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EAxis House of Fail: July
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Topic: EAxis House of Fail: July (Read 169992 times)
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 31
EAxis House of Fail: July
2008 July 06, 04:12:44 »
So we can all get on with it:
Copy-pasta'd from last month:
1. No CC. Please indicate needed expansions and stuff packs so people who wish to download your lot know what to expect. Pictures are required, either available for download, on a slideshow, or posted in this thread.
2. By entering this challenge, you agree to take constructive criticism. If you wish to judge someone else's entry, you should be respectful but honest.
3. Your lot does not have to be Awesomespec, although it is encouraged.
4. You may move internal walls and add external walls but you may NOT move original external walls.
5. Lots may be furnished, unfurnished, or partially furnished. You can even upload both furnished and unfurnished versions.
*PLEASE NOTE* Since this is an Eaxis-designed lot, it may or may not have level edges. Place at your own risk.
New for this lot:
6. The pond/pool must be left in. They may be expanded, but not removed.
Harmonious Haven.rar
(392.58 KB - downloaded 687 times.)
Veni, Vici, Vetinari.
Jess Maree
Furry Pedobait
Posts: 1552
ISFP - now more Introverted than Pescado!
Re: EAxis House of Fail: July
Reply #1 on:
2008 July 06, 06:03:52 »
Aww man, but I hate that damn pool!
Oh well...
Fuck you, Old Man. Fuck you.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 31
Re: EAxis House of Fail: July
Reply #2 on:
2008 July 06, 06:26:51 »
I'd already remade it without the pond... but general consensus in the other thread wanted to keep both to add to the difficulty. So, back to the drawing board for me.
Veni, Vici, Vetinari.
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638
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Re: EAxis House of Fail: July
Reply #3 on:
2008 July 06, 06:59:32 »
If we can expand the pool/pond, are we therefore also allowed to make it smaller?
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 574
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Re: EAxis House of Fail: July
Reply #4 on:
2008 July 06, 07:20:09 »
Bah me too KChan.
*photo curses at the dreadful pond/pool and resumes rebuilding*
I'm a she.
I am teh AIDES, photo 1 & photo b.
Stupid Schlemiel
Posts: 1734
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Re: EAxis House of Fail: July
Reply #5 on:
2008 July 06, 07:43:29 »
I can't wait to see what people do with this house. IMO, this lot would have to be *the* ugliest, most useless Eaxis made house thus far. I tried to play it once but ended up moving the family to another lot. It was not only awkward to play but actually depressing as well.
Inge: credit to Kewian for educating me as to where my clitoris is and what it does
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Re: EAxis House of Fail: July
Reply #6 on:
2008 July 06, 07:45:58 »
Therefore making the name 'Harmonious Haven' a bit of a joke.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Jess Maree
Furry Pedobait
Posts: 1552
ISFP - now more Introverted than Pescado!
Re: EAxis House of Fail: July
Reply #7 on:
2008 July 06, 07:49:07 »
I have just finished my Epic Phail EAxis House of Fail
lot, and I wish to show it to you! It's not really Awesomespec (I did this in three hours) and it's §137, 776 furnished. Let the P&L commence!
- Moat! Keep undesirables OUT of your restricted zone!
- Pool! Now you can swim without being burnt!
- Open plan living! Cook AND keep an eye on the spawn!
- The One Desk! No more scouring the house looking for your mail!
- Separate nursery! Don't let the crying sprog wake you up with their constant whining! NOW close to the kitchen! Why walk up and down stairs when you can walk a short distance instead?
Basically it's three storeys, with that God forsaken pool being the reason. Floor one has the God Forsaken Pool of Doom, a hot-tub, bar, shower/terlet facilities and an outdoor eating/barbecue platform. Kitchen has more all the appliances you will ever need, with trash compactor and dishwasher.
Floor two has the kitchen and living area, with TV and computer. The nursery is on this floor, which is right next to the kitchen.
Floor three has the bedrooms, with creativity building area. Features piano, drums, easel etc. There are three bedrooms, the main bedroom with double doors (hey, it looks good), a teenager's bedroom and a child's bedroom.
There are three bathrooms, one on each floor. Two of which have a shower/shower & bath combo in it.
I have Uni, NL and Seasons. I was going to put a driveway in it, but it looked odd and out of place.
I took the pictures before I added all the lights. I might have put too many lights in, I have a bad habit of doing that. Apologies for the massiveness.
I have NO IDEA if I uploaded the lot correctly. Hell, I don't even know if I uploaded the right house
Get it
here...if I've done it right.
WARNING: MediaFire link, mightn't last forever.
EDIT: I know my house building skillz are phail, I never really build my own houses. There is a massive space on the second floor that I left for hobby items and stuff.
Fuck you, Old Man. Fuck you.
Feckless Fool
Posts: 270
Re: EAxis House of Fail: July
Reply #8 on:
2008 July 06, 07:55:07 »
Ah crap! Oh well...
Can't wait to see what you all do with it!
Jess Maree, way too cool! And this is just the beginning! *prepares to nab scads of be-yoo-tiful houses*
INTJ - Intelligence is what you have available to use. Whether or not you are smart is determined by how well you use your intelligence.
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 703
Re: EAxis House of Fail: July
Reply #9 on:
2008 July 06, 09:29:45 »
Here's one way of filling up that weird space out the back underneath the default "bathroom"...
Jess Maree
Furry Pedobait
Posts: 1552
ISFP - now more Introverted than Pescado!
Re: EAxis House of Fail: July
Reply #10 on:
2008 July 06, 12:25:11 »
Crap I should have put a awning type thing over the outdoor eating platform. Oh well.
Fuck you, Old Man. Fuck you.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 424
my cat is moar awesome than u
Re: EAxis House of Fail: July
Reply #11 on:
2008 July 06, 20:52:21 »
Kchan, thanks for going ahead and posting this month's challenge. I got kidnapped for a surprise vacation on Friday. Anyway, why not make this an open contest? So instead of doing one a month, anyone who has a particular house they want to see other people fix can post a thread for it? Or not, whatever y'all think would work best.
Jess Maree, I like what you did- that pool just HAS to be expanded to be useful.
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1355
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Re: EAxis House of Fail: July
Reply #12 on:
2008 July 07, 00:58:04 »
No, stick with one a month. Participation is greater when we have a common project, and it gives us a monthly activity, which is nice.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 31
Re: EAxis House of Fail: July
Reply #13 on:
2008 July 07, 03:13:27 »
Quote from: SnootCB on 2008 July 06, 20:52:21
Kchan, thanks for going ahead and posting this month's challenge. I got kidnapped for a surprise vacation on Friday.
No problem - Vacations shall not stand in the way of MATY! Or something like that.
Veni, Vici, Vetinari.
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 765
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Re: EAxis House of Fail: July
Reply #14 on:
2008 July 07, 03:35:15 »
I truly hated this house originally, and decided to see what could be done.
Here is the front:
The back:
First Floor:
Second Floor:
It has three bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths. The 1/2 bath is on the first floor. The price, furnished, is 83,152.
The file is here:
I didn't change the name from the original.
Edited to add that I have all expansion packs and stuff packs.
Last Edit: 2008 July 07, 03:41:24 by Mrs.Facetious
Goopy Lover
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Posts: 6109
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Re: EAxis House of Fail: July
Reply #15 on:
2008 July 07, 06:05:56 »
6. The pond/pool must be left in. They may be expanded, but not removed.
Oh. Poo. I hate those things about this lot. Whoever thought of that needs to be beaten with a wet fish.
Illusions of Grandeur
Laverwinkle Sims
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Re: EAxis House of Fail: July
Reply #16 on:
2008 July 07, 06:33:31 »
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Stupid Schlemiel
Posts: 1734
I ain't 'fraid of no Inteenimater!! ABCD/EFGH
Re: EAxis House of Fail: July
Reply #17 on:
2008 July 07, 07:13:58 »
Quote from: Emma on 2008 July 07, 06:05:56
6. The pond/pool must be left in. They may be expanded, but not removed.
Oh. Poo. I hate those things about this lot. Whoever thought of that needs to be beaten with a wet fish.
Yeah but that's what makes this exciting. To see if someone can come up with an imaginative and aesthetically pleasing way to redo this monstrosity. Without the ugly pond and pool, it's just *another makeover.
*Disclaimer: I can't build nice houses to save my life and I admit that, but it doesn't mean I
encourage others to do it for me.
Inge: credit to Kewian for educating me as to where my clitoris is and what it does
Goopy Lover
Dead Member
Posts: 6109
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Re: EAxis House of Fail: July
Reply #18 on:
2008 July 07, 07:49:13 »
you enter this challenge now!
Illusions of Grandeur
Laverwinkle Sims
Stupid Schlemiel
Posts: 1734
I ain't 'fraid of no Inteenimater!! ABCD/EFGH
Re: EAxis House of Fail: July
Reply #19 on:
2008 July 07, 07:54:49 »
Is that a double dog dare Emma? Cuz you know if it is, I'll have no choice to enter erm, something. Plus P&L'ing is good for building character apparently.
Inge: credit to Kewian for educating me as to where my clitoris is and what it does
Goopy Lover
Dead Member
Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
Re: EAxis House of Fail: July
Reply #20 on:
2008 July 07, 07:58:57 »
Quote from: aussieone on 2008 July 07, 07:54:49
Is that a double dog dare Emma? Cuz you know if it is, I'll have no choice to enter erm, something. Plus P&L'ing is good for building character apparently.
Yes. That is just what it is.
Illusions of Grandeur
Laverwinkle Sims
Emma Torturer
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 107
Re: EAxis House of Fail: July
Reply #21 on:
2008 July 07, 09:21:32 »
Play testing this today. It's a fun house, love the pool inside!
Is the image showing now?
(Still haven't play tested, will post new pics tommorro. or hopefully later today.)
Last Edit: 2008 July 07, 13:41:49 by SalixTree
why be normal?
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 703
Re: EAxis House of Fail: July
Reply #22 on:
2008 July 07, 10:56:50 »
Your picture doesn't appear for me...
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Re: EAxis House of Fail: July
Reply #23 on:
2008 July 07, 11:11:50 »
Well, considering we weren't allowed to remove the swimming pool or the river, I opted to make them features. So this house has a very blue-green look. §89,318 with four bedrooms and six bathrooms. Doesn't quite meet awesome specs, the kitchen doesn't currently lock, though it wouldn't take much to put a wall and door in.
I visualised it as a rich person's summer house. Be bloody cold in winter I expect.
Ground floor
First floor. You can see that there is a large area to be recovered if you get rid of the overview of the pool. Plus one of the larger double bedrooms could easily be converted into a hobby room.
View from the kitchen breakfast type bar
Lounge. The rug won't be there, it's one of the new EA store ones. You know where to find it.
Snooker and party room, off the swimming pool area
Swimming pool
Barbeque area
Download at Laverwinkle
Once again, apologies to those on dialup, I have not only succeeded in building another monster house but also took a zillion pictures.
SalixTree - that's gorgeous from the outside, looks like something that would be found in a fairy glade. One thing I don't have with building is a light touch. I envy that. I'd live in your house happily.
PS I have all the EPs.
Last Edit: 2008 July 07, 11:18:29 by witch
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 703
Re: EAxis House of Fail: July
Reply #24 on:
2008 July 07, 11:24:59 »
Wow. That's fantastic. I love the lounge room! Making the pond/river into a central feature of the house is a really neat idea.
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