Well, I don't know what I did, but suddenly today my crashing problem is much worse than before (CTD every hour or so, as opposed to every 4-6 hours).
I have no idea what to look for in the logs though. After the latest crash, the most recently-updated is AppErrors.log; down at the bottom (bottom of the list is most recent, right?) are four copies of this:
ERROR envscore: TSEnvironmentScoreManager - object found with negative niceness multiplier (Bed - Double - Loft - E - Head)
The scary thing is that the file is 964 KB total--even though I did delete everything in my Logs file less than a week ago, so all of it must be fresh-ish. Over 90% of the file consists of the following (repeated over and over and over, with varying hexadecimal id codes):
ERROR TSAudio: Duplicate resource instance id found ff17dd59 with existing 0b9eb87e:2da1f2dd:ff17dd59
Other files in my Logs folder that were updated within 15 minutes of the last crash are:
AudioErrors.log (882 KB)
TextureErrors.log (17 KB)
ProductionMessages.txt (42 KB)
AppWarnings.log (17 KB)
Which of these should I delve into, and what should I be looking for? And does the sheer size of some of these files indicate that a BFBVFS is on its way? Any guidance would be appreciated.