I have to hear more of this neighborhood. That is pure comedy.
There's a disappointing lack of spontaneous revenge-taking on my Gold-digger; while Thornton is her first kill, she's cheerfully interfered in five or six other relationships, and so far I haven't even observed a flamingo-kicking or a trashcan-dumping. I may have just missed them, of course, but it seems like my Sims are generally resigned to life. And, I suppose it's actually more of a "maximum misery" neighborhood. For instance, anyone with the Good trait must have their lives ruined. Holly Alto is probably going to be reverse-
Aliced. I haven't decided which family is going to get to host a re-enactment of the last half or so of Hamlet, but I think a surviving Ophelia (female OR male) would make an interesting ornament to the neighborhood.
I also put a sort of Jason Voorhees Sim into play. I set him to hot-headed, mean-spirited, charismatic, etc, put him on an empty lot, and let him go. Occasionally, I direct him to the park, but generally the empty lot + charismatic trait seem to keep him going on his own. Every once in a while, I check on him. The rule is, any Sim he has a negative relationship with has is now marked for death. It seems to take quite a while without direction for this to happen; in about 2 game weeks of free range, I've only killed off one Sim this way (Dorie Hart).
I'm considering a zombie apocalypse style game based off of this, actually. Same premise-- start with a Patient Zero, let him/her infect
and instead of killing off any negative-relation Sims, add/droptrait them into pseudo-zombies, and see how long it takes to contaminate the whole place. I'm betting quite a long time, so it's the kind of game where I'll probably set it to run when I'll be AFK for a while (although the opportunity / phone pop-ups are likely to make that problematic).