I want to share... my sim "me" over at Peasantry.. but I'm not sure just how to go about it.
Should I create a "me" with maxis only clothes/hair etc?
The closest would be the black braids for hair.. but I had one cc hair that almost captured "me".. longer, with a white streak (I don't have a streak.. but I do have white hiding amongst the gleam). I used sim "me" as an avatar here before I switched to my simlish one..
But I don't remember if that creator allowed it to be shared or not.. I suppose clean install might lead me back to wherever I had gotten it from (I don't have it anymore.. but I still have sim "me" wearing it). I loved that hair.. toddler girls were adorable in it. I think I'll go re-download it.. I "housecleaned" and it bit the dust.. now I think I want it back.
I made a cc dress that looks fab on "me" .. I would want to include it...
Lipstick, makeup etc..
Do I just zip "me" up and then all that cc goes with "me".. or do I need to find each piece, check for author restrictions (which I'll do regardless), and then zip each piece up too?
"me" cos I'm much fatter now.. but I don't need to be fat in Sim land