Thank everyone for your advice and 'Yes' DrBeast, you're right! I don't have hyperthreading technology- now how is that a good thing, not having some new technology
Well I'm chuffed to hear that my processor is a good one, it has had no problems whatsoever since I built my pc (with my dad) 3,5 years ago.
Now I'm not very computer-savvy, but I have learned from many other problems as I go along. I had problems with my pc stating that overclocking had failed, but I didn't even know what overclocking was then! I read a few forum entries on different sites, but it's a bit hard to understand if a)english isn't your first language, and b) if you don't already know a lot about computers. Then I realised it was because at the last repair at the shop, the idiots hadn't placed the cpu fan in correctly, so it was heating and shutting down.
But as far as I understand, overclocking is something a bit risky. I don't exactly know how to do it, but I remember something about it in bios settings (By the way I haven't updated my bios at all, too afraid of the complications coming with the lack of knowledge). Is is true it makes your hardware work with more power, giving a better performance, but with the downside of overheating? I remember reading a lot about fans. Is there a dummy guide for overclocking, as in how to do it, how much overclocking can my power unit take, what's the desired temperature after overclocking, etc.
(If I just get 512MB more RAM and never download a single object, recolor or bodyshop item again, will it work?)---> Pathetic I know, but will it work?
And getting rid of my downloads is going to be so tough! I'm a very organised downloader, I keep everything in separate folders, run cleaninstaller everytime I put in downloads, I have no duplicates at all. I'm a bit anal about it I guess, but I don't have themed neighborhoods, I build & decorate every house in a different style. Maybe I should control myself a bit more
I just got rid of some old maxis recolors, one by one, and weeded out an unimpressive 4,000 out of 45,000. Sheesh. 5 hours wasted.
Wobbling off now, I'll be back
*Edited to show error log from the sims most recent crash:
System memory: 1024 Megabytes total, 76 Megabytes free.
This error log was generated with all my downloads, playing peacefully, when I got a sudden graphics corruption, all my grass turned sky-blue, I kept on playing that way for 5 minutes, then it crashed to my desktop, as the application was terminated. THAT's why I'm wondering if more RAM will fix my graphics problems, as all goes fine in clean games.
Please don't kick me if I love sim-shopping so much, I get them all the nice stuff I'll never have
*crazy rant: I Love My Downloads!!!!!