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Author Topic: Advanced Nudist Mod V 3.2.3 (Ready for Sims 2 Ultimate Collection)  (Read 123429 times)
Asinine Airhead

Posts: 13

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Re: Nudist Hack V 3.2.1 (Updated *20080902*)
« Reply #50 on: 2008 September 05, 02:12:42 »

I look forward to when you get back to modding.  I just got AL, so anything for witches would be great.

I've been playing a bit more with nudist hack in AL and BV lots, and I now have one more request:  Can you make signs that make the lot or house 'clothing optional' rather than 'nudist'?  That is, if playable sims are nude, they shouldn't feel any need to get dressed again, but nothing should be *making* them get nude or dressed.   I don't care if non-playable sims use the standard nudist logic or not; having them switch between clothed and nude would actually be realistic for 'clothing-optional' lots (though hopefully with a much lower threshold than default).

The reason I'm asking for signs, rather than just turning on the 'Always get Nude' setting, is because I have various community lots (such as resorts) hat I'd like to make clothing-optional rather than nudist, for all sims, without having to keep setting options.   That is, while most people may be nude most of the time, they can also choose to (say) dress for dinner, wear sexy lingerie in bed, and so on.   Specifically, I'd like to be able to place the SimLogical 'Formal' and 'Modesty' signs ( in various rooms,  so that (say) the dining room could require clothes, but the rest of the resort would be clothing-optional.

Again, thanks for the mod!


Asinine Airhead

Posts: 43

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Re: Nudist Hack V 3.2.1 (Updated *20080902*)
« Reply #51 on: 2008 September 06, 17:14:04 »

You can use those signs already - simply don't use room signs - or take an area sign with settings for just outside. default nudist mode is like clothing optional. I had already a discussion with FatD on first/second page, who had a nice idea relating signs - but i refused because I would have to rework the complete design.

your idea is almost the same. So, sorry I have to refuse again, because most things can already be done by placing signs combined with threshold settings.
The nudist hack as it is is based on cBoys - calculating a score and checking against a threshold to decide if a sim wants to be naked or not - in the second step designed the signs to declare given areas as nudist areas which basically means to score in an different way - nevertheless a sim with 1 outgoing and 1 playful refuses to get naked even on nudist place.
the core is a scoring system and not an object oriented behaviour. and it is a decision between clothed or not - not an outfit chooser.
as programmer you will know yourself that if a concept isn't in base design already it would demand a complete re-programming.
That i am not willing to realize because it would make me busy for a couple of weeks. i will do fixing an maybe small extensions but not a complete redesign - even more if the wished behaviour is already there, even it might need a bit playing with the settings.

I hope you can live with that - as i told you already, you can use inges signs, theres no problem to use them together with nudist.
setup example: put an area sign, configure it as outside only and set the threshold to around 1400, put the different dressing room signs in house for your taste. you will see: with very little exceptions it will do exact what you wanted.
Asinine Airhead

Posts: 43

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Re: Nudist Hack V 3.2.3 (Updated *20080908*)
« Reply #52 on: 2008 September 08, 19:11:25 »

Hi GalenZ,

I made the "Make the Sims undress" Routine from the signs configurable, so you should get pretty near what you want to realize. Please refer to the main page for configurations.
Asinine Airhead

Posts: 13

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Re: Nudist Hack V 3.2.3 (Updated *20080908*)
« Reply #53 on: 2008 September 09, 02:48:14 »

Wonderful!  Thank you.

I haven't been playing much with nudists the past few days - I've been playing witches, and they prefer wearing their witchy outfits - but I have noticed two things I wanted to tell you about.

First, I was on a vacation lot that had a 'nudist camp' sign affecting the whole lot, and for the most part it worked great.  However, when my (nude) guy went for a swim in the pool, for some reason he put on his swimsuit!   This behavior did NOT occur for any other actions that I caould see, including swimming in the sea.   And yes, I still have pescado's poolhack installed, but it loads earlier.   I haven't done any more testing regarding nudism and pools, but just thought you ought to know.

Second, I recently installed twojeff's SmartBeds hack (from to make people remember what bed they sleep in, and it has a couple of BHAV conflicts with nudist hack, dealing with (obviously) getting into bed.   I realize that it is impossible for mods to always play nice with every other mod out there (especially non-awesome ones), but if you had any interest in taking a look at the conflict, I'd be interested in hearing exactly what NudistHack behaviors will be lost if I override them with SmartBeds.

And again, thanks for everything!

Asinine Airhead

Posts: 43

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Re: Nudist Hack V 3.2.3 (Updated *20080909*)
« Reply #54 on: 2008 September 09, 17:08:10 »

Hi, thanks again for reporting.
What you found is normally correct I guess. When the weather reaches a lower threshold, Sims will get dressed, even on nudist places (you can check the nudist score in this moment against, it drops to zero then). But of course any bathing actions are excluded, because it doesn't make sense to go from naked to swimsuit (however, in the game even swimsuits have a minimal warming factor). This is done by a flag that is set before performing such an action. in two routines i had exchanged the order so the check was made before setting the flag.

On the other hand, keep this factor in mind. In the spring,autumn and the winter it can easily happen that the sims refuse to get naked. Check the score then and you fill find a naked score zero. that is correct & works as designed.

Relating the bed: Try if it works. From the view of nudist it doesn't matter if you overwrite single bhavs with other hacks. of course the nudist checking routines then will not work for them but you cannot break the nudist module in whole. The same I cannot say necessary (as i don't know) about the counterpart hack. It's on you to try, but I will not make any changes in nudist to make it compatible with other hacks.....  Wink
Capitaine Marie
Horrible Halfwit
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Re: Nudist Hack V 3.2.3 (Updated *20080919*)
« Reply #55 on: 2008 September 26, 15:21:22 »

Wow!  I love this hack!  Grin 

Something weird happened in my game the second time I played with this hack, though:  the butler got naked and stayed past midnight.  He wouldn't leave until one of my Sims told him goodbye.  I had just added Squinge's latest PregancyWearAnyOutfit -- could it have anything to do with that?

I don't think I could ever stab someone.  I mean, let's be honest.  I can barely get the straw in the Capri Sun.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Nudist Hack V 3.2.3 (Updated *20080919*)
« Reply #56 on: 2008 September 26, 17:19:37 »

Hi Lovejoy,

it is very difficult to say if this is the case. On the first view I would say no, as there are no direct conflicts. On the other hand: While I integrated the "Check for naked" rotines around the calls to clothing change (for swimming, sport, sauna, etc...), Squinge modified directly some clothing-change globals & semiglobals. Globals & semi-globals are core routines that are used by all other (globals) or common by special groups (semi).

So it is really hard to say, because I would have to investigate what he did.

I don't think there's the problem but I cannot say this for sure. I read already somewhere, that sometimes weird things happen with the butlers - especially with leaving. I would estimate, you try to reproduce this error and then try to play with/without one of both hacks to see if it's resolved. Should the problem be in nudist hack it could be easily done to exclude this NPC type from beeing naked.

I don't have a household with a butler anywhere and in the coming weeks very spare time, so I cannot investigate this more deeply now myself.

Thanks for feedback, I am glad you enjoy the hack  Grin
« Last Edit: 2008 September 26, 17:28:04 by sigi » Logged
Asinine Airhead

Posts: 43

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Re: Nudist Hack V 3.2.3 (Updated *20090605*)
« Reply #57 on: 2009 June 09, 17:09:09 »

Hi friends,

I'll bring this up to make the update a bit more aware. maybe these days some simmers - like me - think about playing sims 2 again, until there are more mods or custome stuff for sims 3 which - honestly speaking - disappointed me. The gameplay may be interesting for many people, but i liked the households and towns beeing complte controlled by myself. now i am forced to save branches of every family and it is still not the same. I dislike !

Hope the day will come when it is possible to edit bhavs (or equivalent in sims 3, i don't know). and as it looks like, there are no skins for sims anymore, which will open the question : will it ever be possible to add the missing genetic bits and byte that stop looking sims like barbie dolls). If the day comes where this question can be answered with yes and a tool and common knowledge will be out to realize mods like this one, i will think about rebuilding this mod for sims 3, but i doubt it will be possible.

So, have fun, if you are playing sims 3 or keep on playing sims 2
Tasty Tourist

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Re: Nudist Hack V 3.2.3 (Updated *20090605*)
« Reply #58 on: 2009 June 21, 22:57:37 »

Hello awesome people.

I hate to bitch in my first post on this forum, but the current version of the nudist hack borks my game.  I have done the disable and re-enble dance with all of my downloads, and the brokenness is exhibited when this is the only enabled hack.

I am using BV with all of the other EPs except FT and AL, and all of the stuff packs up to Teen Style. Install is a fresh one, so I've got a nice clean downloads folder...

The specific issue involves was first noted when I tried to get two sims to woohoo in bed.  Upon starting the interaction, both sims are immediately queue stomped and ejected from the bed.  Other bed actions (make out, cuddle, etc) appear to be unaffected.  There also appears to be weirdness involving the hot tubs...First sim enters normally, but once that sim leaves the game still behaves as though he or she is in the hot tub, i.e. no one else can use the "occupied" corner, the affected sim cannot get back into the hot tub(clicking it displays the "no actions available"essage), and the action available for other sims is "join" even though the tub is empty. 

Using this hack without the BHAVs enabled fixes the problems, but naturally makes the hack much less useful. 
Tasty Tourist

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Re: Nudist Hack V 3.2.3 (Updated *20090605*)
« Reply #59 on: 2010 January 21, 08:17:34 »

I am having a small problem.  The the BHAVs file is causing my sims to use exercise equipment naked.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Nudist Hack V 3.2.3 (Updated *20090605*)
« Reply #60 on: 2010 January 21, 11:06:39 »

The person who made this is apparently deceased, so no support can be provided for this item.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead

Posts: 43

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Re: Nudist Hack V 3.2.3 (Updated *20090605*)
« Reply #61 on: 2010 May 23, 10:07:29 »

Hi captainrc. That's no problem with bhav but intended! you can edit the bhav yourself to remove actions you don't want to be performed naked.

Hi mentalstampede - without logs no support possible.

you need boolproptestingcheatsenabled for this and debug mode on. then the game produces logfiles and breks when an error occurs.

I tried just out - but I cannot reproduce the problems, nor with the bed neither with the hot tubb. but i have all addons, so the logs are really necessary to take a look in your prob.
Are you shure you putted in AL Emulator part ?
« Last Edit: 2010 May 23, 20:12:31 by sigi » Logged
Asinine Airhead

Posts: 43

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Re: Nudist Hack V 3.2.3 (Updated *20100526*)
« Reply #62 on: 2010 May 26, 19:28:48 »

I added a newer version of BHAVS. This should fix the problems reported from those person that have neither FT nor Apartment. This is related to a change in numbering of luas as i found out. the call number changed with freetime, so there were problems with some routines. This fix ist not necessary for people who own a newer expansion set then bon voyage, those should keep the 3.2.6.

Honestly speaking: The last three days when I made the fix I realized I still like the Sims 2 Smiley
The sims 3 has to little space for modders, the miss of simantics makes it much less modable then the old game. From time to time i take a look to sims 3 and am missing so much. except pescados hack there isn't much stuff out (i don't mean clothing , houses, objects and so on, I am meaning hacks, indidualism in changing/modding the games core behaviour). for sure i will not buy one single more expansion for sims 3.  with killing simantics ea killed the core of sims.... but thats my personal opinion...
« Last Edit: 2010 May 26, 20:02:18 by sigi » Logged
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