If you are sure your framework is correct, then I would start by removing all of your mods and CC except for a fresh AwesomeMod (move all of it to a file on your desktop for now). Make sure you have downloaded the most current version (in other words, download it right now). Configure your AM as you see fit, generate the file. Place both files in their proper place (see framework instructions if you are not sure. Screw the Monkey, you will learn more if you do it yourself and will always be able to find the things you have placed in your game). Delete your scriptcache. Start a new hood (old hoods can become corrupt from borked mods, conflicts, and mod removal). Check to see if AM is working. If it is, great. You can start adding your CC back. Then add other tuning mods. Stay away from other core mods, check the sources of any and all mods you might be using for any updates, compatibility issues, or comments from other users addressing any problems they might have found. If it doesn't work, go back and manually make sure your framework is installed properly as per the instructions here. If everything is correct and things are still not working, beat your harddrive with a hammer OR do the uninstall/reinstall dance.
Unfortunately, I can not peek into your files, so I have no real idea of what you (or any other person) may have done to them. But if you approach the situation methodically and logically, you'll get things working again. I can not stress the importance of making your eyes bleed, though, both here, and the other places where you download your content. Read, then read again. Any time after a new patch or an expansion pack, go back and check your CC/mod sources for possible newly-discovered issues BEFORE you start up your game. Always make back-ups of saved games, as well. This might seem basic and "duh"-worthy information, but you would be surprised by how many people fuck themselves because they just don't bother to take the time to think. Good luck.