I was moving a family from one apartment to another apartment building. Sent a couple of them off lot and brought them back and was then notified that some sims were coming to welcome the family into the neighbourhood. I ignored it and continued giving my sim a makeover. The sim I was controlling decided to go down and play mahjong with his father when I noticed 2 of my playable sims from a different family, who happened to be the exact same sim, Meadow Buckingham. She had just finished introducing herself to herself. Great! Evidence that my neighbourhood is about to go through BFBVFS. And then I notice 1 Meadow Buckingham (different from the 2 who have just introduced themselves) playing chess, another letting herself into the apartment building, another about to sit and play mahjong and 2 more introducing themselves at the curb. I count 7, however sim blender counted 9. I can easily get out of the house without saving anything and cross my fingers that it was a one time glitch. However I've gotten duplicates before but never 9 of the same sim. I'm sure Meadow's fiance will be happy with 10 in the bed but I'm not.
What is a safe way to get rid of the offending extras (and I am willing to kill every single one of them off to do it too) and hopefully save the rest of my neighbourhood from becoming a BFBVFS?
EDIT: Went back into the game, trying to see if any of the Meadows had any memory of interacting with each other. Selected one, Friends panels and memories showed nothing of her meeting another Meadow Buckingham. I decided to check out another Meadow Buckingham and my game seriously slowed to a crawl. Only time I remember this happening was with the invisible NPC from basegame problems. I went back down to the first floor and found the
Army of Meadow Buckingham. Suffice it to say, I exited without saving and I'm about to go double check in SimPE if there are any duplicate sims in this neighbourhood.