I've been having a problem where when I have awesomemod and Nraas mods together my sim's coworkers all end up detagged as coworkers/boss. They're still employed in the career, they just don't show up in the coworkers tab in the relationship panel and can't be interacted with with the tones (like chat with coworkers, suck up to boss).
Explain "detagged"? AwesomeMod adds some filters for what sims can be considered "boss" or "coworker", so you will no longer have a boss that you're outranking for some reason (where the default game just hopes you NEVER NOTICE, and TRUST ME, I DO), or a coworker that DOESN'T ACTUALLY WORK THERE. Your coworkers that aren't there may be working at a different workplace than your sim.
I recall there is also an optoin suppress spam-sim generation and prevent frivolous generation of otherwise useless sims. If you get promoted past your "boss", the old behavior would just keep them forever, the new behavior removes them because you've surpassed them, they get removed, and if nobody else qualifies, the slot is simply left vacant. If you create a valid sim that qualifies by playing them to the appropriate level.
The default EAxian configuration is based around the premise that you will play only one sim/household and have no awareness of any discrepancies that happen in the rest of the neighborhood. AwesomeMod tends to enforce world consistency, so if I spotted a discrepancy that doesn't make any sense, I squashed it.
If you use the tone without any valid, logically consistent candidates in the game (very likely), rather than spamming random sims into the game, you just get the benefit of using the tone without the drawbacks of polluting your save and relationship panel with trash sims.