Emma Torturer
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 107
I've got 2 glitches. I moved into a new house, and wondered where the cats had gone to. They had been stuck, sinking into the ground, where they probably will stay till they starve. (By the way, does anyone know if this can be fixed?)  My Ottomas family live in Pleasantview. Samantha is pregnant, and she gave birth to twins. But guess who the daddy is? Brandi Broke! Brandi had some odd children, we all know Skip didn't father the black-haired boy! 
why be normal?
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 8583
Potiron flou
The last one is fixed by patching the game. The funniest instances is where the father is a dog.
Capitalism, Ho!"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks My Urinal
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 519
I've got 2 glitches. I moved into a new house, and wondered where the cats had gone to. They had been stuck, sinking into the ground, where they probably will stay till they starve. (By the way, does anyone know if this can be fixed?)
That's caused by a continual error on your pets- do you have Atavera's Window opening hack? If so, get the updated version- M&G changed the bay windows somehow.
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 200
I've got 2 glitches. I moved into a new house, and wondered where the cats had gone to. They had been stuck, sinking into the ground, where they probably will stay till they starve. (By the way, does anyone know if this can be fixed?)
That's caused by a continual error on your pets- do you have Atavera's Window opening hack? If so, get the updated version- M&G changed the bay windows somehow. I also had it caused by a custom bed -- from Around the Sims 2, I think. But mostly with that picture made me go "Look, sea kittens!" 
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 449
Sea kittens off the port bow! That was a really cute picture for some reason.
"Of course I'm alright! But supposing I wasn't alright! I mean, this thing makes me feel in such a way that I'd be very worried if I felt like that about somebody else feeling like this about that. Do you understand?"
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 366
INTJ and a bouble
I have plenty of screenshots that are just perfect for this month!  Cognitive Dissonance is why I no longer use secondary aspirations.  The Free Time week-end updates seem to not take IMPORTANT EVENTS into account.  The Nanny fails at scheduling. Please note both the mother's schedule alongside the fact that the father is currently AT WORK.  I'd given up on attributing this to sheer randomness a long time ago. This is just bad coding. And of course, my personal favourite:  The reading area that everyone decided to use was past some carpet dividers. Despite eventually having to wander past them back into the area with the bookcase in it to drop them on the floor, they did anyway. Smrt prgrmng EAxis.
I will fuck up your face in Denmark! COME! you also seem to be a flock of crapped nerds! COME! [...] That one goes to all of those retarrds that pretend to be a non-fag and yet suck my balls
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 449
I guess the guy was really happy about the inheritence he received. Either that or he really likes food!
"Of course I'm alright! But supposing I wasn't alright! I mean, this thing makes me feel in such a way that I'd be very worried if I felt like that about somebody else feeling like this about that. Do you understand?"
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 5
I think the nanny thing is because it takes into account that the child won't be home until 3 pm, so there's no point in sending a nanny when no kid's there.
Cognitive Dissonance is why I no longer use secondary aspirations. Heh. I remember, before OFB (so well before dual aspirations) a family sim who both wanted and feared having a baby.

Posts: 2176
A flock of crapped nerds
Heh. I remember, before OFB (so well before dual aspirations) a family sim who both wanted and feared having a baby.
I still get that. 
I only mentioned 'before OFB' as that was my last attempt at clowncarism (before I knew it was clowncarism, it was just my horrible experiments on Don Lothario, and Cassandra popped out a few too...) before dual aspiration. Lately I've been having sims want and fear having a child, while only having had one pregnancy before, one set of twins. These are family/knowledge or family/wealth sims.
If you think about it, it isn't that unrealistic.
 Does this count as a gameplay glitch?
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 449
That probably falls under more awful than you.
"Of course I'm alright! But supposing I wasn't alright! I mean, this thing makes me feel in such a way that I'd be very worried if I felt like that about somebody else feeling like this about that. Do you understand?"
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3030
More Nonstandard Than You
Probably fits in better with last month's category, but:  For some reason, this dormie just stopped when he got to the bottom of the stairs, and my playable decided to whine about it.
I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.

J. M. Pescado
If you think about it, it isn't that unrealistic. This is apparently an F-type problem.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
As an F, I can see wanting something, but fearing things related to that something. (Sim wants baby, but fears vomiting, changing nappies, etc. Wants to get married, but fears getting engaged to a specific sim, that sort of thing.) But I don't get simultaneously wanting and fearing the exact same thing.
As an F, I can see wanting something, but fearing things related to that something. (Sim wants baby, but fears vomiting, changing nappies, etc. Wants to get married, but fears getting engaged to a specific sim, that sort of thing.) But I don't get simultaneously wanting and fearing the exact same thing.
Most things, I could agree with that. But after dealing with three mood swinging people through Wife's pregnancy (and me one of the three) I can totally understand. We were going from "We're gonna have a babby!" to "Oh dear gawd what were we thinking?!" and back in record time, nearly hourly.
Jelendra: Welcome to the dark side. We have Eric. [True Blood Thread] [14:26] notovny: Indeed. Pepperidge Farm Breakfast Kittens are delicious. Om-Nom-Nomed as Throat of #grah 08.07.08 ISFP
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 200
This is the weirdest one I've had in a while. This lady here was married to a guy named Stacey, who died of old age. The following evening his ghost appeared and was haunting around. Meanwhile, she was just hopping into bed with one of her other lovers (I just noticed the backwards arm). Then the "boi-oing!" cheating sound played and:  ... they both leapt out of bed as though about to confront an angry spouse... but then nothing happened. So they jumped back in bed again, and I get this message:  The dead sim in question always was a posessive hypocritical bastard (he was deeply offended when any of his several lovers "cheated" on him), but come on! 
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3030
More Nonstandard Than You
Another want-related bork - my clowncar family sim who has already had four spawn and is pregnant with the fifth just rolled up the fear of being old and childless: (sorry for poor image quality)  
I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.

Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 315
sudaki, that was hilarious  thank you!
I wonder how he can manage to do that.  Masochist anyone? 
I say that a wise, when he does not know what he is talking about, should know enough to keep his mouth shut. -- C. Collodi, Pinocchio. ------  The one and only Rhayden's AIDE. Accept no substitutes.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 50
 Happens every time...when dates go on for hours and you don't feed them, they'll break it, but it won't affect the date status.
 This glitch disturbed me greatly. Why would anyone want to eat V?