with the NL version of the Insiminator and haven't encountered any bugs from it at all.
Whiny Wussy
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Re: No second pregnant bump?
« Reply #13 on: 2005 November 14, 12:36:58 »

I must admit, I'd be inclined to pull my hacks folder and run the game without them to see if the same problem was occurring.  If so, a diagnostic replacement of hacks would be called for.

However, just one other thought - do you possibly have a hack in your game that was rendered unnecessary by the patch, and may in fact be causing a conflict?

Zephyr Zodiac
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Re: No second pregnant bump?
« Reply #14 on: 2005 November 14, 16:53:46 »

How does one update a house for Nightlife?  Undecided Sounds like an urban legend.

Regardless, I have a sim on a new lot (post Nightlife install) who was in her third day and was all of the sudden put back to her first "bump". Seems like it was more like a fluke than anything else since it hasn't happened again.

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Whiny Wussy
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Re: No second pregnant bump?
« Reply #15 on: 2005 November 14, 17:02:13 »

If the house is one that you moved your family into after installing NL, but you didn't first enter that lot and make a little alteration and save it, then the lot will have issues.  Best thing if you want to keep the lot is to move your family out, then go into the lot again and change something, save and exit, then try putting the family back.  (Or just put them in another updated house).

Zephyr Zodiac
Asinine Airhead

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Re: No second pregnant bump?
« Reply #16 on: 2005 November 14, 17:57:09 »

gillies, do you have any hacks or mods?

07/10/2005  05:21 p.m.             1,448 CBOY_EatMoreTalkLess.package
14/12/2004  12:39 p.m.             2,979 deathfix.package
30/12/2004  09:08 p.m.             2,473 fasterbuyclothes.package
20/07/2005  04:28 p.m.            22,218 ffsdebugger.package
26/07/2005  02:41 a.m.               702 marriage-postmortum.package
31/03/2005  02:37 a.m.               376 noaplusspam.package
10/11/2004  10:36 a.m.               445 noreunionmemory.package
06/11/2004  03:52 a.m.               215 notownieregen.package
19/09/2005  05:40 a.m.           701,654 rdrglx_invisibledriveway.package

I think all those are supposed to be usable with Nightlife (some only usable with Nightlife).
Retarded Reprobate
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Re: No second pregnant bump?
« Reply #17 on: 2005 November 14, 17:59:54 »

I am not a 100% sure but I would say if you have Nightlife patch install you would not need these 2 anymore:

Asinine Airhead

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Re: No second pregnant bump?
« Reply #18 on: 2005 November 14, 18:02:15 »

I thought the Nightlife patch removed the cheering thing for all but the first A+ but the memories were still created? After installing the Nightlife patch I removed all the hacks except notownieregen and added these ones in if some situation came up, but I can't remember if I was getting more A+ memories or not now (it has been a pretty long time since I played).
Retarded Reprobate
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Re: No second pregnant bump?
« Reply #19 on: 2005 November 14, 18:04:16 »

It is fix, kids will cheer when they get their first a+ once it is shown in their memory they won't do it again, if it is already in their memory if I remember well they won't cheer at all after the installation of Nightlife.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: No second pregnant bump?
« Reply #20 on: 2005 November 14, 18:09:01 »

OK thanks, I'll take it out next time.
Whiny Wussy
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Re: No second pregnant bump?
« Reply #21 on: 2005 November 14, 19:38:08 »

Oh, they cheer the first time, that's all.  and they walk straight into the house with their homework, unless Marsha Bruenig shoves past them off the bus!  then it may be irretrievably lost!

Zephyr Zodiac
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: No second pregnant bump?
« Reply #22 on: 2005 November 14, 21:58:29 »

Well, gillies, the only one of those I have is the ffsdebugger.  However, I did some digging in my folders and found I had both quaxi's and cboy's NL versions of the no censor blur hacks.  I forgot that one of them went in the config folder, so I didn't realize I had both!  I took out one (I don't remember which) so I'll see if that was it.

The only other hacks besides those I already mentioned are the ltwvariety and novelprogress.  I took out all my hacks when I got NL and didn't put any back in until I had read they were ok or I had dl'ed the updated version.  Any that were made obsolete by NL or the patch were discarded immediately.

I think my 'hood is screwy.  ZZ, aren't you having a problem with a family?  I was thinking I saw a thread of yours that you had a problem with one of your sims.  (I just linked here from my email, so I haven't read any other threads yet.)  Did you get that fixed?

Werewolf?<br />There! There wolf!  There castle!
Whiny Wussy
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Re: No second pregnant bump?
« Reply #23 on: 2005 November 14, 22:06:58 »

Elvira, I'm still working on poor Liz!  I've made a clone of her so if all else fails, I'll have to work the family so she takes the real Liz's place, but even if my sims are fooled, I'll still know!  And until I sort this out, there's no way any of my favourite saved neighbourhoods are going back in the game!

I think the problem is that somehow I managed to lose her initial Romance Aspiration in simPE, and I can't see a way to replace it!
« Last Edit: 2005 November 14, 22:15:35 by ZephyrZodiac » Logged

Zephyr Zodiac
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: No second pregnant bump?
« Reply #24 on: 2005 November 14, 22:32:51 »

Ooh, that's tough!  I know what you mean about knowing the difference -  I messed up a couple (husband and wife) awhile back and wound up having to settle for a backup of them.  Couldn't get the memories all back (or rather got tired of messing with them, so just did the important memories and relationships.)  But I hated that they weren't the "originals".

I had played about two weeks since I had backed up last, and since I'm keeping track of the genetics and have calendars, about my only other option would have been to start over.  I'd have been lost, babies would have been born on different days and probably not the same sex, etc.  And it only takes one messed up sim to screw up all your plans!

I'd hate to have to start all over with the neighborhood I've been playing since April.  This is the one that I have pg issues in.  I just did a backup of it the other day and it took a whole DVD.  Well, I guess it was all my 'hoods and projects, downloads (mostly my own recolors), but that's the most I've taken up in a backup yet!

I think it must be this house I've been using, but I can't be sure why.  I've used it without any problems for quite awhile, and even since NL and the patch everything seemed ok.  I think I just noticed it with this new generation who have just become "of age" and are now having children.  Sims who were in established houses who had babies did the normal 2 bumps, I'm sure.  And some of these houses for the newlyweds were already in the hood when I installed NL and the patch.

Could it be because they're "pre-owned"?  I moved the elder sims (gen 1) out into new houses after NL so they could take their belongings with them.  The houses they moved out of are the ones the newlyweds moved into.  BUT - I also added a few more lots, and like I said, I've made changes before moving any sims in.  To both the old and new houses.  And it's all of the newlyweds who are affected.  And maybe some couples who I hadn't played for awhile but who are now having more kids.

By this time of day, my brain is too fried to think about problem solving, I just want to relax and watch my sims solve THEIR problems!

Werewolf?<br />There! There wolf!  There castle!
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