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1  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod, Steam, and NRaas on: 2019 April 28, 20:54:21
Have story progression turned ON in the game. Have story progression turned OFF in Awesomemod's config file. Insert NRAAS story progression mod wherever you keep other NRAAS mods.

Awesomemod only supports game version up to 1.67 AFAIK.

Awesomemod and NRAAS can be used together. I put AM on a higher level in the directory structure, don't know if that makes a difference.

Stuck with only Steam or Origin? Arrr, that's a pity.

Thanks. Have you heard any cases of AM working on the latest steam version (v1.67)? I only question it since the NRaas ErrorTrap mod treats the Steam and Origin/Disc version differently. Then again I guess even "Origin/Disc" could mean the latest disc versions that require Origin rather than the original disc versions...

If AM doesn't work on the Steam version, I'd probably have to use NRaas instead, but supposedly AM kills all the telemetry inTS3, which I'm not sure NRaas does.

Arrr, I guess there's a third option. But not sure I trust those sources.

Edit: Mistyped word.
2  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / AwesomeMod, Steam, and NRaas on: 2019 April 27, 19:13:50
I searched the forum for Steam and found this thread, where Pescado says Steam is not supported, and that it's evil. That post was from 2011. If you buy the game now, you're stuck with either EA Origin or Steam, so I'll go with Steam since Origin is worse. Even the physical copy of the "Sims 3 Starter Pack" requires Origin, according to the reviews on Amazon.

With that out of the way, I noticed the Nraas ErrorTrap mod has two versions: 1 for Steam, and 1 for Origin/disc version. I thought this was strange since I was expecting the Origin version to be different from the disc version, as I read something about how Origin's v1.69 merges all expansions and gets rid of the separate exe files.

If NRaas ErrorTrap is anything to go by and to be believed, it suggests Steam and the disc version are different, and Awesomemod is designed for the disc version. I'm not sure what exactly is different, and whether that difference matters here, but does Awesomemod work on the Steam version (which is at v1.67)? If not, does this mean any recent buyer of TS3 is SOL since Awesomemod also doesn't work for Origin (which is at v1.69 rather than v1.67)?

2nd question:
Which NRaas mods does Awesomemod make unnecessary?

I also assumed any NRaas mods that did the same things as Awesomemod would conflict (rule of one core mod), but the NRaas StoryProgression mod is listed as a non-core mod.

Edit: Typos and missing words.
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