Not sure what I've done wrong, but...
I've followed KT's and nona's instructions to a Tee, downloaded the fixes and ccmerged as per instructions... some of my store content were fixed and worked as they should. others were not fixed. I use decrapped sims3packs.
I still get the white boxes with: Titanic Toy Machine Artisan's Glassblowing and Jewelry Making (Prism Art Studio) It's Business Time Industrial Oven Plants vs. Zombies Sunflower
Other problems: Chun Co. Teppanyaki Grill - Sim can't prepare food Classically Cool Fixer-upper Car - car disappears after sim fixes it Dragon eggs - doesn't hatch Milkin' It Dairy Corral - sim gets stuck playing tic-tac-hoof and won't do any other interaction Tree of Prosperity - no fruit