I'm thinking I'm in agreement with the template fix having to be in place BEFORE the sim is created. Here's what I discovered going into bodyshop:
Going in and creating a new sim in bodyshop, I clicked on the face template as an adult. I then went through all the age stages and everything looked fine. Here's the screencaps of what I saw:
http://mux.net/~ang/simpics/shelbtemp.jpgThen, using an extracted version of the dormie I married into the family, I did the same thing. I cloned her up and then clicked through the age stages. Everything but adult and young adult was face one. Here's the screencaps:
http://mux.net/~ang/simpics/shelbreal.jpgI also extracted her daughter and got the exact same thing. I don't think she's completely generic face one, but her face drastically changes when she hits young adult and adult and then reverts back to almost face one as an elder.
Is there anything I can do to fix this? I suppose I could do sim surgery on the mom and fix her genetics that way, but would that fix the baby she's currently pregnant with? And that obviously doesn't fix the two children she's already had. I'm guesing the boy will run into the exact same problem. (Sim surgery would cost them any recessive genetics too, wouldn't it?)