I'm not computer savvy enough for this....
I prepped all the sims I wanted gone for deletion with Lot Debugger then quit the game and downloaded SimPE. This is where I get confused.
I'm doing this with the newest edition of SimPE because I downloaded the 5.0 and it wouldn't work. It would "stop working" and I'd get the options to close it, or search online for a solution and close it.
So, I started searching SimPE.
In the neighborhood brower I found where it has each family with who is in it, amount of money, number of family friends, etc. and on all the ones not containing a sim of mine I selected the delete key from the top menu (yellow card-looking thing) including a few sims and pets I hadn't 'prepped for deletion'.
Will this work? And if not can someone dumb this down for me please?