Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 59
I tried to post this in the Sim PE thread, but there was no reply button. I'm gathering I'm not worthy...  I saw this posted on another site last night http://theos.chewbakkas.net/tools/sim-deleter-tool.htmlIt looks simple enough use and it has been suggested that when it's combined with Lot Debugger, it wipes out not only a sim but everything else (i.e- memories) that one sim brings to any given hood. Any thoughts? Is this good? Bad? I admit that it's simplicity makes me alittle nervous. I seem to be overcome with the thought of if it seems too good to be true, it probably is when it comes to this game.
My adaptation of SimPe's tool may leave orphaned business data, since its original code was made prior to OFB. As far as I know, LotDebugger is already able to wipe the sim's memories and relationships. The recommended prescription is to follow Deleted2.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 59
I had a feeling I was going to be told something along those lines. Oh well, I guess SimPE and I are going to become good friends..
Thanks for the info though.
I'd like to know this as well- I find deleted 2 too complicated and simPE intensive to deal with. So, all that will be left is the business data after Theos tool? Doesn't Pescados "prep sim for delete" take care of that?

Posts: 1920
Would also like to know if the combo of Pes's "Prep delete" and Theos tool would be ok.
I am too simpe retarded for Deleted II.
Also, Theo? Is your tool compatible with BV Simpe?
<Inge> Yes, at my age it is hard to tell whether something I am saying will make me look incontinent 
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 8583
Potiron flou
Deleted II is way easy. If you pay attention to the sims' names and note down their character files beforehand, you don't have to mess with that hex crap.
Capitalism, Ho!"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks My Urinal
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 59
The other option would be to do what I ended up doing which was deleting the one hood I had and installed all clean templates instead. It probably took me 3 hours too long to get everything done, but my new hood works without any problems so I must have done something right. This of course wouldn't be much of a option for somebody that has many generations in their game that they are attached to, but there was nothing going on in my game that I cannot reproduce. It was either spend many painful hours with SimPE or start over again and rid my hood of fugly townies without worrying about data being left behind. Having options is always nice. 
J. M. Pescado
Would also like to know if the combo of Pes's "Prep delete" and Theos tool would be ok. I still am not clear on what exactly it *DOES*. Has Theo ever explained the technical steps of what it even does?
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
I still am not clear on what exactly it *DOES*. Has Theo ever explained the technical steps of what it even does? The original does pretty much what Inge requested: http://simpeforum.ambertation.de/forum/viewpost/7632The first thing I did to it was commenting out the SDNA deletion  Now I've taken a look at the code again, and it does remove the SCOR resources associated with a sim instance. However, the BNFO (customer loyalty) resources may still linger on, since they may exist in a different subhood package.

Posts: 1920
So say if you used this to delete a sim who had never owned or been to a buisness before.. it should be ok?
<Inge> Yes, at my age it is hard to tell whether something I am saying will make me look incontinent 
So say if you used this to delete a sim who had never owned or been to a buisness before.. it should be ok?
I guess so, since you're going to use LD's prep sim for delete before using the tool 

Posts: 1920
Yay  Thank you for awesome tool. Baaaa baaaaaa!
<Inge> Yes, at my age it is hard to tell whether something I am saying will make me look incontinent 
J. M. Pescado
So say if you used this to delete a sim who had never owned or been to a buisness before.. it should be ok?
I guess so, since you're going to use LD's prep sim for delete before using the tool  The Lot Debugger will already purge all of the sim's customer information, so if you've used Prep for delete first, this should THEORETICALLY do the job, if it cleans out SDSC/SCOR/character file.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.