Hairy-Bellied Heretic
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2354
and I've got no idea why!
I just got bored and decided to deleteallcharacters in my game... I just couldn't get into my current sims... when I generated my townies and downtownies I decided to make my sim know everyone, just to get some idea of what I had - and there wasn't a single elder! stacks of teens, adults and a handful of children but no elders...
come to think of it, I didn't have any when I first installed nightlife - any ideas?
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 329
I made elder townies using Inge's Teleport plus bush. And they did walk by my sim's house. I made a Godfather lookalike etc. 
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 149
Yeah, if you want elder townies, you need to make them yourself.
Hairy-Bellied Heretic
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2354
I thought nightlife was supposed to give us elder downtownies?
I'm not talking the regular townies, I'm talking about the nightlife ones - others have mentioned having elders, yet I don't, even in a clean install
I never used "deletecharacters", and I noticed after installing NL that I have many new elder townies - through the SimPe. Perhaps the elders are not regenerated, if you delete them. All the new elders appear at the Custom neighbourhoods - several of them in pre-made hood too. These are the elders in my Custom hood: Berjes Ying Daisy London Jace Futa Lee Lewis Marilena Goss Nancy Gonanza Roger Hurt Sara Gray Sierra Raha Stiven Cho Vicki Samson Wayon Fairchild William Todd Zack Fleig I think it's quite too much...  .
I think Maxis may have generated a lot of those downtownies by hand. I have tons of elder downtownies in my game. I think actually the majority of the downtownies are elders.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 149
Weird - I don't have any elders downtown either. Just assumed it was like the base game, where you'd only really get adults. 
I also created a custom hood and deleted all the characters and generate them all except for the downtown EP2 NPC. I will take a look tonight (I am at work now  ) and let you know if I do or not have elders on downtown lots. One odd thing I notice, on pre-made Maxis downtown hood all the Maitre D' are elders. In my custom hood, some are adults and other are elders. 
Interesting. My sweetie and I have both commented on how happy we are with the large number of elder downtownies in our games. I use the Maxis default downtown, but sweetie's created at least 2 custom downtowns and they have spawned comparable numbers of elders to the default. He did not, however, delete the first spawning, which it sounds like maybe you did, ness?
Vita brevis, Ars longa. "And so goest thy butthurt n00bs whosoever cannot have accolades and benes heaped upon them, as in the manner of vomit from a sorority girl, to which they are accustomed." lemmiwinks 1:1
Phyllis, if your Sweetie did not do a deleteallcharacters in the custom hoods, eventhough she created her own custom downtown she should have the default downtown townies in it as well as default Pleasantview townie and NPC (correct me please if I am wrong).
Me (and from what I read Ness) deleted those pre-made ones and generate new ones, in my case it was with boolprop.
« Last Edit: 2005 October 21, 17:23:58 by Missdoh »
I've noticed a few things I see as patterns when I've used the deleteallcharacters command and started from scratch which is the reason why I went to generating my own (using the NPC maker for making Downtownies and using CAS the teleporter-plus shrub for Townies--Townies can also be generated with the NPC maker, but I decided I wanted them to be more custom than that).
There are a certain number of slots for each age group of Townie/Downtownie and it seems they're rather interchangeable between the regular neighborhood and Downtown now. Also, they're all seemingly generated in a fairly strict order. With the original game teens, adults and children would be generated and in that order. Now it seems teens, children, then adults are generated, so if indeed elders would be generated (I never got that far) they would come after the adult pool was filled.
One of the problems I ran into with generating them like this was that I'd end up with the Townies created based on where my sims visited most. Say if they made 11 trips to Downtown lots, generating one Townie for each trip, there'd be 11 Downtownie teens in the neighborhood, leaving five slots available to become Townies and it was working the same way with the children. Granted, if all of your Townie children are Downtownies it means you'll never have to see them walking by your sim's house or on a community lot (they won't show up on Downtown lots) so the only time you'll ever really know they're there is when they come home with a child on the bus (that's too often for me to see them, though, LOL). Then when the adult Downtownies started being generated I wound up with multiples of the sets of looks instead of being randomly created--like four of the little gals in the cowboy hats, or three of the guys in the colorful vests, etc.
I, too, loved the fact there were elder Downtownies--it made things seem much more realistic to me so I decided when I started making my own I'd have a mix and that's how I went about it in the regular neighborhood and when using the NPC maker to make Downtownies I've been making elders, too.
And I'm also scratching my head over why it is in some neighborhoods I've seen adult hosts at the restaurants yet it other neighborhoods they're only generated as elders. Odd.
I use the boolprop to create my downtown townies and also notice there are a few that look about the same they just have a minor difference in face but they had the same hair color and same clothes that is annoying. In my last custom hood, I have 1 elder Maitre D' and 2 adults but if I am not mistaken the adult have the voice of elders  . The cook are all elders like they should. That is weird!
Maybe the hosts are like headmasters. If you generate them they may be adults or elders, but a lot of the 'adults' have grey hair and if you look closely at their faces you'll see it's an elder face. The odd thing is, they have the posture of an adult.
Hairy-Bellied Heretic
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2354
I did play with the original default downtown for a while, in pleasantview - even at that point there were no elders as downtownies, as NPCs yes, but that was it...
once I had a feel for the game I deleted all the characters, had the game generate new ones (using the debug command on the mail box) - still no elders. I've actually been playing with the generation of townies for a while - I have noticed that if I generate townies in the main neighbourhood, I get the adults, then teens then children. Generating townies in the uni neighbourhood gives me 55 young adult dormies. I don't know if it makes any difference in the downtown neighbourhood, and it seems to make no difference whether you generate the townies first or the downtownies - the annoying thing is having to make someone know everyone to see what downtownies you have - it doesn't show the faces as it goes like the others.
The only way I've ever managed to get an elder as a townie or downtownie was to use the townie and NPC maker and specify an elder - but making them one at a time is painful!
I also used the pre-made downtown in Pleasantview but I did saw elders on downtown community lots. Did you go often in downtown? I mostly saw them on bowling lots and restaurants. There is not always elders on lot and depending on how many you can have on your lots sometimes there won't be any even if you move from place to place.
Hairy-Bellied Heretic
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2354
I usually do visit downtown lots a lot - and there never seems to be any shortage of other sims there.
But, it's not that I'm just not seeing them, when I make a sim know everyone, there simply isn't any elders at all - they just aren't being created.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 636
Quirky Liberal Alpha Male
There are two in that "House of Fallen Trees" (or whatever the name is). I'm assuming you could resurrect them if you really wanted Maxis-created elders.
Instant gratification takes too long.
I usually do visit downtown lots a lot - and there never seems to be any shortage of other sims there.
But, it's not that I'm just not seeing them, when I make a sim know everyone, there simply isn't any elders at all - they just aren't being created.
Now I am starting to wonder (if such a hack or mod exist) if you don't have a hack preventing the game to create elder? 
Hairy-Bellied Heretic
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2354
I honestly don't know any more!
I just added a downtown to strangetown and checked who was around by making a sim know everyone - there certainly seems to be elder downtownies there - but as soon as I swtich to deleting everyone and starting with fresh sims, the game stubbornly refuses to generate elders
I guess I should probably check it all out by grabbing a custom neighbourhood that doesn't come with an enormous bunch of pre-generated characters - but is there anyone out there who has the game generate elder downtownies when they delete everyone and generate a new set? If so, how do you actually go about generating these new townies?
I really don't want to have to sit down and create every townie myself - but I'm beginning to think I should just create a bunch of elders and shuffle them off to be townies... I thought it would be nice to have them, but the game doesn't seem to want to give me any.
Hairy-Bellied Heretic
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2354
I just heard from a friend who tested this for me...
only elder downtownies with the default downtown attached, as soon as you delete all characters and regenerate, there will be no elders... disappointing!
I created a custom hood with newly created downtown townie. I will gadly check if it is the same in my game.
EDIT: So far no elders to be seen but I still need to take a few Sims on downtown lots.
« Last Edit: 2005 October 22, 04:11:40 by Missdoh »
Hairy-Bellied Heretic
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2354
hehe... had some fun this afternoon...
I decided that I was going to have some elder townies, dammit! so I created a bunch of them in CAS, and using Inge's shrub shuffled them off to be townies before I generated new sims - having done that, the game still only went through and filled up the remaining townie slots, it didn't create the full 30 - so I got adults, teens - by the time the game had filled those slots, there was no room for the townie children! yay!