But really. I don't understand this whole "mod" thing. I've spent probably 3 hours or more trying to figure this out without posting a thread. UGH!
I installed everything correctly and EVERYTHING! And its still, when I type showconfig in game, does nothing.
I have a Mac.
What do I do? Me oh my!
Heres what my config files says. I saw some of you reading them so here ya go.
Priority 501
DirectoryFiles Files/... autoupdate
Priority 1000
PackedFile Overrides/*.package
PackedFile Overrides/*/*.package
PackedFile Overrides/*/*/*.package
PackedFile Overrides/*/*/*/*.package
PackedFile Overrides/*/*/*/*/*.package
Priority 500
PackedFile Packages/*.package
PackedFile Packages/*/*.package
PackedFile Packages/*/*/*.package
PackedFile Packages/*/*/*/*.package
PackedFile Packages/*/*/*/*/*.package
Priority 499
PackedFile Test/*.package
PackedFile Test/*/*.package
PackedFile Test/*/*/*.package
PackedFile Test/*/*/*/*.package
PackedFile Test/*/*/*/*/*.package
Priority -50
PackedFile Probation/*.package
PackedFile Probation/*/*.package
PackedFile Probation/*/*/*.package
PackedFile Probation/*/*/*/*.package
PackedFile Probation/*/*/*/*/*.package
Priority 500
PackedFile DCCache/*.dbc
I have no idea what that means