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1  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: will this things be up to date with the sims 2 Legacy game, for win 10/11? on: 2025 February 04, 23:54:55
The re-release is very fuckywucky. You're best off patching your old copies with the PCGW article's guides (unless some of them are wrong, feel free to yell at me Pes)
2  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: The Booty on: 2021 June 02, 08:33:02
It's thankfully back up.
3  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sooo, Does Anyone Play This Game? on: 2021 April 06, 05:29:29
GoblinCum, I'm struck by your 'over the top' response to the Sims 4. Have you no sympathy for the devs who had a mere month to turn the game from a mobile game to a computer game?


Talking about unplayable games have you ever tried "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream"? This is weird, I found the wiki and apparently the game was released on 1995 for PC, I suppose DOSBox qualifies for that category. Most confusing game I ever tried to play.

ETA: Damn, the game is no longer on GoG.

Yes, I own it and I've never been able to do a full run of it myself. I think looking up a guide would do it a disservice, but man.
4  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sooo, Does Anyone Play This Game? on: 2021 January 17, 22:38:15
Aye, I stuck my finger in the pish that is The Sims 4: Because 2 Steps Back, Twice, Equals Four when they offered a free trial. Bombed out like a Dresden maiden on a mixture of Midori and Stolichnaya (a terrible composition I will tell you, but alas I had little else to dull the shakes of alcoholism) I blistered my way through the creation of a marvellously contorted creature that seemed to lack any semblance of humanity while also perfectly encapsulating the all-too-human, poison-induced suffering that rattled inside my booze-addled heart. I don't recall much of the gameplay itself, but I think that sums it all up, really.

When I awoke in a puddle of shattered glass and fine cheese vomit the next morning (late evening) with a headache I had already uninstalled both The Sims 4 in my drunken stupor. Considering the likes of EYE: Divine Cybermancy (a heinously obtuse game with barely a shred of comprehensibility) managed to make impressions on myself in far blacker states of sloshedness I can only suffice to say that the Sims 4 has about the staying power of a flavorless Cheesy Wotsit (Cheeto for you septics) in a torrential hailstorm. I've since had no urge to return to it, even when seeing CC I would much rather use than what's available for TS3.

 Even staring into those goblin-eyed nightmares that the Pudding World Generator manages to crank out at a gatling-gun rate, I feel somewhere closer to home than I did touching The Sims 4's install button that first time. The exact opposite of home, it felt like a childhood soujorn into a motorway siding in the mid-2000s, before smartphones; astricken by the slave-driver nature of childhood, all one had to occupy themselves with was sit there and stare at cars flying by like the proverbial Flying Dutchman, hoping the majesty of a warm, toy and video game filled home would arrive soon. Neither distressed enough to bawl, nor entertained enough to grin, a true purgatorial state of absolute, complete, NOTHING.

I'll also say that pouring a liter of raw ethanol into my body was less toxic to my cells than clicking "Install" on the Origin launcher. What a pain in the arse.
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