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1  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Paysites must be destoryed - been destroyed? on: 2010 July 19, 05:54:46
I haven't been on in a while but it looks like I can't get on anyways. It's offline for now. Sad

It's up now.
2  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: No Autonomous Nature Interactions on Community Lots on: 2008 March 06, 17:53:55
Yea, they don't need to be birdwatching while say dining out. I hated when my dates used to do that. Drove me nuts. Wink Thanks for this.
3  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Empty and Cleaned-up Templates. [UPDATED] on: 2008 March 06, 17:46:45
Potential problem with the empty templates...

While the game will generate a NPC to be the 'hobby' head, and the lots are in the game, the game makes a NPC a member of that club.

In riverblossom where I did some testing (since Rose is most likely always going to be nature enthusastic), I put her into the lot, where the head, and two NPCs showed up. A pizza delivery man, and an exterminator.
I doubt this is a problem with the empty templates. I noticed the very same thing even without them. Several NPCs showed up as club members, such as the burglar, some custom dormies, some professors and even the cook from Downtown. I have very few townies in my game - maybe five "real" townies and about eight dormies? The rest are all playables, maybe that's why the game even allows NPCs to wander around the club lots? *wonders*

I haven't even installed the clean hood and I had a burgler, mailman and a professor show up as members. And...this was before I put any hacks in for testing. Hmm... I'm gonna install this anyway as I really, really want a clean hood. *remembers to backup first. not wanting firey balls...he, he*
4  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: autonomous copycat behaviour (behavior) on: 2008 January 08, 17:16:52
OMG! When I installed BV without mah hacks (excuse me...hacks 'borrowed' from here and there) my sims were doing all sorts of stupid stuff once directed to. Exactly how many times can one go to the bathroom in a 10 sim minute period? And the fridge...oh, my, GOSH!! I put them in the house and they act like they've never had a meal... Shocked but that's what I get for testing my game without hacks. Even after I added the hacks back (eh, poet) those fuglowines (=fugly townies) just can't stop doing anything....anything. GRRRR!!! So I kelled them, added my own thanks to the awesomness of someone here.
5  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Empty and Cleaned-up Templates. [UPDATED] on: 2007 December 29, 22:44:10
Sorry, Embarrassed I hadn't gotten there yet so I didn't see it.
6  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Empty and Cleaned-up Templates. [UPDATED] on: 2007 December 29, 21:24:56
Probably a stupid question, but will you still get the 'camera flying over neighbourhood' effect in the neighbourhood selection screen after installing the empty template?

I still get the 'floating cam' in all the 'hoods.

I cannot for the life of me get to "Make me a townie..." It only wants to pick other people and not anyone I've created. (Got it!) Thanks BTW: SimPE for BV is now out!!!
7  Ye Olde Simmes 2 Archives: Dead Creators / Ye Olde Crammyboye Archives / Re: Community Time Project v0.4 Pets/Seasons TEST ONLY on: 2007 March 09, 01:29:08
I was so glad to see this so I decided to test it too.

The only problem is when I drive to a comm. lot, it acts as though I've came to the lot through the Neighborhood View. My sim is not there and I have no control over the Live Mode, just Buy and Build Mode. I have to exit to Neighboorhood and when I do it, I get the dialog box as if my sim is there and not leaving by the method they came there. Does that make sense? It only does it with custom vehicles. Maxis vehicles work fine.
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