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TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
on: 2018 March 04, 19:52:36
Yes. I tried two versions of the item. One from the standalone sims3pack of the spellbook and the other from the Gothique library set, both won't show the effects. But as I also said on my edit to my post above, the accursed thing works correctly when I extracted the decrapified sims3pack of the standalone file with Delphy's multi-installer. And I think I'll just use that extracted .package file since it is working. Also I had to resort to redownloading those two sims3pack files from other sites because the old links here no longer work. I did expect that though seeing as most of the links here are old now. Anyhoo, back to my small corner of shame for having troubled you folk 
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
on: 2018 March 03, 16:12:20
I know the thread is essentially done with since there are no longer any new store content for TS3. And that every broken thing with Decrapified store stuff has been fixed. "So why the heck am I posting here then?", you might snarkily respond... to which I would be eternally grateful. Anyhoo, I just dropped back in because I seem to be experiencing a weird issue with the Lady Ravendancer Gothic Spellbook. "There is a fix for that dumbass!", you might again reply. And my response is, "Yes I know about that but my issue is something entirely different". I do know that the fix makes it so SIMs will be able to use the thing and not reset, and yes that works as intended. However, the issue I'm having now is that the thing doesn't produce those "moons and ghosts" effects the thing is supposed to be making when your SIM is using it. My SIM can use the thing, however said effect doesn't show. Also those flashy effects your SIM generates when you cast the spells your SIM learns from the thing also doesn't show. The SIM will perform the associated animations but won't have the visual effects except for the visual effect for the Summon spell, which I think the item calls from resources already in the game. So yeah TL;DR version... The fix for the interactions for the item DOES work as intended however the flashy effects aren't. This video shows these effects I'm talking about...
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
on: 2014 August 29, 20:50:47
I'm confused. Captain Marie has a complete Fix file for decraped EA store. Here is another complete fix.... Which fix we can (must) use? Is there any difference between them?
Mine and kammy's probably fix the same things, and will conflict. If you're already using mine, keep it. Ditto plus kammy's last fix would cause the game to be eternally "in processing", "in loading" or "in saving" unless you manually terminate TS3's process so I'd rather stick with Capitaine Marie's version instead.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013)
on: 2014 August 11, 04:00:47
Why do people want single fix files when there is one Mega fix file for everything? Is it because they only use/have one particular Premium Store item/s? Wouldn't Capitaine Marie's "DecrapFixes_all" file affect just that one item as well as it would everything else?
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013)
on: 2014 August 10, 11:32:30
"Going for a ride with..." & "Give a ride to.." are two different actions. "Giving a ride to.." means, your chosen Active SIM will be the boatman, and "Go for a ride with..." means that your chosen active SIM will ride the boat with whomever you chose your SIM to ride with, meaning the game will generate a random boatman for you. Here are both as pictures: "Give a ride to..."  "Go for a ride with..."  As you can see on the first picture, my Active SIM (the SIM with the hat) is giving a ride to of all people the Mascot. And on the second picture, he is riding on the Gondola with the mascot and the game generated a random boatman for us  All this was possible thanks to nona's updated ccmerged and Capitaine Marie's fixes 
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013)
on: 2014 August 10, 09:36:55
So with Nona's updated ccmerged and your (Capitaine Marie) "DecrapFixes_all", my overrides folder now just has two files in it, so coolio with saved space  As for asking inactive SIMs for a Gondola ride, it does work albeit you have to be at a high enough relationship to get some action going  Also I know my system is just mid range, but I never experienced any lag in game before even on a large world like MySIMRealty's "Evansdale County Expanded". But inside this venue, I get some lag spikes.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013)
on: 2014 August 10, 07:48:38
EA had so much potential with this and they wasted it.  Definitely. You can't even auto-follow your Sims on this ride. Stupid. I don't even know if it's possible to correct that, but I may do some digging into the files. @ Cervantes: I only found one accessory for the gondola, and that was the blanket for woohoo. The reset issue is due only to EA's stupidity.  They were in a hurry to ditch TS3's store that they've left it for the modding community (that's you guys  ) to clean up their messes for them 
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013)
on: 2014 August 10, 02:12:52
Okay, I'm currently testing out your mega fix pack and so far every other fixes work fine.
As for the fix for the Gondola, my SIM did leave the ride at one point, but as you said, this was apparent to the item in general. As for woohoo!, still have to get my SIM into a high enough relationship with someone to test this out.
RFE: Addendum:
I couldn't wait any longer so I used "testingcheatenabled true" and dragged my SIM's current friend's relationship bar to max so they can "get it on". And boy was the woohoo in the Gondola scene very amusing. While they were doing their thing the boat person was sighing & looking at his watch the whole time.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013)
on: 2014 August 08, 12:14:24
I guess I was half asleep when I asked this stupid question: Any links to those separate fixes?
So let me try to rectify by rephrasing my question: I had problems with store fix 11 too, so I don't use it anymore. My game got stuck "processing" once when I was saving game and other time when I was editing in edit the town mode. And one of the premium item didn't work right. I use separate fixes now and it works ok.
In my case, the stalling only occurs when I absent mindedly forget to remove "Kammy's Store Fix 11" file when I edit a lot on "Edit Town" mode. But in "Live" mode I can edit my SIM's house and save my game fine & it hasn't stalled on me yet.I'm no modder like you folk are and quite frankly I only happened to have found my way here because the fixes I could find on games4theworld aren't quite up to date, they don't even have fixes for the "World of Wonders" set yet. So okay instead of asking for links, I guess I should ask which Premium item that Store fix 11 is supposed to fix, isn't working? This way I can just back track to where the fixes for that item are and download everything else up to or before that item. Incidentally it is a bit weird how "Store fix 11" causes stalling on "Edit Town" mode and not on "Live" mode. RFE: Addendum: Okay, never mind. I finally experienced the game stalling on "Live" mode. So yeah, time to get those other fixes it seems 
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013)
on: 2014 August 08, 01:30:51
I had problems with store fix 11 too, so I don't use it anymore. My game got stuck "processing" once when I was saving game and other time when I was editing in edit the town mode. And one of the premium item didn't work right. I use seperate fixes now and it works ok.
Any links to those separate fixes?
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013)
on: 2014 August 06, 05:04:50
OK this is somewhat of an odd question but please bare with me... I have & use both kammy's store fix 11.package & nona's ccmerged.package files and this combination does work for my game because my system & the game's language is set to English. Everything works fine as it should including the corn & cucumber plants. The "Eat Jam with toast" option also works fine as I also have the bakery set. Now the odd part is when I do renovations (Editing a home or community lot). If I renovate a lot "with the Store fix 11 file still in my mods folder" the game would stall when I leave "Edit Town" mode and it will be stuck on the "processing" (or loading) screen indefinitely unless I close the game by "Ending its process" on task manager. This action doesn't corrupt my saves at least and doesn't seem to harm the game in general. But if I take out the Store fix 11 file out, then do some renovations the game doesn't stall ever. So I'm guessing that's normal right? 