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Author Topic: Hidden Outfits in OFB (request for someone more awesome than me)  (Read 7227 times)
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 416

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Hidden Outfits in OFB (request for someone more awesome than me)
« on: 2007 July 24, 10:46:16 »

While looking in the files of OFB (concerning my problem with the black baseball cap that came with OFB) I found some textures for 2 of the OFB outfit that are not used in the game (looking through the files they seem to lack corresponding property sets) : 1 for the afbodytankdresspants, and 4 for the afbodyglitter. Could someone more awesome than me make them available ? (like Simsbaby did for some base games outfits) Or at least point me to somewhere with some tutorial/explanations on how to do it myself ??
Thanks a lot.

PS: If you want I can upload the texture images for you to take a look and know which outfits they are.
ETA : here are the textures. afbodyglitter-blue and afbodyglitter-khaki look the same, but the others are different.

« Last Edit: 2007 July 24, 10:55:06 by pioupiou » Logged
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Hidden Outfits in OFB (request for someone more awesome than me)
« Reply #1 on: 2007 July 24, 13:04:32 »

If the outfits exist in the ofb skins.package, you should be able to simply create a reference to the existing afbodyglitter_<color> (as well as the tankdresspants) and change the flag so they show up in game.  It's literally a single variable change for each.  This is the same process I use to make the career outfits buyable.  If you can't cobble anything together by the time I get out of work in 9 hours, I'll see what I can do.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 416

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Re: Hidden Outfits in OFB (request for someone more awesome than me)
« Reply #2 on: 2007 July 24, 13:26:15 »

I don't know where to start, as those outfits don't seem to be completed : no property sets in skins.package, only the textures in sims07.package and the material definition (txmt) in sims02.package.
I know how to change the flags for things like career outfits to appear in CAS and bodyshop, but I have no clue how to make the property set from scratch....
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 565

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Re: Hidden Outfits in OFB (request for someone more awesome than me)
« Reply #3 on: 2007 July 24, 13:33:34 »

Ah I misunderstood the basic premise.  I'll have to look at it a bit more closely when I get home from work.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 565

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Re: Hidden Outfits in OFB (request for someone more awesome than me)
« Reply #4 on: 2007 July 25, 10:51:49 »

Alright, I didn't have anytime to mess around last night, but here's an extremely rough skin that should work.  Please note, the item will show up as the green tank and dress pants in the selection window, but should appear with the brown pattern when you put it on your sim.  If it works for you, I'll go back and clean it up so that the correct texture appears, and I'll also import the other three distinct textures.

ETA:  The texture shows up ok in BS but not in game.  I've taken it down until I can figure out what's wrong.

Edit the last:  OK, everything is good now.  It shows up just fine in game.  I also corrected the references so it displays properly in BS.  I'll get to the other ones if no one has any problems with this file.

Edit the final:  I've attached the other color schemes for the glitter OFB outfit.  Due to the attachment size limitation, the red skin is in this post and the others are in the next post.  As far as I can see, blue and khaki are exactly the same (with one referring to the color of the top, and the other referring to the color of the bottoms) so I'm only going to upload blue.  If there is some very subtle difference that I simply can't see, let me know and I'll upload khaki.  Let me know if you have any problems with these.

* 5f3eb1b4_BrownTank&Pants.package (256.69 KB - downloaded 240 times.)
* 5f3edd81_GlitterRed.package (285.17 KB - downloaded 218 times.)
« Last Edit: 2007 July 25, 13:37:33 by B » Logged
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 565

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Re: Hidden Outfits in OFB (request for someone more awesome than me)
« Reply #5 on: 2007 July 25, 13:38:58 »

Here are the blue and black glitter skins as per the above post.

* 5fc6d0bf_GlitterBlue.package (285.24 KB - downloaded 233 times.)
* 5fe9e4d9_GlitterBlk.package (277.27 KB - downloaded 234 times.)
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 416

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Re: Hidden Outfits in OFB (request for someone more awesome than me)
« Reply #6 on: 2007 July 25, 14:46:48 »

Thank you very much, it is really nice of you. I'm at work right now, so I can't test it in my game, but I will as soon as I come home this evening.
If it isn't too much hassle, would you mind explaining me how you do that sort of thing, so next time I spot an unused texture I can fix it myself without begging for help here ?

(NB : english is not my first language, so in case I was not clear or something : I mean that I'm more than happy that you did fix the clothes for me, and I'd like to know how to do it myself. Re-reading my sentence I was afraid I might sound ungrateful, and that's not the case !)

Once more, thank you a lot.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 565

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Re: Hidden Outfits in OFB (request for someone more awesome than me)
« Reply #7 on: 2007 July 25, 15:00:31 »

If it isn't too much hassle, would you mind explaining me how you do that sort of thing, so next time I spot an unused texture I can fix it myself without begging for help here ?

I used SimPE to extract the textures for the outfits from the Sims07.package file.  Since the outfits already existed (albeit with different colors) in game, I simply used bodyshop to create some new clothes based on the existing skins, and then I replaced the texture with one of the unused ones I had extracted earlier.  It was actually quite easy once I had a chance to look at the files, and is definitely something you could do in the future. 

The only problem I had originally was that SimPE extracts textures in a different way than BS, and I had to standardize these before it showed up properly in game.
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