A few days ago, I decided my sims need to colonize my always-ignored Bluewater, because Pleasantview is fucking ugly and my main digs, Downtown, are getting boring.
First, I made a back-up of my game with SimPE. That is, I thought I could just backup Bluewater, but SimPE called out my noob mistake and I just saved the whole game, as usual.
Next thing I know, THIS happens:
http://bp3.blogger.com/_usV945r-K1c/R8imDEMJd3I/AAAAAAAAACQ/tXy9C5U3up0/s1600-h/weird2.JPG http://bp0.blogger.com/_usV945r-K1c/R8il5UMJd2I/AAAAAAAAACI/ZO3fMwMkOGg/s1600-h/weird1.JPG And... I'm scared. Hold me?
Notice that it only happens with Pleasantview; everything else is fine, probably because I never play them. As for the game itself, it plays fine, which is even weirder. I believe that it has to do something with the reia file. Notice also that this happens to both the little 'flyby' video in the neighborhood chooser and the thumbnail when you pick the neighborhood (in this case, it should've been the shot with Mortimer with crossed arms and other Maxis sims in the background.)
Any idea if this is a VTB or something to put up with and mostly harmless?