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1  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2016 September 20, 10:40:16
Well I didn't know that teens and young adults can't be friendly without that being considered child grooming. So i guess what i tought is bug is actually mod feature.
2  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2016 September 19, 23:30:59
No. I am talking about normal autonomnous social interactions that usualy in non moded game works ok. Did i ever mention romance? Game was tested with using only awesome mod. And when testing I was only using friendly interactions. I never said anything about romance. I don't play with adult-teen romance in my games. I was only asking that you look at that problem if you have some time so that autonomnous socialization will work like it works in non modded game. I was only bringing possible bug to your attention. Maybe its only in my game for whatever reason. I asked nicely and didn't demand anything.
3  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2016 September 04, 17:36:02
I think I already mentioned this problem but after all this time it is still present in my game. I will try to be more detailed. I have problem with autonomnous socializing. It works ok between teen-teen or child-child or adult-adult. I tested this problem with my teen sim. Autonomnous socializing beetwen teen and adult doesnt work if their relationship is only aquantaince. Once my teen became friends (with user directed interactions)with adult sim it started to work ok. Same ¨problem happens with teen-child auto socializing or adult-child. It seems like it works as it should between same age group sims. I didn't test it between adult-elder or young adult-adult. But i think adult-young adult works fine. When i was observing NPC interacting with each other I noticed same problem so its not just problem with active sims. If you will have some time can you look at that problem please. Its a minor thing but i really enjoy autonomnous interactions, makes town life more interesting.
4  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2014 December 23, 21:53:13
I noticed that when I use AwesomeMod, outerwear that the game generates for all sims in town is weird. It remains the same as everyday wear sometimes it adds gloves. It works fine without AwesomeMod.

I have been using AM since long before Seasons came out, so when I saw that, I just figured it was another EAxis fuck-up, to go along with all the other fuck-ups they left behind.  Given that most of the outfits from everyday also show up under outerwear, I am not surprised they wear the same shit.  I just ignored it.
According to the code, that's how the game normally generates outerwear. A new outfit for any category is generated typically by cloning everyday and removing mismatched parts to replace with a random part. Since Everyday and Outerwear have significant overlap, and the Outerwear specific behavior is "Random Chance of Adding Gloves", this seems to be the natural outcome. What is wrong?

I noticed that for outerwear,  game only clones everyday clothes that can be found also in outerwear category. So clothes that don't belong to outerwear category like shorts are replaced (that is just an observation) With AM clothes that are not categorised as outerwear are also cloned so its like the game ignores that clothes like shorts or T shirt don't belong to outerwear. I don't know why. I just wanted to share what I noticed and ask if something like that happened to anyone else. I usually just ignore it when playing game. Maybe if anyone else has that problem when using AM they can test what happens without using it. (start fresh game without AM or any other mods)
5  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2014 December 22, 12:21:57
I noticed that when I use AwesomeMod, outerwear that the game generates for all sims in town is weird. It remains the same as everyday wear sometimes it adds gloves. It works fine without AwesomeMod.

I have been using AM since long before Seasons came out, so when I saw that, I just figured it was another EAxis fuck-up, to go along with all the other fuck-ups they left behind.  Given that most of the outfits from everyday also show up under outerwear, I am not surprised they wear the same shit.  I just ignored it.

At first I tought the same, but then I got curious and decided to start fresh game without AM and it worked ok.
6  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2014 December 21, 23:19:49
I noticed that when I use AwesomeMod, outerwear that the game generates for all sims in town is weird. It remains the same as everyday wear sometimes it adds gloves. It works fine without AwesomeMod.
7  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) on: 2014 August 08, 14:12:50
Get KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes plus separate fixes for everything else.
8  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) on: 2014 August 07, 20:34:12
I had problems with store fix 11 too, so I don't use it anymore. My game got stuck "processing"  once when I was saving game and other time when I was editing in edit the town mode. And one of the premium item didn't work right. I use seperate fixes now and it works ok.
9  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2014 January 19, 17:55:23
It happens the same to me. Is it ok to ignore it?
10  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Patch Rollback Issue on: 2014 January 18, 12:48:47
As a last resort you should try to reinstall your game. When you restored your system it might messed up something in your game. I'm not expert in that so its just a suggestion. Good luck Smiley
11  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) on: 2014 January 10, 10:45:56
What happens if you equip suit without using my fix? Do you get white box or there is no change at all? I know you have updated ccmerged but did you just in case checked if you get a moodlet when you equip it?
12  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) on: 2014 January 09, 19:35:30
Did you download my fix or did you make your own? Do you have updated ccmerged package (if you don't you won't get moodlet that is necessary for change)? Tell me exactly what you did step by step so maybe I will be able to help.
13  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2014 January 07, 13:02:13
I noticed something after I put awesome mod in my game. After I introduce my teen sim to adult or elder they are not able to speak with each other autonomous. They just stand there. I think its the same with child and adult. But it work fine when they are conversing autonomous with parents (family). Maybe because they already know each other from start. I tested that with new game.
14  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) on: 2013 November 15, 14:48:34
Is there a fix for the quantum power pack? When I put the power suit on I got missing textures.
Download s3rc (,15129.0.html) Inside the folder you will find two exe (decrapify and s3rc). I decrapified sims 3 pack (dropped sims pack on decrapify  and then on s3rc) then I installed it. To fix it i ran untouched  sim pack through only s3rc exe (not decrapify) and then I converted it to sim packages with Delphy's Sims 3 Pack Multi-Extracter. When you do that you get a lot of packages. Install only the accessories/power suits as package files. Don't add the package for the stasis chamber (that is the biggest file). If you want you can then merge packages in one package with s3pe. I put them in override folder but I think it will work also if you put them in package folder. Try it and tell me if it worked. If you want some more information go to
To make it easier for you I uploaded fix I made for myself. It works for me. To make it I followed instructions I wrote here.
Here is the link:

ur fix doesn't work. if u use only package file for accessories, how do u install the stasis chamber?
run s3rc only version? if u run it, the sim3pack will install accessories anyway.
It seems like you didn't even try it. To simplify it first Install decrapified sims3pack and then install my fix. If you did both of these things it should work. The stasis chamber will be installed with sims3pack and also accessories will be installed but they get broken when the pack is decrapified, so in game when you equip suit you will instead of suit get a white box. The package I uploaded fix that or you can make your own fix by following my instructions or instructions on this site:
I heard that there is another way to fix this but I didn't try it so I don't know if it works. You run your untouched sims3pack through s3rc and then install the pack as package files.
15  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) on: 2013 November 13, 03:44:00
Because it contains all accessories/power suits that came with limited editon which were messed up when sim pack was decrapified and installed. If you read my previous post when I explained process to make fix you should understand why its so big. This is how I made it work but there are probably other ways to do it. I'm not a modder I just followed instructions I found somewere on web.
16  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) on: 2013 November 12, 20:26:20
Is there a fix for the quantum power pack? When I put the power suit on I got missing textures.
Download s3rc (,15129.0.html) Inside the folder you will find two exe (decrapify and s3rc). I decrapified sims 3 pack (dropped sims pack on decrapify  and then on s3rc) then I installed it. To fix it i ran untouched  sim pack through only s3rc exe (not decrapify) and then I converted it to sim packages with Delphy's Sims 3 Pack Multi-Extracter. When you do that you get a lot of packages. Install only the accessories/power suits as package files. Don't add the package for the stasis chamber (that is the biggest file). If you want you can then merge packages in one package with s3pe. I put them in override folder but I think it will work also if you put them in package folder. Try it and tell me if it worked. If you want some more information go to
To make it easier for you I uploaded fix I made for myself. It works for me. To make it I followed instructions I wrote here.
Here is the link:
17  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2013 November 03, 16:35:18
I would like to know if awesome mod conflits with mod that alter Social Data Base Game XML. Does anyone know?
18  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2013 October 28, 20:46:40
The newest version of awesome mod is already on this site to download. Its no longer beta.
19  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2013 October 27, 04:36:21
When I traveled to the future my sim didn't load. I will try and test it again to see what wil happen.
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