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Sims ignore all custom/non-EA lots/houses.
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Topic: Sims ignore all custom/non-EA lots/houses. (Read 8381 times)
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 14
Sims ignore all custom/non-EA lots/houses.
2009 December 15, 19:55:04 »
Has anyone else had this problem yet? All sims in the neighborhood refuse to so much as touch a custom house/lot with a ten foot pole. Basically, they'll move to ANY lot as long as it's EA and not custom. The custom lots are completely furnished/tested and all work just fine, they include fridges, beds, cribs, ect. I even did a bit of an experiment, I bulldozed all but two EA houses in a neighborhood and purposely left the two EA houses empty and populated all the custom lots with bin sims. Basically, as soon as the families obtained the funds, they SWARMED to the EA houses like flies, then the ones who were left in non-EA custom lots, basically refused to have children, and just grew old and all died by attrition until only the two families in the EA houses were left. So yeah, I guess my question would be, could AwesomeMod be causing this asinine behavior?
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Posts: 26291
Re: Sims ignore all custom/non-EA lots/houses.
Reply #1 on:
2009 December 15, 20:33:51 »
I find this very unlikely, since there is no facility in the game to distinguish a custom house from a non-custom house. Most likely your house has some kind of structural inadequacy that renders it unsuitable for some reason: Excessive cost, missing furniture, or being flagged as the wrong type of lot.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 14
Re: Sims ignore all custom/non-EA lots/houses.
Reply #2 on:
2009 December 15, 20:58:29 »
I've honestly already thought of all that. Most of the custom houses I have installed in the neighborhood are exclusive lots from TSR, So they're most likely pre-tested before being uploaded, but I double checked most of them just to make sure that I'm not insane. Most of them are reasonably priced, 25-150k. I don't know, this is bizarre though and it's totally beyond me as to what could be causing this.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26291
Re: Sims ignore all custom/non-EA lots/houses.
Reply #3 on:
2009 December 15, 21:06:46 »
150K isn't really what I would call "reasonably priced", more like "ludicrously expensive".
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 563
Re: Sims ignore all custom/non-EA lots/houses.
Reply #4 on:
2009 December 15, 21:40:56 »
Quote from: RandomInsolence on 2009 December 15, 20:58:29
Most of the custom houses I have installed in the neighborhood are exclusive lots from TSR,
So they're most likely pre-tested before being uploaded
You're joking, right?
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 14
Re: Sims ignore all custom/non-EA lots/houses.
Reply #5 on:
2009 December 15, 21:45:28 »
There are 3 houses that are in the 150k range. 3 out of ~20 in the neighborhood. Most are under 100k, well within the obtainable range when you let the neighborhood run for several generations. Anyway, point being, I think even if the houses were one room 10k shacks with a bed/crib/fridge/toilet/shower. I still think the townies would ignore them if they were custom. Which I know makes no sense, but it's what's happening. Why, I've no idea. It's probably not awesome mod, but still. This is just weird.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 14
Re: Sims ignore all custom/non-EA lots/houses.
Reply #6 on:
2009 December 15, 21:47:19 »
Quote from: Georgette on 2009 December 15, 21:40:56
Quote from: RandomInsolence on 2009 December 15, 20:58:29
Most of the custom houses I have installed in the neighborhood are exclusive lots from TSR,
So they're most likely pre-tested before being uploaded
You're joking, right?
Like I said, I tested most of them myself as well just to make sure that I'm not going nuts.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 94
"Who set all these labmonkeys free?!"
Re: Sims ignore all custom/non-EA lots/houses.
Reply #7 on:
2009 December 16, 16:26:23 »
Well, my neighborhood is
custom and I have the problem of keeping EAxis fuglies
rather than getting them in. I use awesomemod, so it's hard to see how that might be an issue. Remember, however, that a lot of the time townies aren't
successful in their work (I rarely see anything ranked above 3), and though they do make money, it's not all that much. It took 3 generations of top ranked sims to earn just 100k in liquid assets, and they did little to no frivolous spending (subsistence farming, cheapest items, and painted their own decorations). It's
for a player controlled group to make a fortune, but from what I've seen, the townies don't take advantage of the same easy cash sources player controlled sims do.
Try making cheaper houses. Most starting families - and I'm assuming townies will start at relatively the same point, though I could be wrong - have somewhere between 16K and 21K, but tend to have less without children in the family. If your
low end
lots are at 20K...
If that wont work, verify that it's not some other mod causing problems for you.
Edit: Wait, there are requirements for houses to be suitable? I never knew that, though I've always designed houses with at least 1 master bedroom, 1 bedroom, 1 bath, a kitchen and a living room with a TV+couch. I've never had sims
move in, even when the house is so cramped one can't even move around inside. What are the requirements??
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 248
Re: Sims ignore all custom/non-EA lots/houses.
Reply #8 on:
2009 December 16, 18:25:51 »
For my new hood destroyed all humans and made my famblys sacred. I placed my custom house that was under 18k and had about 6 single beds and one double bed. The entire population of single co-workers moved into that one house after one day. So it's not that it's custom, they just will move into the house that's better for their needs. If you place a 16k house with a double bed and a crib a married couple will probably move into that one instead of the 100k house even if they have 100k because the 100k home didn't have a crib. After their spawn levels up if there is not an extra single bed for it to sleep in they will move again. Try removing all unwanted houses so they have less of a choice.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 392
Re: Sims ignore all custom/non-EA lots/houses.
Reply #9 on:
2009 December 16, 18:27:32 »
Quote from: Zouflain on 2009 December 16, 16:26:23
Edit: Wait, there are requirements for houses to be suitable? I never knew that, though I've always designed houses with at least 1 master bedroom, 1 bedroom, 1 bath, a kitchen and a living room with a TV+couch. I've never had sims
move in, even when the house is so cramped one can't even move around inside. What are the requirements??
As far as I know, the requirements for a house are 1 fridge and at least one bedslot (1 single or half a double) for each sim aged child-elder and a crib for each baby or toddler. Sims who want to breed but don't have an empty crib will seek out a lot with more cirbs than the one they currently have. If I understand correctly, you could litterally plop a firdge, 8 single beds (or 4 double beds, or some combination) and a couple of cribs onto a totally empty lot with no walls or anything, and sims would happly move in. This would, of course, make your neighbourhood look quite odd.
TS3: it's really cool if you don't look too closely! - bottles
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 14
Re: Sims ignore all custom/non-EA lots/houses.
Reply #10 on:
2009 December 16, 21:20:47 »
I've done a bit more research on this... issue. I just made a new neighborhood, from riverview. I bulldozed all the EA residential lots and replaced them with all custom lots. then moved all the fugly townies back into the neighborhood in their new custom lots. I let it run for a few generations, and it seemed to work fine, sims procreated and moved about the neighborhood as they seen fit. So just out of curiosity, I placed 3 EA houses in the neighborhood. Within 2 days all three of them were filled. It was that same bizarre swarming response. Weird. Oh well. At least I sort of figured out how to get sims to move into custom homes. I just have to utterly wipe out every EA house in the neighorhood. lol.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 94
"Who set all these labmonkeys free?!"
Re: Sims ignore all custom/non-EA lots/houses.
Reply #11 on:
2009 December 17, 01:02:04 »
Be weary of the bulldozer, honestly. It's had some notoriously bad problems, and it's widely accepted that it's simply better to use the sledgehammer tool on everything rather than bulldoze the lot. If you're going to experiment anyway, try using that instead.
Dead Member
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Re: Sims ignore all custom/non-EA lots/houses.
Reply #12 on:
2009 December 17, 23:49:10 »
Quote from: RandomInsolence on 2009 December 16, 21:20:47
I've done a bit more research on this... issue. I just made a new neighborhood, from riverview. I bulldozed all the EA residential lots and replaced them with all custom lots. then moved all the fugly townies back into the neighborhood in their new custom lots. I let it run for a few generations, and it seemed to work fine, sims procreated and moved about the neighborhood as they seen fit. So just out of curiosity, I placed 3 EA houses in the neighborhood. Within 2 days all three of them were filled. It was that same bizarre swarming response. Weird. Oh well. At least I sort of figured out how to get sims to move into custom homes. I just have to utterly wipe out every EA house in the neighorhood. lol.
Clearly, sims prefer EA to TSR. Those TSR houses must be really horrible.
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2009 June 27, 05:06:07
I don't think this level of hostility is necessary
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