Is there a compatible one for AL?
Yes, indeed, O brave n00b. As you have posted in this thread, dead these past many months, you will no doubt have met the evil looking dude who asked you not to. That greeting was put there to discourage wayward sojourners, such as you, from doing something silly, such as posting in a dead thread. Undiscouraged by this, you naturally and courageously (if I may say) went ahead and posted anyway. I would note that a severe round of generally insulting behaviour, and poking with pointed sticks is the usual welcome for any of our guests who feel that our social norms do not apply to them, and the gratuitous use of expletives is, of course, merely a courtesy detail.
However, given that this is a (former) hack thread, and you are clearly looking for a hack (only not looking that hard, because the information on where the hack is was only one page back in this thread, and any use of our search engine would have found it for you), I will let you off with only this rather sardonic post. Others of my colleagues may wish to treat you to a more robust welcome.
For any other wayward n00bs who may want to find this hack, it's here:,12743.0.htmlNow, go read the FAQ, ya nudism lovin' freak. (The FAQ is in the Podium section). Don't post again until you have read it and understood it.
Seriously, we are not your normal well-behaved nice people.
(Disclaimer: This post is, in no way, intended to be insulting to nudists either living or dead. I want to make it perfectly clear that I just really wanted to call this n00b a "nudism lovin' freak" because I thought it sounded nice and lulzy. I deeply, and sincerely apologise to any and all nudists, lovers, or genuine freaks out there who I may have inadvertently offended.)