I admire those of you with the long legacy histories, since I'm exactly the opposite. I reboot very often, partly to avoid VBTs from happening, and partly because I seem to tire of each new EP within about a month or two. And I don't want to keep adding all the EPs on top of each other, since the load times on my computer get out of control very quickly. It also is kind of a point of pride of mine to run as "lean" a TS2 system as possible. I have also needed the process to decide what I like and don't like about each EP, and thus which EPs I can live without.
I ran base+UNI+FT for a few months at least, which is very long for me. I cannot live without UNI because I need the career reward to dock with the InSimenator so that I can beautify all the ugly townies. I stopped using NL because the only things I used were the cars, the Pleasure aspiration, and the sectional sofas. Cars are back with FT (of the you-restore-them variety), the Romance aspiration often seems to be an acceptable substitute for Pleasure, and sectional sofas are back with AL. OFB was fun for a while, as was BV, but both got repetitive -- and when I learned that Sims cannot buy hotels (perhaps I was doing it wrong?), I lost interest in both. I don't think I need to mention Pets around here. SNS was really cool except for having to monitor Sim temperatures, and avoiding them getting hit by lightning. Thus SNS didn't seem to mesh well with BV (how many "hotelies" need to get hit by lightning while in the hot spring, until someone realizes someone is doing something wrong?), and from what I hear, may not mesh well with AL either.
I think the secondary aspiration element in FT is really interesting, but the hobbies are otherwise beginning to get annoying. Also my AL roomies are constantly hogging the FT exercise bike. So I'm about to uninstall FT and go to base+UNI+AL, and then once I get that working, add the two stuff packs I just bought (TSS and K&BS). I have the feeling I'm about to get to know Lord Darcy's work in this area.
I am aware that I'm weird and probably phail, but what the heck, in the end it's only a game. And one good thing about rebooting and trying simpler setups is that AwesomeSpec doesn't have nearly as many requirements with fewer EPs installed. Though I will admit I once installed Pets for a brief time just to try out the fences AwesomeSpec calls for, to prevent strays from digging up the yard. It was very satisfying.