Is there a way to ADD photos to a pre-existing album? As it is, each time I come back from vacation, I have to sell the album I have, and reorder all the prints from previous vacations as well as any new shots that I got from the last vacation so that all the prints actually show up in the album.
IIRC, the picture pool shows up when a sim views an album and you click on the open pages. There, you have access to vacation photos as well as to the "normal" pics, just like in storytelling mode, and you should be able to add photos from there. Downside: As soon as the picture pool opens, any previously written stories are gone, no matter if you change anything or not. After loosing a complete bachelorette challenge through that, I tried again with a new family and a test story to make sure it was, indeed, the album. Ordered album - story still intact. Viewed album - story still intact. Clicked on the open pages - *poof* story gone. Nice
. I've taken to order an album just to get the vacation memento and delete it right after delivery.