Already got it from the UK site... it seems to be everywhere except on the official US site.
<insert witty comment here>
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 329
Yeah, they got the lame HallowTeens instead... 
Oh but that is cute! I was thinking about buying a sim family a new car. This would be nice!
I saw that one and I did download it but haven't used it. It actually is rather high on the polygon count compared to some of the other cars. Here are the face and vertex counts from SimPE for all the Maxis cars.
Fiat Punto Faces=9083 Vertices=10088
Smooga (Hatchback) Faces=5922 Vertices=6868 Pickup Truck Faces=5695 Vertices=7173 Minivan Faces=5227 Vertices=5391 Yoshimoto Evasion (Sedan) Faces=5589 Vertices=6226 Sportscar Faces=6514 Vertices=7189
Hot Rod Faces=4559 Vertices=4548
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
If Salvadore Dali had worked as an auto stylist, this is the car he would have designed.
The high poly count probably reflects the extra work needed to make the FIAT logos on the car.
Is it just me, or does the name "Punto" sound just a little bit off-color?
Thank you for sending the Norwegian link. The car looked much better without all the FIAT ad copy in the English versions. Motoki, what are the stats on that car? Lemme guess, it gives greater boosts to fun, comfort and energy than the expensive sports car. How does the price compare?
The best thing about this car is, it's better than all the damn shrubbery downloads we got at first. Someone's been watching too much Monty Python, I think. "Bring us... ANOTHER SHRUBBERY!"
I don't know about anyone else, but if I wanted some special custom cars in the game, my first choice wouldn't have been a FIAT, for goodness sake! How about the Mercedes 540K (called a Bentley in Sims 1, I think)?
Kudos to those who find modern auto styling cute, but for me the car is somewhat underwhelming. Your mileage may vary.
If some is good and more is better, then too much ought to be just about right.
I want a Jeep.
that is all.
Thank you for sending the Norwegian link. The car looked much better without all the FIAT ad copy in the English versions. Motoki, what are the stats on that car? Lemme guess, it gives greater boosts to fun, comfort and energy than the expensive sports car. How does the price compare?
Wait, so is that car from the Norwegian link a little different or are you saying the page itself is different without the fiat logo? As for the rating on it, hold on let me load the game up and check. I tried to look in the package file but all that simantics hex code is Greek to me.  *edit: It's comfort: 7, Energy: 2, Fun: 6. The stats are not as high as the sportscar, but higher than the rest. The cost is 7, 500 simoleans. Again, not as high as the sportscar but higher than the rest. An annoying thing about this car is it's not recolorable. :p I do wish Maxis would provide all their new items already set up for recolors, they know we like to make them. Duh. Someone at MTS2 posted another version of the Fiat but I can't seem to make out whether it's recolorable or a recolor he made via cloning the whole darned thing. The replies in that thread don't seem to help any either as no one seems to know.  At first the guy did something on his clone that messed up the headlights on ALL cars but now he says he's fixed it. All the same I will probably just wait for Numenor to post a fixed version or add it to CEP at some point.
« Last Edit: 2005 October 18, 15:31:12 by Motoki »
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Ads? What ads?  I've been blocking ads with CSS files and URL filters since Opera 6.0 
Dark Trepie

Posts: 1705
I'd rather have a motorcycle. I know there's one over at VS, but I want more!
Besides, what self respecting vampire is going to choose riding around in a car over riding around on a motorcycle?
Kudos to those who find modern auto styling cute, but for me the car is somewhat underwhelming. Your mileage may vary. Well, considering I love PT Cruisers (which is what I really, really want for my game!) it should figure I'd think this car's cute. 
Kudos to those who find modern auto styling cute, but for me the car is somewhat underwhelming. Your mileage may vary. Well, considering I love PT Cruisers (which is what I really, really want for my game!) it should figure I'd think this car's cute.  I like PT Cruisers too, got the chance to drive one once and it was pretty nice.  I'd like a Volvo station wagon for my sims, not every mom drives a minivan.  The Fiat is cute but it would be nice if we could have other colors of it.
Hey cool. That site has some of the Maxis objects for download without having to log in!
Maxis hasn't been quite... helpful in retreiving my lost login (the one I registered all my effin games with), so I haven't been able to get anything for TS2 from them.
I love my Cruiser! It gets good gas mileage, is easy to maneuver and roomier than what you'd think from looking at the outside. My only complaint is that it doesn't have quite enough storage capacity for a whole month's groceries.  It does, however, have enough storage to take a family of 5 on a vacation for a week--like that's ever going to happen again. DH and I've been married 21 years and we managed one vacation in all that time. It sure was fun! Yes, I agree other colors would be great for the Fiat.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 35
Hook, though the word may have some unseemly connotations that I am unaware of, in Spanish/Italian, punto means "point".
Motoki: I meant I didn't have to read FIAT's advertising bullshit in the description of the car. I'm gonna guess it's like movies: the more advertising hype it gets the lousier the movie will be when you see it. Some background: I've owned three Mercedes, none of them bought new, of course. I finally retired number three at 250,000 miles a year ago. Mercedes ads don't need that kind of hype, the car stands on its own. As a side note, I got to drive a Rolls once. I wasn't particularly impressed, considering what I was used to. Myrddin: "Punto" kinda puts me in mind of British slang "punter" and a couple of Spanish/Italian words I won't mention. The best example of a car model name that didn't work everywhere was the Chevy Nova: Spanish for Won't Go. They seemed awfully cheap at the time, but today they look absolutely beautiful, expecially with a big engine.  Hook
If some is good and more is better, then too much ought to be just about right.
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 219
That car looks like something a middle aged soccer mom would drive. I wanna horse drawn hearse waa! 
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 43
On the Lamb and Holed Up
Give me the classics: 79 Camaro Z28 - Hemi Cuda - RoadRunner - GTO Judge Wouldnt mind a Delorean - Lambourgini - Jeep Grand Cherokee either 
Ferret Impersonator
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2408
That car looks like something a middle aged soccer mom would drive. I wanna horse drawn hearse waa!  From what I can make out from my peers, it's aimed at a more young adult age group  One of my friends has one, I personally hate it...
A proud thread pirate.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 610
Don't look now but they're going to kill you.
It's not the best looking thing..but at least its some more variety
personally I am surprised no one has come up with a mustang yet, or maybe a 350z.
oh and I want a sunbeam tiger too. and a 69 cougar convertible...
that is all. (for the moment)
J. M. Pescado
I want my T-34.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
you would...but you didnt say which model. And here I would have pegged you for an Abrams connoisseur.
I picked up the WRC Subaru Impreza last night but I havent gotten to play with it yet. Cars are by far, right now my favorite part of Sims2, besides building.
Smells Like Pee

Posts: 7367
Hey cool. That site has some of the Maxis objects for download without having to log in!
Maxis hasn't been quite... helpful in retreiving my lost login (the one I registered all my effin games with), so I haven't been able to get anything for TS2 from them.
Always a good thing for me, because I never seem to remember my name an/or password. 
Myrddin: "Punto" kinda puts me in mind of British slang "punter" and a couple of Spanish/Italian words I won't mention. Like puta and its many variants which include putanesca sauce lol. Or the prefered variant of my Sicilian family, butanna. 
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!