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1  Ye Olde Simmes 2 Archives: Dead Creators / Ye Olde Crammyboye Archives / Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons/0.6 FT TEST ONLY on: 2009 March 23, 17:15:00
hmm this is coolness
^_^ but is there a hack to slow down time passage slightly like one hour = 20 mins insted of 1 min?

I always thought that time passed too quickly in the game too.  I'd like a hack to slow it down.  Merola had a time clock that slowed sim time, but it had a few issues and I stopped using it ages ago.  I haven't heard of another hack that tackled the same issue.
2  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: List of Empty and Cleaned-up Templates. on: 2008 December 22, 12:45:34
I'm haveing a problem with the links to the downloads.  The links for Uni, NL and OFB, are all for the same file...the NL empty template.  ??
3  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Fix for the Lunatech "Lighten Up" Lighting Fixture now really "Build in Ceiling" on: 2008 October 14, 10:29:25
I am sooo glad you fixed this light.  I never used it because I didn't like the way it hung so low.  I assumed it was supposed to be a recessed light and now it is!  Thanks for the fix.
4  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Hundreds of character files on: 2008 September 25, 22:08:43
Have you played the other ones since Apartment Life? The template for AL has around 90 character files. Not 100% sure of the exact number as I threw that crap out before I ever started the game. Do you have more Universities in this 'hood? More vacation areas?

I played the hood that came with AL for just a short time to get acquainted with the new expansion.  That hood has 487 character files.  I guess it is normal to have >650 character files with AL plus the subhoods I have.  Sure is a annoying though.
5  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Hundreds of character files on: 2008 September 25, 13:24:59
Thanks for the nice replies (not you, Pescado!).  But why are there so many?  I checked other hoods that I've played and the most I've found is 487 characters.  My hood with 650 I haven't even played yet.  Won't it generate even more as I play and NPC's are callled by the game? 
6  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Hundreds of character files on: 2008 September 24, 22:01:31
The issue is not whether SimPe works or doesn't, but why I have 650 character files in a hood that I haven't even played yet.  And for your information, yes there is a SimPe for AL, still in testing, but it does exist.  I thought you, of all people,  would know that!
7  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Hundreds of character files on: 2008 September 24, 21:43:16
Firstly, I have all expansions up to AL. I have Pescado's hacks for no townie regen, no stray regen, no Secret Society respawn and his anti-redundancy hack. I'm creating a new neighborhood using the default templates with one shopping district, one downtown, one uni hood and two vacation hoods. I've not "played" the hoods at all. I'm just building houses and decorating the hoods. No custom sims have been created. When I checked the Character folder, it lists 635 character files Shocked. I opened the neighborhood in SimPe and it only shows 60 sims and they're all stray pets. The remaining 575 are all labeled "unknown". Also when I open the neighborhood, SimPe spits out a warning that duplicate sims have been found and could cause gameplay problems. The duplicate sims SimPe is referring to are the "unknowns" who all have the same Guid (0x00000000) and inst (0x0000). When I open the Character Folder with Clean Installer, it shows no duplicates and every sim has a name.  What in blue blazes are all these character files? It takes forever to load the neighborhood, because the game has to read all those files. I was advised on another forum site to just delete the character files, but I an hesitant to do that because it can cause the neighborhood to go all wonky and crash the game. Anyone have any suggestions as to how to stop this Eaxis nonsense and get rid of all those extra character files clogging up my game.   Huh
8  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: CS Trees and Shrubs on: 2008 August 28, 21:23:58
Mediafire gives an error when I tried to download your .rar.  It says that the file is not available and was probably removed by the originator. Huh
9  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Nudist Hack V 3.1.1 (Updated *20080821*) on: 2008 August 23, 01:32:10
Thanks soooooo much for making it BV compatible.  I never expected you to make the effort and I was verrry pleasantly surprised when I checked in on this thread.  Again, thank you very much.  You're great! Smiley
10  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Nudist Hack V 3.0.0 (Updated 20080816) on: 2008 August 19, 13:29:44
Will this work if you don't have Freetime?  I really like what you've done to improve on Crammyboy's hack but I only have expansions up to BV.
11  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Crammyboy's nudist hack v2.07 (updated for Bon Voyage) on: 2007 December 09, 11:25:45
Is this thread dead now?  Haven't heard anythng from Blackwiddow in almost a month. Sad
12  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Crammyboy's nudist hack v2.07 (updated for Bon Voyage) on: 2007 November 27, 17:50:28
Are the sims supposed to be able to sunbathe and get a massage while nude with this hack?  I thought I read somewhere in one of the many threads that they could.  In my game, the sims will swim nude, but when I choose "sunbathe", they change into their swimwear.  They also change into the towel when getting a massage. 
13  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Crammyboy's nudist hack v2.07 (updated for Bon Voyage) on: 2007 November 07, 13:20:14
Obviously Zazazu and Dizzy have never been to a nude beach or a nudist camp where nudity isn't considered perverted even for children! Smiley
14  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Crammyboy's nudist hack v2.07 (updated for Bon Voyage) on: 2007 November 06, 20:16:29
With this hack installed, all my outgoing sims have the option to "get naked'.  However, it doesn't work for the children.  When I click on the "get naked" option for kids, it never appears in the queue.  Is this a bug or is that the way it's supposed to be?
15  Ye Olde Simmes 2 Archives: Dead Creators / Ye Olde Crammyboye Archives / Re: Nudist hack v2.06 (02 March 2007) on: 2007 November 05, 23:24:11
Thanks,  I 've been searching all over for the latest update and it kept bringing me back here.
16  Ye Olde Simmes 2 Archives: Dead Creators / Ye Olde Crammyboye Archives / Re: Nudist hack v2.06 (02 March 2007) on: 2007 November 05, 01:02:15
I've posted the BV compatible version of this mod here, on the top of page 6.

Please Note: I in no wish to claim this mod as my own. if Cboy wishes it to be removed then it will be so.

Where is this version of the nudist hack?  I don't see anything on page 6 except my own post!
17  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Is there an easy way to empty a family's dresser? on: 2007 April 22, 12:35:21
I've been requesting a hack to allow removal of items from the wardrobes for ages but all i ever get is "there's no way to make a hack lie's impossible.  Isn't it logical that if  you can add things to the dressers, there should be some way to remove them too?  the tutorial referenced in the above post just goes to show that it isn't "impossible".  I'ts just that no one has been able to automate it yet.  Please, please, please, someone make a hack to remove colthes from a family's dresser!!!
18  Ye Olde Simmes 2 Archives: Dead Creators / Ye Olde Syberspunke Archives / Re: Testers Wanted: Ownable Carpool Comm Lot Fix - NL and OFB (Fix Pending 4/1/06) on: 2007 April 22, 12:25:11
This hack still works with Pets and Seasons installed but there is no option to take along a pet.  Any chance that it'll be updated for the last two expansions?
19  Ye Olde Simmes 2 Archives: Dead Creators / Ye Olde Crammyboye Archives / Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5 Pets/Seasons TEST ONLY on: 2007 March 12, 21:47:22
I'm using the 0.5 version and I haven't had any problems at all.  It's working just like it's supposed to.  Great mod!
20  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Annoying Santa on: 2006 December 14, 10:02:50
Is there a hack to stop Santa from his constant peeing.  He really seems to have a serious bladder problem.  All he does when he visits is ho-ho-ho and then he pees.  Then he ho-ho-ho's and he pees and the loop continues.  Sometimes he doesn't leave the bathroom for his entire visit.  If there is one of those lighted reindeer on the lot, he'll even pee on that and sometimes he'll get electrocuted!   
21  Ye Olde Simmes 2 Archives: Dead Creators / Ye Olde Syberspunke Archives / Re: Testers Wanted: Active Workout Self Pie Menu Interaction (Updated 1/19/2005) on: 2006 November 27, 11:07:26
I tried out this mod and the only thing I didn't like is that my sims seem obsessed with working out.  That's all they want to do.  I've removed it for now because the constant working out was annoying.
22  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Internet-Cafe Computer (Visitor Enabled Computer) on: 2006 April 06, 10:35:34
What happened to the download file?
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