Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 421
Which EPs/SPs do you have? It shows up fine for me with all EPs/SPs installed.
All EPs up to Seasons, FFS, Glamour, H&M and Ikea. I have yet to try Emma's suggustion, although I doubt it'll work. All other clothes showed up perfectly.
This is her picture as she was / It seems a thing to wonder on / As though mine image in the glass / Should tarry when myself am gone.
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 216
Which EPs/SPs do you have? It shows up fine for me with all EPs/SPs installed.
All EPs up to Seasons, FFS, Glamour, H&M and Ikea. I have yet to try Emma's suggustion, although I doubt it'll work. All other clothes showed up perfectly. i opened BodyShop an found it here 
To err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
ETA: I think I'll leave FFS dress for now, as I'm not sure what "creepy flesh colored lace" means.
Lord Darcy it means the original Dress has 3 Subsets and 3 Materialdefinitions but the 3IDR has only one Materialdefinition listed wich causes Skintone layered under the alpha Part. Its the same as with the Seasons Female Rockstar Outfit.
Lord Darcy
Posts: 958
The owls are not what they seem.
Thanks for the explanation, Havelock.  Creepy indeed. 
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 456
What Would Brian Kinney Do?
Thanks for decustomizing exchange stuff. I did wonder what is wrong with that SNS preorder raincoat mesh, but I was unsure about how to fix it. I didn't realize that FFS dress used Uni dress mesh either. Can I include your superior versions for SNS Raincoat and FFS Dress in mine? As for SNS swimsuit, I think you converted the version of Property Sets to pre-Pets.
The mesh is never seen on adult sims since it's a young adult only outfit, that's probably why you never knew. Feel free to include them Lord Darcy  Oops! I forgot I did that... wait, why did I do that?  Huh, it's been so long I don't remember lol. Lord Darcy it means the original Dress has 3 Subsets and 3 Materialdefinitions but the 3IDR has only one Materialdefinition listed wich causes Skintone layered under the alpha Part. Its the same as with the Seasons Female Rockstar Outfit.
I think the material definitions themselves were wrong too, I remember having to change the blending mode so it wasn't "ghostly".
« Last Edit: 2008 August 22, 17:49:55 by Argon »
Desktop: Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0 GHz, 3GB RAM, Nvidia Ge-Force GTS 450 1GB, Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium, WSXGA+ (1680x1050), Windows 7 Pro x64
Laptop: Sony VAIO VPCYB15KX, AMD Dual-Core E-350 1.60 GHz, 4GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6310, WXGA (1366x768), Windows 7 Pro x86
Lord Darcy
Posts: 958
The owls are not what they seem.
2008-08-22: Fixed SNS Raincoat and FFS Dress (by Argon). Possibly fixed the crashing problem in IKEA NOMINELL Chair that only occurs under a certain condition. (EP5, SP1 and SP8 were updated.)
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 220
Thanks Knightguy - I'm getting Apartment Life tomorrow. Although I'm not installing it until I know it's safe to install. I hope it doesn't need 3 patches like Freetime did. That was a mess.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 192
Thanks knightguy, I re-updated TVs so they have proper skill flags and no longer display wonky animations when repaired/tinkered. Thanks Lord Darcy for this. Download (Re-Updated TVs)
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 220
I checked that bonus computer (GlowStation) in-game and sure enough it needs updating. Thought I'd go ahead and mention it.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 361
Thanks once again everyone. I'll be calling back at random intervalls to see when the computer gets updated. Keep up the great work. I wouldn't have a clue what to do.
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 220
I followed Lord Dacry's tutorial on updating computers and I updated that Glow Station computer. I checked it in-game to see if things were right. And as far as I know it is. If anybody wants it, I'll be glad to post it. Just let me know.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 47
I followed Lord Dacry's tutorial on updating computers and I updated that Glow Station computer. I checked it in-game to see if things were right. And as far as I know it is. If anybody wants it, I'll be glad to post it. Just let me know.
I'd be interested in it. And thanks to everyone for all their work updating the AL pre-order stuff. Much appreciated.
Now asbestos-free.
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 220
Here's the GlowStation computer updated if anybody wants it. Edit: If anybody is wondering, the computer works fine and I actually updated it correctly.
« Last Edit: 2008 September 01, 05:16:41 by jaldeer »
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 220
Here's the bonus shirt and hoodie without the custom star - it shows up with the base game clothes - for some reason it won't let me upload the rar file here. Here's the link http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?zjdk6cjhs4a
« Last Edit: 2008 September 01, 05:55:08 by jaldeer »
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 783
Do you see a midget Hitler?!
I'm sorry if this doesn't belong here. Does anybody know where I can find the Sims 2 Store Exclusive clothing? Both original and recolours?
Do you need someone to organize your sock drawer?
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 216
Here's the GlowStation computer updated if anybody wants it.
how updated is this computer?  it looks like it missing everything from the TABB? I'm sorry if this doesn't belong here. Does anybody know where I can find the Sims 2 Store Exclusive clothing? Both original and recolours?
TS2 Store StuffTS2 Store Clothesfixed links
« Last Edit: 2008 September 01, 06:24:13 by knightguy »
To err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 220
I thought I had followed L.D.'s tutorial right - this is the first time I've updated a computer. I updated a bunch of custom content I had alright. Since this computer didn't get updated, I thought I'd give it a try. Someone with experience could fix it if I didn't do something right - it looked/worked ok in the game (I don't have Apartment Life installed yet).
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 220
I was re-reading L.D.'s tutorial on updating computers and it says "Computers are one of those "exceptions" that I mentioned earlier. As of FT, pie menus of computers are handled in semi-global level. No need to fiddle with TTAB and TTAs, as they're now only vestigial. Once updated for FT, I expect that computers will remain compatible with Apartment Life as well". Here is the link to the tutorial I followed: http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?p=1953068#post1953068 - according to the tutorial, no need to fiddle with TTAB's. Again, if I did something wrong, point it out. I'm new at updating stuff. I thought I'd give it a try and save somebody time and update it myself.
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 216
good job it works i even tested it in Uni tho i noticed the Deztv needs tv Screen Fix it has a blue screen 
« Last Edit: 2008 September 01, 04:54:14 by knightguy »
To err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 220
Thanks Knightguy - I also tested it in Uni before I uploaded it just to make sure they could write their term paper. You mean a blue screen on the picture in buy mode or when you add it to your sims house? I checked it in my daughter's game in one of her houses and I didn't notice a blue screen.
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 220
I also downloaded his re-updated tvs. I'll look at my game this time and see if I notice a blue sreen on the Deztv.
Edit: I see what you mean. A light blue screen in the picture in buymode. I didn't really notice when I downloaded both tvs. Thanks Knightguy for the fix - ya, shocker it was something EA/Maxis did.
« Last Edit: 2008 September 01, 06:16:18 by jaldeer »
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 783
Do you see a midget Hitler?!
Here's the GlowStation computer updated if anybody wants it.
how updated is this computer?  it looks like it missing everything from the TABB? I'm sorry if this doesn't belong here. Does anybody know where I can find the Sims 2 Store Exclusive clothing? Both original and recolours?
TS2 Store StuffTS2 Store ClothesFor some weird reason those links don't work for me 
Do you need someone to organize your sock drawer?
Lord Darcy
Posts: 958
The owls are not what they seem.
2008-09-04: Added all 7 AL preorders. Fixed version bit for 4 IKEA objects. Adjusted sort index of TSS preorder outfits. Adult version of TSS GraphicTee was added in AL preorders. Havelock updated Deluxe preorder Jukebox to AL. (EP8, SP6, SP8 and Deluxe were updated.) Thanks to Havelock for doing most of work on AL preorder objects.  I only brushed them a bit.
« Last Edit: 2008 September 04, 10:27:12 by Lord Darcy »
Another update to the Flowers Jukebox. I have added all color options to the main file, flowers is default color. All colors have now the 0lifo and 1lifo for better grafics no more artifacts everything is clear and as sharp as possible. Please redownload if you like.
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 216
Another update to the Flowers Jukebox. I have added all color options to the main file, flowers is default color. All colors have now the 0lifo and 1lifo for better grafics no more artifacts everything is clear and as sharp as possible. Please redownload if you like.
it wont let me download it keeps giving me a error page? 
To err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.