Strange - I'd love to see it, but so far it hasn't happened on any of my lots! (Or if it has, maybe they were at work.)
Zephyr Zodiac
Smells Like Pee

Posts: 7367
My sims like to hang around the mailbox (portal, I guess) and chat for long periods of time. Hours upon sim-hours on end, in fact. So I get to see this quite often!
Oh, well, most of mine have cars so the only time they go to the mailbox is to get the mail! Kids usually go straight off in search of the desk of the day, so only the passers-by get to pass the mailbox and stand around. And since NL and the patch, at least the mail-person actually collects the mail instead of colliding with a sim and being deflected!
Zephyr Zodiac
This weekend, my Romance Sim made a few new "friends" and when she was on a date downtown, one of her old dates caught her cheating on him (like her husband wasn't the first clue he wasn't the only one  ) and now he sneaks by her house at least 5 times a day, stealing her newspaper and kicking over her trash can. I don't care about the newspaper, but the trash can thing is infuriating. I guess I'll be building a fence around it.
Smells Like Pee

Posts: 7367
Mine have cars, too, but I have a lot more sims with jobs than I do driveways! The owner of the car does have the option to carpool to work with all eligible sims (of which there are 4, currently), but I have to be quick to use that option. Otherwise, he drives off to his Hall of Famer job, while his Hall of Famer father and brothers jump in the stupid yellow sportscar.  Which, of course, leads to mailbox loitering and yelling at the newspaper thieves after they arrive home.
Deformed Freak
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 840
Now with new and improved avatar!
My sims are usually too busy doing what I told them to do to loiter around the mailbox. If I catch them wasting time by playing kicky bag (hate kicky bag) or pillow fighting (hate it even more at least kicky bag is good for building daily relationshop score) I send them off to do something constructive like paint or use the telescope, or a career reward object. I'm a controlling, but normally benevolent Goddess to my sims 
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 383
For the trash can thing, doesn't Inge have a mod that stops that?
If she does, that would be awesome. Right now I am without Internet, and I can't copy stuff from this computer, so I'll have to wait a couple of weeks. 
Deformed Freak
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 840
Now with new and improved avatar!
Yes she does. I was at simlogical last night looking around.
Smells Like Pee

Posts: 7367
My sims are usually too busy doing what I told them to do to loiter around the mailbox. If I catch them wasting time by playing kicky bag (hate kicky bag) or pillow fighting (hate it even more at least kicky bag is good for building daily relationshop score) I send them off to do something constructive like paint or use the telescope, or a career reward object. I'm a controlling, but normally benevolent Goddess to my sims  This is a typical shot of my game. The number of playable sims in my house has a huge impact on the number of sims loitering around my mailbox!
There's always the option if your sim catches another sim kicking over his trashcan, to influence him/her to clean it up!
And my game would grind to a standstill with that number of sims in a house. I tend to only have nuclear families, everyone moves out after they go to uni and gets their own place.
Zephyr Zodiac
Dead Member

Posts: 1934
Good grief, Brynne! How do you play with that many sims in one house? I did the Legacy Challenge a few months ago and was glad when some of my elders started keeling over so I didn't have so many sims to control! And that was with only eight!
<Pescado> Make it quick. I'm busy and you're not funny.
Presumably Brynne has a cure for Carpel Tunnel syndrome and all the other related arm/wrist problems! (And lightning reflexes!)
Zephyr Zodiac
Smells Like Pee

Posts: 7367
I've got a few mods to help me out. I have to have my main storylines take place on one lot because I'm too impatient to keep switching lots. Plus I love all my sims and have to have them all together as one big happy family. With tons of drama of course.
This is the point where JM will tell me that my game is gonna do that fiery ball thing...
Smells Like Pee

Posts: 7367
Presumably Brynne has a cure for Carpel Tunnel syndrome and all the other related arm/wrist problems! (And lightning reflexes!)
Nope, but I do have a wrist brace! I actually do have carpal tunnel lol. I blame it on the piano, not the sims.
Naturally! You'd have to find some other excuse........ Changing lots is much quicker Downtown, though, you just have to click on the house, so if you put all your sims in one little group you could rotate them quite quickly. (You also miss out on some lovely autonomous incidents, like yesterday I was playing the Jennail Tricous and Jonathon and Jennicor BOTH turned up to visit together!)
Zephyr Zodiac
Smells Like Pee

Posts: 7367
My sims already live downtown lol! The house pictured above is the house of fallen trees. They do go on dates and outings, downtown. I don't mean to imply that they never leave the house! I'm just used to playing this way...
You must use all Pescado's mods like the skillinator etc to help out!
Zephyr Zodiac
Smells Like Pee

Posts: 7367
Yes, I use a ton of JM's stuff to help with multi-sim management, as well as the Please Yourself 2 plant from simlogical. I have those scattered throughout the house.
Holy crap, Brynne! I was just thinking I can't wait until my two elders die, so I can go back to 4, which is really the comfortable Sim limit for me.
I can't imagine having that many!
Smells Like Pee

Posts: 7367
It's a whole lotta fun!The bathrooms are in constant use.
It's a whole lotta fun!The bathrooms are in constant use.
I couldnt control all those sims living in one house LOL my biggest Family is Justin's Mansion with 7 there currently and #8 on the way. My tiniest hose is 1 sim and I currently have 4 of those in my housing projects. Justin has 2 brothers and a sister living in the projects all though 1 is about to move to a step up house . which I use the federal fortress maxis house as my step up houses for sims who have banked some decent money but cant afford a mansion yet. the majority of the project have two or three sims in a 2 bedroom house. My Wealthiest sim is Justin's brother Jeremiah. who is the sim Brynne calls Josh. his assets total a half million simoleons. after furnishing and customizing his home with his wife he still had 224,000 simoleon in the bank. his home cost him 112,000 empty . he is the only sim I have with a maxed environement score . I cant Imagine how you control 23 sims at one time. my sim families reside in different houses but they have 100/100 relation ship scores with one another and Joe calls up various family members all the time arranging outings. when I left James had the gang at his litlle rinky dink house all except for Joel who declared it was late and he better get home. which I thoyght was hysterical because Justin was right there
I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring after awhile.
Smells Like Pee

Posts: 7367
I guess Joel was just being polite and wanted to leave. 
Ancient Sim
Dead Member

Posts: 1931
Back from the dead ...
Talking of the Tricous (as Zephyr was up there), has anyone noticed that Jennicor has pointed ears? I cloned all the Tricous so I can put them into play in my new neighbourhood when I get around to it and when I looked at Jennicor I noticed the ears (conveniently hidden behind her hair in her thumbnail). I don't know if any of the others have them, I haven't checked. Might explain their weird names, perhaps they're meant to be the last descendants of some forgotten elven race or something ...
To return to the topic of the thread, in my new neighbourhood one of the YA's in my first dorm has 3 lightning bolts for one of the dormies. Unfortunately, before they realised this, they had managed to get on the wrong side of each other and are now sworn enemies (the poor male has lost two fights to the female dormie). He is -100/-100 and totally furious towards her and even though they have the 3 bolts, whenever he looks at her he cringes and pulls a face. The problem is that he only has 2 in Nice and she only has 3 and neither of them has stopped poking/shoving/attacking the other long enough to realise they fancy each other like crazy. They match in everything - signs, aspiration, turn on/offs, the lot. Absolutely made for each other. They'd be hilarious to play as a couple ... I wonder if she'd accept a flirt???
Some favourite Sim thingies: Film: Lord of the Sims; Song: Losing My Sim by SIM; Book: Interview With the Sim by Sim Rice; Smell: Fried Simions; Colour: Simple.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 42
To return to the topic of the thread, in my new neighbourhood one of the YA's in my first dorm has 3 lightning bolts for one of the dormies. Unfortunately, before they realised this, they had managed to get on the wrong side of each other and are now sworn enemies (the poor male has lost two fights to the female dormie). He is -100/-100 and totally furious towards her and even though they have the 3 bolts, whenever he looks at her he cringes and pulls a face. The problem is that he only has 2 in Nice and she only has 3 and neither of them has stopped poking/shoving/attacking the other long enough to realise they fancy each other like crazy. They match in everything - signs, aspiration, turn on/offs, the lot. Absolutely made for each other. They'd be hilarious to play as a couple ... I wonder if she'd accept a flirt???
Well, in this particular case, no new hacks are required! You can up their STR and LTR values with any number of hacks or even just the testing cheats if you want some positive interactions available to you, but for that couple, having them fume a bit about each other even though they have high STR & LTR sounds like it would fit in just fine! Returning even more to the original subject... a problem I'd love to have a hack or whatever to help with is getting sims over being furious without removing the effects of being furious globally. I want my romance sims to get slapped around when they get caught cheating... and to be able to selectively have the townies angry enough to dump trash, etc. I just want to be able to get them over it early using a manual cheat when I want to. I want my sleazy romance sim to be able to talk his way out of getting caught!  There are any number of hacks to change STR or LTR, or other relationship flags, but (to my knowledge) no easy way of removing or accelerating the furious state.