I also keep a copy of the pianofix around, because they seem to break the piano so often. Bleh, that's ALL you have? You suck. I love you, too, Sir *HUG*
Vita brevis, Ars longa. "And so goest thy butthurt n00bs whosoever cannot have accolades and benes heaped upon them, as in the manner of vomit from a sorority girl, to which they are accustomed." lemmiwinks 1:1
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 415
I don't think I play 'normally'...and most of the hacks I use are to decrease my frustration with the way the game was written...
short list of MATY hacks I can't live without (this might include some TwoJeffs and CrammyBoy stuff cuz I got it here):
antibagthrow antivacationactins antiweatherreaction cBoyComputerMadnessFixOFB LowFoodWarning NoCongrats StudentsMoveAwayFromThePortal NoBabyToddlerSwarming NoSmartMilkDrag NoPlayInBathtub NoBuskers (seriously-I won't play the game without this one - I consider it critical for my sanity) NoEatCrap NoLameHires NoStrayReSpawn NoTownieRegen NoWhatsThis ScannerGunHack SchoolBus-BringFriendDialog SelfExplodingBottles SShack ToddlerPottyFixes VisitorSnackingFix WarmthFixes
I left out TwoJeffs Visitor Controller and abduction higher odds as well as a handful of no-autonomous idiotic things sims want to do hacks from someone over at MTS2...and that's pretty much the extent of my hacks
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11636
Shunning the accursed daystar.
My current Pescado Hacks
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 213
My Pescado Hacks abortbedmaking.package antiflycatching.package antipeeobsession.package antiprankhack.package antiredundancy.package antivacationactions.package antiweatherreaction.package autosoc.package autoyak.package bandatronmovefix.package bathroomusesyou.package bedsidefix.package biotechfix.package businessrunsyou.package bvchildanimfix.package callover.package carpoolfix.package coffeecuphack.package collegeclock.package comm-skilling.package commstereofix.package crumplefix.package customerselector.package dailygardener.package dontwaveatme.package doorjamfix.package dormbillfix.package dramafix.package dropoldloves.package eggjuicememfix.package engagewantfix.package evilsimseviltoys.package fastpass.package ffsdebugger.package firemod.package fishandharvestfix.package fishpolefix.package fitness4all.package frontdoorhack.package gctowniefix.package gradpartymemfix.package harderjobs.package hugginghack.package indoorplantfix.package lesswhiny.package ls_career_entertainment.package ls_career_gamedev.package ltwvariety.package macrotastics.package magicwand.package magicwandcollection.package marriage-postmortum.package marriage-traditional.package no20Khandouts.package noagediscrimination.package noagingswarm.package noaplusspam.package nobabyharassment.package nobathroomdishes.package nobogartingswings.package nocorruptdeath.package nocrybabies.package nodroptiredbaby.package nodupegradmems.package noeatcrap.package nofraternization.package noghostelevatorlag.package noinfluenceobsession.package noinstantlove.package noplagiarism.package nopuddlerage.package norabbitspin.package norandomcrush.package noroadpillows.package noroutefail.package nossrespawn.package nostrayrespawn.package notelepathy.package noteleportpuddle.package notownieregen.package nouniprotect.package nounlinkondelete.package novanishindorms.package novelprogress.package nowhatsthis.package orchardtreefix.package petsp0-jobfixes.package petsp0-servicecallfix.package phonehack.package phonehack-talkmodule.package poolhack.package primpfix.package punchcuphack.package restaurantbarfix.package romancemod.package romanceurnstonefix.package runtoclass.package sandcastlefix.package savethetrees.package scannergunhack.package shoonobreakgroup.package skillinator.package sleepclock.package snseldercareeroutfitfix.package snsnpcslotfix.package sshack.package stereohack.package stuckobjremover.package thefightclub.package toastinghack.package togafix.package tombstonemovefix.package uni_ltws_sns.package vacationfixes.package vampwerefixes.package waiterfix.package warmthfixes.package wfsanity.package winterflowerfix.package woohooltwfix.package yellowpee.package yellowpeeobject.package
ETA: I removed the sandcastlefix
« Last Edit: 2007 December 20, 05:12:06 by gypsylady »
Dead Member
Posts: 1934
Seasons, minus no20khandout and expensivenpcs.
<Pescado> Make it quick. I'm busy and you're not funny.
Count Four
Feckless Fool
Posts: 265
This is what I got (in a no Pets, no BV game.) I keep thinking about getting the Seasons DC...I'll get around to it one of these days.
abortbedmaking.package antifoodnap.package antigardenlag.package antipeeobsession.package antiredundancy.package antiweatherreaction.package authorized_personnel_only.package autoyak.package bandatronmovefix.package biotechfix.package carpoolfix.package clothingtool.package clothingtool-globals.package coffeecuphack.package collegeclock.package comm-skilling.package debugabductfix.package doorjamfix.package dormbillfix.package dramafix.package encouragificator.package enemiesaccumulate.package engagewantfix.package fastpass.package ffsdebugger.package fishandharvestfix.package fishpolefix.package fruitbowl.package gctowniefix.package gradpartymemfix.package hugginghack.package indoorplantfix.package interactwogreet.package lesswhiny.package ltwvariety.package marriage-postmortum.package moneyorder.package noagediscrimination.package nocorruptdeath.package nocrybabies.package nodupegradmems.package noeatcrap.package noinfluenceobsession.package noinstantlove.package noplagiarism.package noplayableshoppers.package noroadpillows.package notelepathy.package notownieregen.package nouniprotect.package nounlinkondelete.package nounneededcoats.package novanishindorms.package novelprogress.package phonehack.package phonehack-talkmodule.package poolhack.package punchcuphack.package relevantwages.package remotebusinessfix.package restaurantbarfix.package romancemod.package runtoclass.package savethetrees.package scannergunhack.package smartercashier.package snsnpcslotfix.package sshack.package stuckobjremover.package Teen - Adult Attraction Fix.package thefightclub.package tippingfix.package Toddler Potty Fixes.package togafix.package uni_ltws_sns.package vampwerefixes.package waiterfix.package warmthfixes.package wfsanity.package
For the record, I won't play this game without abortbedmaking and noinfluence obsession.
Humans need fantasy to be human. To be the place where the falling angel meets the rising ape.
Attached is a text file with the contents of my Pescado directory. I have all EPs + all SPs (except for TSS).
<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br /> <br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
Ye Olde dir dump from the command line. Note that I haven't actually updated my hacks in ... a while. Haven't actually played enough to need to yet.
crap.txt (6.91 KB - downloaded 397 times.)
Nifty Sims hacks and programs at: DJS Sims
abortbedmaking.package antibabylecture.package antibusinessdecay.package antifoodnap.package antipeeobsession.package antipetobsession.package antiredundancy.package antivacationactions.package antiwatchout.package antiweatherreaction.package asprechargetweak.package authorized_personnel_only.package awesome_fruitbowl.package bandatronmovefix.package biotechfix.package breakupfix.package bvchildanimfix.package callover.package carpoolfix.package censustool.package clothingtool.package clothingtool-globals.package coffeecuphack.package commlightson.package commstereofix.package crumplefix.package customerselector.package darwincowplant.package dontshootfood.package dontwaveatme.package doorjamfix.package dormbillfix.package dramafix.package eggjuicememfix.package encouragificator.package enemiesaccumulate.package engagewantfix.package fasterbuyclothes.package ffsdebugger.package firemod.package fishandharvestfix.package fishpolefix.package fitness4all.package flushforce.package frontdoorhack.package gradpartymemfix.package harderjobs.package indoorplantfix.package interactwogreet.package interestlosshack.package lesspetwarfare.package lesswhiny.package ltwvariety.package macrotastics.package magicwand.package makebuyable.package marriage-postmortum.package missingmanagerfix.package moneyorder.package no20Khandouts.package noadhd.package noagediscrimination.package noagingswarm.package noaplusspam.package noassignmentlitter.package noautopetbuy.package nobathroomdishes.package nobuskers.package nocollegeobsession.package nocorruptdeath.package nocrybabies.package nodiningwithscum.package nodormieregen.package nodrivewayshuffle.package nodroptiredbaby.package nodupegradmems.package noeatcrap.package noghostelevatorlag.package noinfluenceobsession.package noinstantlove.package nolamehires.package nopedostalkers.package noplagiarism.package noplayableshoppers.package nopuddlerage.package norabbitspin.package noretiredjobspam.package noroutefail.package noservochores.package noshockforoutgoing.package nosmartmilkdrag.package nossrespawn.package nostrayrespawn.package notelepathy.package noteleportpuddle.package notownieregen.package nounlinkondelete.package nounneededcoats.package novanishindorms.package novelprogress.package nowhatsthis.package noxylophonepee.package orchardtreefix.package petsp0-jobfixes.package petsp0-servicecallfix.package pettempadfix.package phonehack.package phonehack-talkmodule.package pianofix.package plumbing-lessbreaking.package poolhack.package primpfix.package punchcuphack.package relevantwages.package remotebusinessfix.package restaurantbarfix.package robotrestockfix.package romancemod.package romanceurnstonefix.package rpshack.package sandcastlefix.package scannergunhack.package shoonobreakgroup.package skillinator.package smartercashier.package smustle-fix.package snsnpcslotfix.package snsp0nrgizerfix.package sshack.package stuckobjremover.package swindlerslist.package synctimer.package table-noodlesoother.package table-thinkingcap.package thefightclub.package toastinghack.package togafix.package uni_ltws_sns.package vacationfixes.package vampwerefixes.package waiterfix.package warmthfixes.package wfsanity.package winterflowerfix.package wolfwatchers.package woohooltwfix.package yellowpee.package yellowpeeobject.package
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 2
JMPescado Hacks & Objects abortbedmaking antibabylecture antibusinessdecay antifoodnap antigardenlag antipeeobsession antiredundancy antivacationactions antiwatchout autosoc autoyak babycontrol bandatronmovefix bathroomusesyou bedsidefix biotechfix businessrunsyou bvchildanimfix callover carpoolfix childplanttalkfix clothingtool coffeecuphack collegeclock comm-skilling commstereofix crumplefix customerselector dailygardener darwincowplant debugabductfix dontwaveatme doorjamfix dormbillfix dramafix eggjuicememfix encouragificator evilsimseviltoys fastpass ffsdebugger firemod fishandharvestfix fitness4all footslotfix frontdoorhack gctowniefix ghostbuster gpaccessoryeventfix gradpartymemfix hugginghack indoorplantfix interactwogreet interestlosshack lesspetwarfare lesswhiny lobonanny localwalkby ltwvariety macrotastics magicwand magicwandcollection manual-navigation marriage-postmortum marriage-traditional missingmanagerfix no20Khandouts noadhd noagingswarm noaplusspam noassignmentlitter noautopetbuy nobabyharassment nobathroomdishes nobuskers nocollegeobsession nocorruptdeath nocrybabies nodiningwithscum nodormieregen nodrivewayshuffle nodroptiredbaby nodupegradmems noeatcrap noghostelevatorlag noinfluenceobsession nolamehires nooffercheap noplagiarism nopuddlerage norabbitspin norandomcrush noreassign noroutefail nossrespawn nostrayrespawn nostupidonreset notelepathy noteleportpuddle notownieregen nouniprotect nounlinkondelete nounneededcoats novanishindorms novelprogress nowhatsthis noxylophonepee orchardtreefix phonehack phonehack-talkmodule primpfix punchcuphack relevantwages remotebusinessfix restaurantbarfix robotrestockfix romancemod romanceurnstonefix runtoclass savethetrees scannergunhack shoonobreakgroup skillinator sleepclock smartercashier snseldercareeroutfitfix snsnpcslotfix stereohack stuckobjremover swindlerslist synctimer thefightclub tippingfix toastinghack togafix tombstonemovefix uni_ltws_sns vacationfixes vampwerefixes waiterfix warmthfixes winterflowerfix woohooltwfix yellowpee yellowpeeobject afhairmediumcenterpart ps_buffet ps_doghouse ps_portapotty ps_scratchpost
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 58
My current configuration of hacks. I probly have twice this sitting in another folder outside of the EA folder, but I don't use them, so I don't see why I should be showing them off. Most are awesome hacks. others obtained from MTS2 or InSIM or elsewhere. be better organized. Will probly tackle after attempt is made on objects folder.
i r taking personality test too. i r ISTJ.
Dead Member
Posts: 1392
Despite the name, I am male.Do not call me "miss".
Attached. I also have the LS careers and objects in the base game object bins, but I can't be bothered plugging in my external hard drive to get a listing of those.
"They say only the good die young. If that works both ways, I'm immortal."
ISTP - Independent, concise in speech, master of tools.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 172
Efficiency is intelligent laziness.
Almost the entirety of the BV Director's Cut (the smattering of things I waffle on are disabled or removed, such as zombie apocalypse, dormie and townie noregen, local walkby, and harder jobs), and generally anything in test, the LS and PS conversions, etc.
I do have folders for TwoJeffs, Inge, Crammyboy, Dizzy, Jfade, Syberspunk, and a handful of other people from here and there.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 448
I use the DC for Seasons minus a few hacks that are more related to playstyle than fixing problems. (type No 20k Handouts etc.)
Also the puppykiller (because I'm decidedly non-awesome and suck at fiddling with simPE) and a few bits and bobs that don't really affect the game code (gunmod's camera hack for example).
I'd list but atm have no internet connection except for my pc at work, which does not have Winrar to unrar the backup files on my memorystick. (No, I haven't managed to get around the security that prevents us from installing new software on these PC's. Non-awesome, remember).
Lipless Loser
Posts: 691
Plumber Zombie
DC for BV plus the werewolftraits beta.
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado
I have the BV DC but with marriagetraditional and harderjobs removed.
Goopy Lover
Dead Member
Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
I think I have most of them. It would be easier to tell you what I didn't have out of the BV directory.
I don't have these.
asprecharge apo interactwogreet moneyorder no20khandouts noghostelevatorlag synctimer yellowpee
Swedish Pudding Chef
Posts: 1570
INTP/J: Bork!
I do the DC dance (for BV), minus marriage-traditional and no20khandouts, because I LIKE the 20k handouts.
I run with a mix of hacks, for exact details see the attached list. The MATY subfolder is mainly JM's stuff with the addition of Crammy Boy's cock. I don't bother with macrotastics as I still prefer to do a lot of the micro-management myself. I've included listings for other hacks; they're all organised into sub-folders by creator.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 178
Attached. Think I have the full BV DC more or less, minus notownierespawn.
Posts: 1572
See attached. (Slightly edited to contain just the important stuff.)
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 221
Seasons DC, minus all the macros, and a couple of other things. I know everyone seems to find them indispensable but I never play as a strategy game and I'm just of the not broke-don't fix mindset - I have no problem in the way I look after my sims or how they look after themselves. I might give the macros a try at some point. I have all the ones that squash random money appearing from nowhere. Kitten killer + all the risky/silent flavor paks, but not same-sex pregnancy because I play for realism. TJ's schoolbus fix, because dialogs always seem to cause lag. The homework fix that comes in the same package. Triplets & Quads (Actually never used this but planning to redownload) The teleporter/visitor controller and useful things. The lot debugger. Almost everything from simlogical - the prison and school stuff. Sorry, not on my sims computer at the moment but that's pretty much it. Couldn't live without: Inteen (sorry lol) Censor remover (need to download as my censor blur is broken anyway and I can't see a damn thing in the room when they're blurred) notownieregen, money spawning ones and wants&fears sanity.
Time has gathered us here by coincidence; that's why what we say doesn't make any sense.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 424
I'm too lazy to write them all out here's a screenie instead. have a crapload of hacks by other people as well, but they're in another folder.
"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science." - Charles Darwin
Posts: 1572
In Windows, you would just hit Wnd+R, then run "cmd.exe". Then type in the following command:
dir MYDOCU~1\EAGAME~1\THESIM~1\DOWNLO~1 /S >listing.txt
Or something like that. On a Mac, you just pull up a terminal and "ls -1R >listing.txt" in the proper folder (wherever it is).