Ooh... farmers and a limited supply of fresh food?
Not had chance to play with growing crops or selling them yet.
Is this all orig game stuff or is there a hack that you need?
There's no fresh food bonus, it's just that qualifies the meal for enthusiasm.
if it's not fresh then the group_meal_price must be greater than
cheap food.
Then the rate is set at...
group_meal_price +
offset (offset is currently 10)
and then adjusted up or down if it exceeds the limits of
min and
max. 31% and 50% of normal rate.
The values in
bold are that ones that can be edited in the constants file.
min can go lower, but any value lower than 31 gets filtered out further up the chain.
um, so I dunno
Depends how much the game thinks the various fresh foods are worth.
If you set min=0, max = 0x1f, and offset = 0. That will probably rule out all most of the fresh food, and any food that does pass will get the minimum rate poss.
If I know more about the prices of fresh food then I could take that into account too instead of just the 'is_fresh' flag.
Alternatively, leave this be and install 'Enthusiasm gain mod' too.
Then your sims with less than 5 points of food interest will lose the obssessions of food that they have running the EAxis code.
Of course you may have to drag that interest down in the first place being as the orig EAxis code fscked up interests in the first place.