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1  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Unable to 'Make Sacred' despite other functions working fine on: 2015 February 06, 15:26:53
Also, there is a workaround, if you have Master Controller Cheats - use that to add the trait "Chosen" to a Sim in the household. That works too.
Now that's beautiful, thanks for the tip!
2  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Unable to 'Make Sacred' despite other functions working fine on: 2015 February 06, 11:09:51
I see, thanks. Are the updated files posted in "Download & Announcements" tread, or there is another place for that?
3  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Unable to 'Make Sacred' despite other functions working fine on: 2015 February 06, 00:08:34
This is just weird. All commands work fine, but not bless and radar. Sometimes I can make a household sacred by clicking it from map view, but never the two ones I actually play. Then I can't remove sacred. But sometimes I can. And sometimes random NPCs start being kind of tracked on map, but not 'properly', and I can't un-track them. And random household icons change to random colours, orange, red, yellow, whatever. Everything else works just perfect. Well.
4  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Unable to 'Make Sacred' despite other functions working fine on: 2015 February 05, 17:39:49
Ok. I don't know then. Now I actually got 'non-critical core mismatch', and AM Updater doesn't want to update the mod for me. Maybe it's really not up-to-date then.
But why wouldn't it be, if I just downloaded it last month. I am now confused.
5  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Unable to 'Make Sacred' despite other functions working fine on: 2015 February 05, 00:06:49
Oh, it's supposed to show up as a personality trait? Anyway, it doesn't seem to work neither from map, nor from edit mode. (unless I'm just stupid and doing something wrong, of course)
Uhm, may it be because household name is in Cyrillic?
6  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Unable to 'Make Sacred' despite other functions working fine on: 2015 January 31, 21:00:08
I'm having the exact same problem, and bless doesn't work.
Although, at some point a random NPC's portrait started being tracked on the city view, and by ctrl clicking that portrait I was able to make him sacred (and remove sacred, too). But I don't care about that guy anyway and have no idea why it happened. He was gone from the city view after a while. And I still wasn't able to make sacred anyone else since then.
Any ideas how to deal with it?
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