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1  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Ever wanted to have Sims 4 content in other games? on: 2018 March 01, 00:36:18
No? Well tough fucking luck sunshine:
2  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sooo, Does Anyone Play This Game? on: 2017 July 26, 12:31:12
Is there any way to enable the event challenges? Found a bunch of unlockers for the rewards, but nothing for the actual events.
3  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sooo, Does Anyone Play This Game? on: 2017 March 20, 13:09:42
I downloaded the CAS demo and am super close to getting the game. I'm still.... not entirely convinced though.

What do you need to convince you not to buy this terrible game?
4  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sooo, Does Anyone Play This Game? on: 2017 February 28, 16:29:51
Have you even TRIED getting an up-to-date version of the game? It's basically impossible.

Which seems to be more due to lack of interest than anything else. I'll never understand why companies spend so much on expensive DRM like Denuvo. Best way to protect your game against piracy: make it unappealing AF.

That's not really my thing. What's MISSING from the game is the opportunity for Sims to generally fight and have utterly dysfunctional relationships like seen in TS2's Awesomeland. No handbag walloping. No Punbot-smacking.

Polygamy seems to be an option. It loses most of it's charm due to the fact that you can max out your relationship with someone in less than half a day though (right from the start, no OP charisma skill or anything like in The Sims 3).
5  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesome Mod Incombatibility Message on: 2017 February 28, 16:21:49
Okay, see if that shuts it up.

That it does, thanks.
6  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sooo, Does Anyone Play This Game? on: 2017 February 27, 20:32:57
I'm surprised that Pescado isn't interested in playing the cracked version since there are a few murder and mayhem mods out for the game that are rather well done.

Probably because people don't seem eager to crack it. I haven't tried too hard because frankly, it's just a mobile game that somehow found it's way onto PC instead, but I've yet to find a crack for the latest version (toddlers and vampires). There's also the fact that every update seems to make many script mods unusable.
7  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sooo, Does Anyone Play This Game? on: 2017 February 26, 19:41:55
The toddlers were certainly a shock, because they just dropped them without as much as a hint or a leak or anything. They're actually well done, some say even better than the other life stages.

And it only took not-Maxis three years to implement them. I wish that meant we'll be getting CASt and open world eventually, but sadly those features require actual work...
8  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesome Mod Incombatibility Message on: 2017 February 26, 13:09:21
I will make it happen.
9  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sooo, Does Anyone Play This Game? on: 2017 February 26, 07:21:14
Hipster shit.
10  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesome Mod Incombatibility Message on: 2017 February 23, 10:46:27
It shall be yours.
11  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesome Mod Incombatibility Message on: 2017 February 21, 10:26:40
In the few times I tested AM with 1.69 I noticed that needs were static and skill gain impossible.
Unrelated bug with a recent update that was fixed already.

It happened because I upgraded to 1.69. I've tested it and the mod works, but the prompt is annoying. Is there a way to stop the mod from telling me that it's incompatible with my game?
Well, you could manually edit the file with the appropriate data, but then you'd have to understand how to get that data. As I have never seen a 1.69 patch anywhere, and nobody has volunteered to send the files I asked for, I have no means of acquiring this data. You are on your own.

Which files does person need?
12  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Alternative method of patching pre-Generations add-ons? on: 2016 September 08, 11:25:09
No it isn't and as the fucktard who can't get their game properly running, you have no place telling us what information you think we need in order to help you. There's more than one repack floating around the internet. All of them are different. Not knowing what specific repack you are using doesn't help us to help you get your game out of whatever fucked up nonsense you got it in.[

And to top it off, you're a special case of stupid, because despite multitudes of people getting the repack you're using to work, you managed to royally fuck up your game and you have the audacity to come over here and demand we fix your mess for you and to have an attitude when asked for more information to help you. This shows that you're not only incapable of following basic instructions, but that you aren't worth the time wasted in helping you because you don't want to be helped. You want your hand held for you while everyone makes the problem go away without you putting in any effort to actually ARR! your games correctly. You are incompetent, you are over entitled, and you need to go fuck a chainsaw.

Not sure what "fucked up nonsense" you are referring to. The repack works perfectly about as well as can be expected for The Sims 3, the author simply forgot to pack in the pre-Generations patches (they always do) and I am unable to install them normally as the registry data is different from that of the original game. These patches may or may not be necessary, I simply do not want to take chances as I remember World Adventures was quite buggy when it first released.
13  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Alternative method of patching pre-Generations add-ons? on: 2016 September 07, 23:28:36
I asked what repack, you dipshit. There's more than one repack in existence. Also, You're a fuckin idiot, because the mega patch does exactly the same thing you think a repack does. You use it after installing the Base and TA DA, ya don't need to patch to install the other games. But since you're too fuckin stupid to grasp that concept, let alone how to install with whatever repack you're using without running into whatever mess you got into, I expected that concept to go over your head and I suggest that your problem is your own stupidity.

I was not aware I had ordered the weak sauce.

The source of the repack is irrelevant. I have a game that can not be patched through conventional means. that is all the information you should need. And since text comprehension appears to be an issue, more information would probably only confuse even further.
14  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Alternative method of patching pre-Generations add-ons? on: 2016 September 07, 14:49:27
PEBKAC. Obviously you're not following the repack's instructions, otherwise you'd be able to avoid the issues. Of course it could be the repack, but since you haven't stated what in the sam hell you're using, I'm concluding you're having issues because you didn't read or follow the instructions or even looked around for the necessity to use every sims 3 patch in existence to install your games.

I have provided said information. The item in question is a repack. If further information is required regarding repacks (including what they are or what they do) I would recommend this site.

Among other things, a repack's purpose is to eliminate the need to install every single add-on or update for the game one at a time. Though I use it because it's the only "ARR'd" version of the game that is somewhat playable for me.

You can get around the need to constantly patch or let the EP run an update by just downloading the Latest patch from the EA Website (Which you can do for an ARR'D game, but I will not google for you) , running it after installing Base & install the other EPs like normal.

Standard patches do not work for most repacks as they can not locate the install directory, which is the case here.
15  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Alternative method of patching pre-Generations add-ons? on: 2016 September 05, 12:04:19
Reinstall and then use a megapatch instead of incremental?

I'm using a repack. It already comes with all the base game updates and the ones released after Generations. It's only missing the pre-Generations updates needed for early add-ons. Since it changes the registry the patches don't recognize the game as installed.
16  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Alternative method of patching pre-Generations add-ons? on: 2016 September 02, 13:25:35
Long story short, I have a certain version of the game that the patches don't recognize. Is there any way to patch the pre-Generations add-ons without the use of official updates?
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