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Author Topic: Furious State-Any Mods/hacks to get around this?  (Read 60405 times)
Smells Like Pee
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Re: Furious State-Any Mods/hacks to get around this?
« Reply #100 on: 2005 November 08, 16:53:15 »

I have a billion families, but they all exist for the sake of my beloved Bayfields, lol!
I've thought about resurrecting the Tricou ghosts. Just because as ghosts they drove me CRAZY. I put them in evil Sadie's inventory instead. Mwahahahahaha...
hey as Living sims they are pretty cool  in Fact  Gvaudoin is a beauty with the right hair and make up and your beloved Joey fell head over heels in Love with her the living breathing Gvaudoin  not the Ghost.

Wait. Who's Joey, again? I didn't put Joey, Jr. up for download. I don't think... Tongue
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Furious State-Any Mods/hacks to get around this?--Insimenator has it now.
« Reply #101 on: 2005 November 09, 00:02:12 »

ok for those who dont know Insimenator now has the option to set furious or none furious. This would be good if you still want some people to kick each others butts all day and others to still love each other after a major breakup. the link is.

Worked great for me.

Proud Army Wife of a soldier deployed to IRAQ. Support us or get the fuck out.
I am 25.

Quote from: lindaetterlee
The same thing happened with my Pescado, before this he was a lady's man. Now he is some guy's bitch.
Ancient Sim
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Re: Furious State-Any Mods/hacks to get around this?
« Reply #102 on: 2005 November 09, 01:22:18 »

I have a billion families, but they all exist for the sake of my beloved Bayfields, lol!
I've thought about resurrecting the Tricou ghosts. Just because as ghosts they drove me CRAZY. I put them in evil Sadie's inventory instead. Mwahahahahaha...

Why did they drive you crazy?  Do they do things other ghosts don't do, or do they just do the same things but more often?  I never encountered them when I was playing and I don't have them in my new neighbourhood as I deleted all the downwnies and made new ones.  I've cloned them into BodyShop with the intention of using them eventually, if only for Jennicor's pointed ears. 

Some favourite Sim thingies:  Film:  Lord of the Sims; Song: Losing My Sim by SIM; Book: Interview With the Sim by Sim Rice; Smell: Fried Simions; Colour: Simple.
Smells Like Pee
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Re: Furious State-Any Mods/hacks to get around this?
« Reply #103 on: 2005 November 09, 01:33:27 »

Since I always had sims moving in and out of the house, the ghosts were constantly upset with me. I'd clear off one, and another would appear. Clear that one off, and the third would appear. The ghosts seemed to cause a lot more lag in my game than the actual sims did, also. They didn't behave any different than any other ghosts in their situation, it's just that they would all appear on the lot on the same nights, trying to exact revenge and scaring my sims, almost literally, to death!
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Furious State-Any Mods/hacks to get around this?
« Reply #104 on: 2005 November 09, 01:49:33 »

Since I always had sims moving in and out of the house, the ghosts were constantly upset with me. I'd clear off one, and another would appear. Clear that one off, and the third would appear. The ghosts seemed to cause a lot more lag in my game than the actual sims did, also. They didn't behave any different than any other ghosts in their situation, it's just that they would all appear on the lot on the same nights, trying to exact revenge and scaring my sims, almost literally, to death!
Brynne what color were the Trcou's as ghosts Huh"What ARE all the ghost colors, and what methods of death produce
Red (Burned to death)
Blue (Drowned)
Yellow (Electrocution)
Transparent (Hunger)
White (Old Age)
Green (Disease)
Pink (Scared to death)
Purple (Death by flies)
Bright Green (Eaten by Cowplant)*
Pink (Scissors)**
Orange (Satellite)

« Last Edit: 2005 November 09, 01:54:48 by Bangelnuts » Logged

I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring  after awhile.
Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: Furious State-Any Mods/hacks to get around this?
« Reply #105 on: 2005 November 09, 04:53:16 »

Oh, and for those wondering about my computer specs, they're really quite modest. I play on a WinBook W364 (which is a pretty decent gaming lacktop, but lacks the flashiness of an Alienware.

Hell, I HAVE an Alienware (love it!) and it would drive me insane to have that many sims.  The only time I have more than 6 in a household is when someone unexpectedly has trips/quads.  Shocked  I have a thing about lag; I don't want it.  At all.  I want instant response and get mad when a lot takes more than a few seconds to load.  I compulsively delete objects, to the point where I've got very few new mesh objects and mostly stick with Maxis recolors.  I don't put but a tree or two on a lot. I won't use more than 2 stories, and prefer 1--hate to tab up and down and I don't allow my sims much free will. Hi, my name's Jennifer and I have serious control issues... Wink
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Furious State-Any Mods/hacks to get around this?
« Reply #106 on: 2005 November 09, 05:17:40 »

Oh, and for those wondering about my computer specs, they're really quite modest. I play on a WinBook W364 (which is a pretty decent gaming lacktop, but lacks the flashiness of an Alienware.

Hell, I HAVE an Alienware (love it!) and it would drive me insane to have that many sims.  The only time I have more than 6 in a household is when someone unexpectedly has trips/quads.  Shocked  I have a thing about lag; I don't want it.  At all.  I want instant response and get mad when a lot takes more than a few seconds to load.  I compulsively delete objects, to the point where I've got very few new mesh objects and mostly stick with Maxis recolors.  I don't put but a tree or two on a lot. I won't use more than 2 stories, and prefer 1--hate to tab up and down and I don't allow my sims much free will. Hi, my name's Jennifer and I have serious control issues... Wink
I took the plunge into insanity I moved the entire Family onto 1 lot,20+ sims

I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring  after awhile.
Smells Like Pee
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Re: Furious State-Any Mods/hacks to get around this?
« Reply #107 on: 2005 November 09, 05:26:59 »

Welcome to insanity, Bangelnuts! Wink
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Furious State-Any Mods/hacks to get around this?
« Reply #108 on: 2005 November 09, 07:05:42 »

Welcome to insanity, Bangelnuts! Wink
at last count the Danforht family consisted of Justin,Honey,Joel,Jory,Jude,Lexie and Tiffany there are  seven sims Right there and Honey  is Pregnant.  , Jeremiah and Maria  now up to 9 and Maria is Pregnant. Bella,Joe,Jamie,Jordan,and Jessica + 5 right there =14  Joshua,Tara and Tara is Pregnant +2 =16 .James & Allura =18 Allura is also Pregnant  although she doesnt know it yet and Shellie 19 sims in one house  when all 4 wives deliver there will be 23 Sims in the house. the loading screen only Shows eight in the house. I am doing  internal construction on the house right its a good thing thier home has a huge Kitchen as I set up  two custom dining room tables  in it . each one will seat 12 Sims. and there are two high chairs in the kitchen for Jessica and Jordan and still lots of room to add an extra refrigerator and stoves remember Sims only make enough food to serve 6 and there are three times that living there its a good thing that all sims are high up in their careers ,  so lots of money will be flowing into the house one question though if I turn aging off  after Lexie and Tiffany transition will pregnant moms still deliver their babies?. this family wont ever be elders  as I gave each one 2000 days til they reach their elder years. I have a Sim in mind for Shellie  but I have to send him to Uni first as he is still a Teen,I am thinking about sending Joel,Jude and Jory  in  the next batch of teens to go to Uni. Im just not Sure when I will send the next batch

I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring  after awhile.
Smells Like Pee
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Re: Furious State-Any Mods/hacks to get around this?
« Reply #109 on: 2005 November 09, 07:43:14 »

Yes, she'll still deliver the babies even with aging off.
That'll be strange when (your) Lexi and Tiffany become teens and the brothers go to Uni! I kinda want to see pics when they do, and I kinda don't, lol. I like the surprise, myself, and my boys will be teens for quite some time, yet, and I have no plans to grow Lexi and Tiffany up, either at this point. They are such cutie-pie little girls, especially Tiff. So, no. Don't show me pics, LOL. I want my sim-kids to surprise me with their awful transition clothes!
I  have no plans for Justin to have more children right now. He's not going to do like his dad did and have 15 kids by 4 different women. But Joe loves each and every one of his kids, so it works for him. And they're all gorgeous.  Justin's being much more careful with the birth control. Not getting involved with family sims helps. He's still engaged to Jennifer Burb, but it will be a while before more children come into the mix. He's an extremely devoted daddy to his already existing kids. Justin's sister Samantha and her husband, Giles (my avatar, now grown up) have 6 kids of their own, but she and her family are all living in a different house. His other sister Colleen and Sean Love's son just aged to teen and now Colleen is preggers again. Also living in a different house. Shellie will graduate from Uni before she and her husband, Tanner, have children. And Jamie's indefinitely engaged, so at some point I will have him marry his fiancee.  Jacob is in that exact same situation. Joey Jr. is done with having kids. He has two. Bradley thought he was done after his (now adult) twins were born, but his surprise extramarital dalliance gave him another son, also grown (in Uni). By his brother Josh's fiancee no less.  So Cam's half-brothers and sister (the triplets Scott, Shep, and Sydney who are Josh's kids with Monica ) are also his cousins. There's a lot of mixed up family ties in that family. Giles (Samantha's husband I mentioned earlier) is also half-brother to the triplets and Cam. Cam thinks Dayna (Bradley's wife) is his real mom, though. Giles is also the triplets uncle, by marriage. Very confusing family tree!
Whiny Wussy
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Re: Furious State-Any Mods/hacks to get around this?
« Reply #110 on: 2005 November 09, 08:22:00 »

Oh, and for those wondering about my computer specs, they're really quite modest. I play on a WinBook W364 (which is a pretty decent gaming lacktop, but lacks the flashiness of an Alienware.

Hell, I HAVE an Alienware (love it!) and it would drive me insane to have that many sims.  The only time I have more than 6 in a household is when someone unexpectedly has trips/quads.  Shocked  I have a thing about lag; I don't want it.  At all.  I want instant response and get mad when a lot takes more than a few seconds to load.  I compulsively delete objects, to the point where I've got very few new mesh objects and mostly stick with Maxis recolors.  I don't put but a tree or two on a lot. I won't use more than 2 stories, and prefer 1--hate to tab up and down and I don't allow my sims much free will. Hi, my name's Jennifer and I have serious control issues... Wink

Mokey, you and I both!  I hate lag too, but I do allow my sims freedom as long as they're sensible with it!  Been getting mad lately, though, since the patch they seem to lose part of their queues - like I put toilet-shower and they forget the toilet and go straight to the shower!  And the intelligent sims who used to use the loo first autonomously don't any more - and I hate the thought of them going and cooking a meal when they've been to the loo and haven't washed their hands!

Zephyr Zodiac
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Re: Furious State-Any Mods/hacks to get around this?
« Reply #111 on: 2005 November 09, 13:28:15 »

Pink (Scissors)**
how do you kill them with scissors???  that sounds cool.   I want a pink ghost.   Grin
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Furious State-Any Mods/hacks to get around this?
« Reply #112 on: 2005 November 09, 14:10:56 »

Pink (Scissors)**
how do you kill them with scissors???  that sounds cool.   I want a pink ghost.   Grin
IIm not sure but its the run with scissors playset that Maxis made on the exchange

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Tina G
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Re: Furious State-Any Mods/hacks to get around this?
« Reply #113 on: 2005 November 09, 14:27:14 »

Just download the scissors from the exchange and tell your sim to run with them. Sometimes they will fall down and die.
Whiny Wussy
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Re: Furious State-Any Mods/hacks to get around this?
« Reply #114 on: 2005 November 09, 15:13:11 »


Zephyr Zodiac
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Re: Furious State-Any Mods/hacks to get around this?
« Reply #115 on: 2005 November 09, 15:21:12 »

It's funny to watch them run, but unfortunately I haven't had one die from that yet.  I tend to chicken out and cancel the action too soon, I guess.  It's always a Sim I don't necessarily want to die yet.   Embarrassed
Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: Furious State-Any Mods/hacks to get around this?
« Reply #116 on: 2005 November 09, 15:23:00 »

You can get pink ghosts from scaring Sims to death, too...the scissors are easier though Cheesy

I must be the only one who wants *more* furiousness Cheesy Or at least I want it to decay more slowly or not at all in at least some cases. If someone broke into my house and stole my stuff I don't think I'd ever be best friends with them Tongue Same with cheating spouses/SOs. I have a dorm where Meadow Thayer was enemies with the dormie who stole her boyfriend. They slap each other silly, but now they're not enemies anymore after chatting away while eating. Noooo I want them hating each other! I do agree some the animations get annoying though. I love the fights, esp in dorms. Really shakes things up and adds some interest to those dormies (who usually need it). I had a dorm for a while where three dormies all hated each other and regularly kicked each others' asses. It was great Grin


<Pescado> With ninja throwing breadsticks, YOU are the dipping sauce! | The Literate Sim
Whiny Wussy
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Re: Furious State-Any Mods/hacks to get around this?
« Reply #117 on: 2005 November 09, 15:27:57 »

It's not so bad when they are furious with someone in their own lot, but when they go visiting and stand at portals and slow the game to a crawl, it can be extremely annoying!  Particularly so on community lots as you don't normally have Move_objects on available.

Zephyr Zodiac
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Re: Furious State-Any Mods/hacks to get around this?
« Reply #118 on: 2005 November 09, 15:36:29 »

In cases like that, Jenwarren, I agree. When it makes sense to stay mad, then stay mad, dammit! I have a sim, the becoming-quite-well-known-here Justin who has an ex-wife that he should still be furious at. Because that's how I want the storyline to go. I like the dynamic between the two, the very likeable Justin and the evil ex-wife. But I put him on auto-power-idle the other day, and he ran to the phone to call her. I made him hang up, because he's supposed to hate her! 
As far as the other types of sim-fury go, don't stand there and fume about the guy you threw the water balloon at, because you blame him for the puddle! Roll Eyes In fact, fuming about puddles is silly anyway. I can see it for maybe a sim with maxed out neatness, but the others? And it doesn't seem like it should be a big deal since they can just whip a mop out of their asses, anyway. Not like they have to go to the trouble of getting the bucket, adding the Mr. Clean, blah blah blah...Besides, it never bothered them before they could drive their own car and go on actual dates, downtown ...
Whiny Wussy
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Re: Furious State-Any Mods/hacks to get around this?
« Reply #119 on: 2005 November 09, 15:46:18 »

Sims are just contrary, I guess!

Zephyr Zodiac
Smells Like Pee
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Re: Furious State-Any Mods/hacks to get around this?
« Reply #120 on: 2005 November 09, 16:05:40 »

Even more so since NightLife. You'd think they'd be happier!
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Furious State-Any Mods/hacks to get around this?
« Reply #121 on: 2005 November 09, 17:52:49 »

Been getting mad lately, though, since the patch they seem to lose part of their queues - like I put toilet-shower and they forget the toilet and go straight to the shower!  And the intelligent sims who used to use the loo first autonomously don't any more - and I hate the thought of them going and cooking a meal when they've been to the loo and haven't washed their hands!

You know TJ has a hack for that?

At least, I assume the hack will fix the problem & make them wash.

* Pescado is batshit crazy, and thus it's not safe to say what he could or would do. Tongue

Pescado: You're a weird and freaky Baratron.
Pescado: Also, all Baratrons suck.

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Smells Like Pee
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Re: Furious State-Any Mods/hacks to get around this?
« Reply #122 on: 2005 November 09, 18:47:59 »

My sims still don't wash their hands, even with the hack installed. I think I may have a conflicting hack, somewhere...
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Furious State-Any Mods/hacks to get around this?
« Reply #123 on: 2005 November 09, 20:24:53 »

In cases like that, Jenwarren, I agree. When it makes sense to stay mad, then stay mad, dammit! I have a sim, the becoming-quite-well-known-here Justin who has an ex-wife that he should still be furious at. Because that's how I want the storyline to go. I like the dynamic between the two, the very likeable Justin and the evil ex-wife. But I put him on auto-power-idle the other day, and he ran to the phone to call her. I made him hang up, because he's supposed to hate her! 
As far as the other types of sim-fury go, don't stand there and fume about the guy you threw the water balloon at, because you blame him for the puddle! Roll Eyes In fact, fuming about puddles is silly anyway. I can see it for maybe a sim with maxed out neatness, but the others? And it doesn't seem like it should be a big deal since they can just whip a mop out of their asses, anyway. Not like they have to go to the trouble of getting the bucket, adding the Mr. Clean, blah blah blah...Besides, it never bothered them before they could drive their own car and go on actual dates, downtown ...
LOL in my Game Justin lives in the same house with his exwife Tara and they are best friends but the twist comes when you realize that the reason they live in the same house is because his brother is married to her and Justin's current wife of course lives there. .... I spent all morning building and furnishing their home. it is a  three story 9 bedroom, 8 bath house. their dining table will seat 19 sims they have 2 refrigerators and two stoves.  a three car garage and six sports cars. on the second floor is the nursery,Shellies Bedroom,Jory,Joel and Judes Bedroom .Lexie and Tiffany's Bedroom and Joe and Bella's Bella's Bedroom. Three Bathrooms . on the 3rd floor  there is Justin and  Honey's Bedroom.Joshua and Tara's,Jeremiah and Maria's and ,James and Alura's Bedroom and 3 Bathrooms nd a rec are with a pool table,poker table and Juke Box. on the first floor there is a Kithen,Living room  and 2 bathrooms aand a rec Area with a Karaoke machine. in the Hall way is a Piano and easel. and the telephone.its kind of cool that they never have to hire a nanny  there  as the work schedules  put an adult in the house all the time. also almost all of them are at level 6 and above  so they work lrss for tons more money. Justin is at Level 9 in the culinary Career that was his newet LTW to become a celebrity chef. Jeremiah is at level 9 in the athletic career .James is a blockbuster director. and will switch to atheletics once he reaches the top of the show business  career. Maria is  in the vice squad,Tara is a prep cook,Alura is permaplat and a general.Joe is a freelance photographer. Bella is a state assembly person. Honey is a security guard and Joshua is a prep cook. their laries range from $ 336 to 3053  a day.

I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring  after awhile.
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Furious State-Any Mods/hacks to get around this?
« Reply #124 on: 2005 November 10, 08:27:08 »

My sims still don't wash their hands, even with the hack installed. I think I may have a conflicting hack, somewhere...

It seems to be working for me. I even edited it to include some changes that Dukasha made so that, at least in my game, about 1/4 of the time, male sims will go potty by sitting down, and the majority of the time, they will pee standing, even if their bladder is very low. My sims, thankfully, wash their hands just fine. Smiley

Now... if only there were a way that maybe Crammyboy could improve his hack so that the cock shows up while peeing. You can set it to show up in different states of dress (while sleeping, while working out, etc.). It would be cool if it could be set to show up while going potty too.

Anyhew, I mostly came here to bitch about the on-topic, despite it already being a well trodden subject. Roll Eyes The thing is, although it is somehwat amusing and somewhat realistic, and somewhat cool and unpredictable, now that random sims can sort of randomly get into fights, and sims don't just blindly, happily get along all tra-la-la like. It is just way too extreme. On that last lot that I was visiting, the Curious brothers were getting into crazy fights with other sims. All the stupid poking and pushing and shoving and slapping that quickly deteriorates into fighting, which with thefightclub, I'm sure takes much longer, hehe Grin gets annoying after awhile.

See, although they managed to make personality clashes factor into randomly starting fights and what not, they should have at least balanced it out enough so that sims might also actually autonomously decide to apologize. I have never seen this, prior to NL, and so far, in the few experiences I've had, mostly testing, and now playing, it seems the only way to repair relationships really is for the user to do so manually, which just gets tedious, especially if what the BradyGames book says is true (which of course might very well not be, and no, I didn't buy it, I flipped through it at Barnes and Nobles. Tongue) about having to apologize once every hour to get the furious state to go down. That is just so ridiculous! And forget about non-controllable/unselectable sims. Once a fight breaks out, that's pretty much all that's goin happen all freakin day and night long if you stay on the lot the whole time. Tongue

I really hope this gets toned down with the romancemod. I guess I'm gonna have to try out Crammyboy's hack. The thing is, I don't want to completely turn it off, and I do like the bit of spice it adds, but at times, it just seems really out of control. Tongue


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